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... N RTHY UARDIANS. THE AUDITOR'S SURCHARGE. Noord De Joba Rogers chair, the Clerk (Mr F. T. James) her in oe he had attended the andit by Mr of their half year's accounts. The aaditor the andit and surcharged guardians with £6.709, the amonat in out-relief given to workers, colliers, a the svoneyards. Hana, — Hankey He had «: w BM. liams (Merthyr V ‘ale),) Isane artin, Thomas Wil- J EB. Jenkins, ...

‘SATURDAY’S MATOHES RUGBY. OLD MERCHANT TAYLORS We The Welsh ‘Aras Park by thoagh at ewnbipaticn sat a fairly ..

... — paif-backs, Cc Neil, peck, A D ee ards, MP Wi A Taylor, Alle: of the of the visitors, The opening ceca the! var the attendance was sitors TWO tch on the Park ing oat im the ai three juarters. the place n had cleared ws if Hays pry at many minutes old ere f the was a narrow a miaute i arns, ous for ne was not five when @ of the of the to improve character of rs had made @ hero the im the ...


... Gu WilddaMy MACEYNLLBTE. ORM Lowe has met with the over Thirty Years this highly va ts ike these ceugea, wet speedy aad or Worm tse es, and thei / Mian th MACHEHY ...


... Memorial Window.—At 5t. Johns Ubureb on Sanday a memorial window was unveiled at the expense of the friends of the late Alderman James Rowlands, J.P., Offence on Christmas Day.—For the Black Lion Ian, hours on Christmas y marthen County Bench on Saturday. David Jones, was fined £1 and costs by the Car- alties.—On Friday night s Liberal Clab’s D: was held of the members eee, ee Prseidency of Ms ...


... NE LYC at the above theatre of “ Little Hood bas proved such pronoauced coatinue it daring the preseat week. There are success that the management decided to continue the week. three Satarday—thos affording, with so avd fos opportunity to all’ who & to see the scenery, dresses, and baliets, which are ...


... A SCARE IN THE BO) LINES. Correapendent.) Dee. 28th (by via Weenen, Dee. 10th, 10.10 am.) Yesterday the bombardment was and et night there was a in the nen and violent cutbarst of rifle firing. The two wounded officers of the Devons are doing well. - BOER | AMENITIES. (Press Assosiation War Special.) LADYSMITH, @y vis All is well here. . The Boers have Gred two plagged shells into the town ...

DM.; Barry 5 wpm& Do. 4 par amt. Bawds aad Kat*

... Barry 5 per cent. Brecon and Mert Do. 4 per cent. Port Talbot 4p cl io HY olen Aberdare 10 por Vale of Ration Voek & Railway 4 A 4 per B 4 per Cent .109 B 3 par Gents sez need A24¢ ts Fry City in Fe ia BN A 20 per Cent per Do DS DMD, ooh B35 A Ditto per Genk. seers iia ...

ot Ce 2 +wheel sets cart engine. sad th carpenter's benches, a timber and & vis. :-—The tents of dining-room,

... Lots on view the previous to IMPORTANT SALVAGE STOCK OP Removed to Wi Rear of nae of, $2 Cate iL and ISAAC ey DAY the at, get of paints, Also aboat 1,000 fre as delivery van ‘The stock, cance through 6 Catalogues may’ il- Removed from PLATE. ESSRS WM. FOWLER and SELL by 4h, as 2 o'clock, at their on of all-brass robe, 6ft. and of drawers, boudoir suite in velvet, 2 feather jeld settee sutte ...


... ON OUR NEW EBASY PAYMENT APARTMENTS us, whereby all publicity firms are dispensed on o New ok. IMMBNSE No extra cheap and of superior money All goods sent in private vans free of cha rge No BILL OF No STAMP or PRIVATE. we completed without take to 10 per cent, any pice Ties Call and inspect our prices before purchasing Special terms for Large Quantities. = DONT FORGET THE SOUTH WALES ...


... SOUTH WALES P W @ young man, described as a into the +e Watkins, Machen, on the 26th instant, and steal- cake and a small window of bniter, valae 16s rear of the Tuesday, whilst the was away, which was near the out through it. found to have been of tea in an outhouse, wards police, eearchirg prisoner's box at his A witness spoke the back door of the and to had a with him. ran up against him in ...


... ND nts THE YEAR'S RISE AND wi vi Below be found a comparative showing the increase or decrease in the value of local railway and other stocks and shares daring the past 12 months. Where no comparison was made last yebr the present mean price is in- eerted. ‘I'he alterations will be foand more than usually interesting this year owing to the many and factors which have been at work for the part ...