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... SOUTH WALES ELEANOR. (Cardiff Account Daya, April U and 7f.) Tuesday, April 10th. 1900. Deaffngs in Colliery Shares continue to moeopolise the atteutioo of the local market. There has been (rite a fair von el Meiners in these shares again to-day, and prices are Mill moving upwards. have been done at 6%; liquasy Iron New Shares, at 44e and Ms id ; de. Old, at 53n and 53s 9d ; Ebbw Pale (fell ...


... South Dock. May 4.—Colorr se. 113, Bristol, ascent. Aeon D. 417. Cardiff. iseuarat. }Since of Wake Dock, !day 4.—Sirs Force fs, woctiagioa. . . North Dock. May 4.-Crsili; - ra. English, lenaos. 111. Kevin se. Bodin. Bones. Roßon se. lisrolrand, Aries. Beath Dock, l[n7l-Val de Trursrs Vifo.Csrdiff. Prince 01 Wake Dods, May se, Pearce, Si. fissure. kistrinebol *a Burgas. BOWS. ss, Trumann. ...

Wr117.1.1;761167?n=.4trf-T-TColise u. a, Whist

... u. a, Whist I+, cost T. 17. 41'0 eual or VIA Glasgow, Troagste Ikeda ;an FZ,7lil;b7. iiiarrsofF,lnt xa, b; ballast Floslosne. Victor et brie, ballast runt FAbba, Josebh F l.her ballaat IIIPOLTB.—Aex. 25 . Haertuzuon. Meryl u. rails. for Alba Orst Billmo. Caro bra se. Iron ore. Crumb&l WON. Jeccolabtad. Ded..os pltpropa. Ben. & Daigle. Red boot ors, C. ilimemt, late Ce. Loeliady. Joeeph rioheru ...

There's Security C ARTERS ASSOLUTELY CURE /,';'• ()manses% flashes Heat. Acid EnictatiOne. Sad Taste in Mouth. ..

... before the Eyes. Flatlency. Wind about the Heart. P Shoulder MINH, 511101.1., Sick and Narrows Headaches, Distr., tram too Nutty Eating, Constipation, Yellow Skin. 'Marlboro, Pasty - Cernplecion, Sluggish Liver. Great Mental D. premion. and • gamma' fooling of being below Pm. Smell Dose, I. 23W. Of an chisthts. Nom letters ona Irbite around. an 4 nan.. of Yadkin. Co. Do.. one at sight , but ...


... THE TREATY OF ANOON. 'Paeedity. —The geodes QI the later. of the province, of Tema Asko to. entered upon a new plow, atomic to • sant by the Peruvian Nielter. ,:bere to it. Ciosimemeet. The Callan doodad to the Appeal Coort from to Arita. Indignation Ism bees excited sauna Pete by tho publication to day's Tireorenii of • document ' wines by a Pecnvian bee, •PPoiaved Minim. to the United ...


... Colonel nabs., comauling the 2nd Glamor• goo Volunteer ArtilLry, hoe addressed the fol. hewing local employers of labour (}eotle•nen,—t venture to make a speolal appeal to you this year with reference. to granting preatimion to your mapioseee, who are ineinbns of the 2nd Glamorgan Volunteer Artillery, to attend tamp. As you are doebtleies memo the War also has issued a memorandum strongly ...


... aa Tim* id*** pp. al Wile= &War was Wes lb** mad *tea leek M lbw M *a *dna el sadanduad•:= maw* apes ea MM six bad ela taaab*. • dem was : 4b was Meg*, I not Oa temptatio.. t Psi wbal obese ater,bieg nY dear Wags • PAWS.% : Tres mamas dating Thy They 5154 Mite T-111%* lam .1 Use wont That y.a b. placod nod* route:ll.-10 : ♦ very daagerees YN sr* 24 monies' lebour. Parsers, Toesiv-four ...

J. W. BENSON, LTD., Having decided to make and keep Keyless Watches only OFFER the WHOLE of their LARGE STOCK ..

... As a Special Indus ON THE NOVa.L PLAN OF AT no!Pran lent to Early Buyers. ghq UL INNTALXENTS UP 6 MONTHLY 6'MONTHLY 5 MONTHLY PAYMENTS OF 10s. PAYMENTS OF 10s. PAYMENTS OF Eos. Oraer. BENSON'S ENGLISH LEVER. LONDON•wADE ENGLISH fplata at but Lnedon m•ks 7 salons. In Starling Ckystal Masa Csus Wilms Cub 1 the Watch for British Working Men. MARVEL o? M. 20th CENTURY. MALODOR LID ORDER ...


... beaks% Groat Masan, Roma, gnat Is. nod tat twists. ha. Cara.. pane tat *wilt art Midi../. wending WU Id& ea the lad Coed. ' , wipe: here de low/ Is Gnat Tareeda. eon till Wadi Yr *Aber at York. retdbendeb, /lank. • : I INSTREL BOYS AND THE WAIL Mr home Syne ••••••4 •• WWI w Mbomare tor • Mob,. O•a• maims bad bar • amide ••Mam • Ma mewl Ma had Wide p••••••••• Wow hoses b MO. . II !!!!!.4 .I_-- ...