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Britannia and Eve


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Britannia and Eve

Brambling Berries: The Merry Muster

... us it used to be part of the autumn fun. Mother would study the jam shelves It is time you children went brambling. We shall want more jelly, and the apples are ready to pick for jam. And then came the merry muster till at last, baskets, dogs, hooked ...

Published: Friday 12 October 1928
Newspaper: Britannia and Eve
County: London, England
Type: Illustrated | Words: 1084 | Page: 70 | Tags: Illustrations 


... it cools. Blackberry fool is simple to make, and easy to serve in attractive manner. BLACKBERRY FOOL Ingredients. 2 lb. blackberries pt. boiled custard J lb. of apples Juice of one lemon i lb. loaf sugar Instructions. Look the blackberries ...

Published: Sunday 01 September 1929
Newspaper: Britannia and Eve
County: London, England
Type: Illustrated | Words: 749 | Page: 92 | Tags: Photographs 


... salad. APPLE MARMALADE Ingredients. Enough apples to make 4 lb. when peeled and I cored. 3 lemons. Sugar I to equal the quantity of apple when cooked, ii cupfuls blanched almonds 1 quart of E water. Instructions. Peel, core and cut up the apples. Scrub ...

Published: Sunday 01 September 1929
Newspaper: Britannia and Eve
County: London, England
Type: Illustrated | Words: 759 | Page: 91 | Tags: Photographs 

Autumn Jams and Chutneys

... jars and cover in the usual way. Blackberry and Apple Jam Ingredients. Equal quantities of blackberries and apples, lb. sugar to each pound of fruit, water. Method. Peel, core and slice the apples wash the ...

Published: Tuesday 01 September 1931
Newspaper: Britannia and Eve
County: London, England
Type: Illustrated | Words: 1628 | Page: 85 | Tags: Photographs 

Bottling FRUIT at No Expense

... place. Individual Fruit Hints To keep apples from turning brown, they should be bottled in water, heating in the same way and sealing down when sim mering point is reached. Blackberries go well mixed with apples, and the earliest fruit has the best flavour ...

Published: Thursday 01 September 1932
Newspaper: Britannia and Eve
County: London, England
Type: Illustrated | Words: 701 | Page: 88 | Tags: Photographs 

Jams and Jellies: New Ideas and Old Favourites

... you red roses in your garden? Turn them into jam Jams and Jellies Continued from page 73) Strawberry jam is made in the same way this makes about 5 lb. jam. All the family like raspberry jam RASPBERRY JAM ...

Published: Sunday 01 July 1934
Newspaper: Britannia and Eve
County: London, England
Type: Illustrated | Words: 906 | Page: 75 | Tags: Photographs 


... consistency of a dog biscuit (three potatoes between two, and they were small ones, and sprouting), half a tin of jam said to be blackberry and apple, and a couple of litres of vin ordinaire, one white and the other red, mixed in a tin mug. A Lyorinaise gunner ...

Published: Friday 01 December 1939
Newspaper: Britannia and Eve
County: London, England
Type: Illustrated | Words: 4423 | Page: 7 | Tags: Illustrations 


... are perhaps a little strong for some tastes but com bined with apple, they are excel lent. Use 1 lb. elderberries to i lb. apple for stewed fruit, pies or tarts. Elderberry-and-apple jam is delicious. Rowanberry conserve is a great favourite in Scotland ...

Published: Wednesday 01 October 1941
Newspaper: Britannia and Eve
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 477 | Page: 4 | Tags: Illustrations 

Jams and Preserves: Apple and Blackberry Jam

... and Preserves Apple and Blackberry Jam 2 lb. blackberries 4 lb. apples; 4\ lb. sugar. Pick over the blackberries, put them into a bowl with 1 lb. sugar and leave for twelve hours. Then stew until juice is drawn ...

Published: Tuesday 01 September 1942
Newspaper: Britannia and Eve
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 294 | Page: 49 | Tags: Recipe 


... Simply spread them out to dry in the air. Blackberry and Apple Jam. Here is a favourite recipe 4 lbs. firm blackberries, l£ lbs. sour apples, 4i lbs. sugar, 1 breakfast cupful water. Core and slice the apples. ...

Published: Thursday 01 October 1942
Newspaper: Britannia and Eve
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 550 | Page: 4 | Tags: Illustrations 


... particularly suitable for j methods are given in I plums, but should not be used for the leaflet Bottling I blackberries, pears, dessert apples, Fruit without I gooseberries, tomatoes. Campden St, gar. A postcard Tablets can be bought at most chemists ...

Published: Sunday 01 August 1943
Newspaper: Britannia and Eve
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 573 | Page: 5 | Tags: Illustrations 

September Preserves

... again. Pour into jars and seal. HEDGEROW JAM A country walk will give you the fruit neces sary: blackberries and elderberries. Use equal quantities of both. De-stalk the elderberries and put with the blackberries in the preserving- pan. Press to bring out ...

Published: Wednesday 01 September 1943
Newspaper: Britannia and Eve
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 230 | Page: 48 | Tags: none