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... REVIEWS. THE FINAL ROSSETTl.' THE cloud of' mystery which hung persistently about Rossetti, the painter, has never be en completel~y'dissipated.'' Biographies a pave bad Uby'h rfr h sful, but not always a ccuratce, Life by; Mr.' WiliamS~a'ptothenoip ...


... nctions of e Thackeray and George Eliot, for the more ephemeral works of the present-day writers of fiction, The book under review forces one of the Victorian era series,=and is a useful alnd wortby addition to an .eicelleat list. 1 CaSERs D an TUSYN5. ...


... was accompanied by Mr .lames Gilhies. Gla.- gow. After tea, The Chairtwan, in the course of a few irtrloduc- tory remarks, reviewed sorne of the leading events i (f the pact yew., and compared Woodside of 401 years ago with the present time. He said the ...


... REVIEWS. PAOLO AND FRANCESCA.* THE doubtful taste of the-publisbers has attached to the final pages of this volume a large number of laudatory criticisms of Mr. Phillips's earlier works. In many of these the opinion is expressed that he is a poet of ...


... Australia, where his cartoons on the Sydny Bulletin had rightly made him famous; he was working regularly on the SItpf ihen's Review and on the Graphic; The Parson and the Painter had been published, and the editor of any illustrated journal in England ...


... Wise. (London: Macmillan and Co.) BURKE'S PEERAGE.+ THE editor of the largest and most comprehensive of our peerages, in his review of the twelve months which have elapsed since his last edition was published, notes a somewhat heavy death-roll, the additions ...


... arsuitS. contributingduringthe. ?? of folitwuing years, as his biographersays, niany wi es- biogramphicalartidles and reviews of books, chiefly L. on istorical and theological subjects, to various neriodettils and newapapers.' He travelled a good Aleal ...


... REVIEWS. MORE ABOUT ETON.* ET6N is a peerless school-the true history of a peerless school is worth reading-ergo, anything that it occurs to me to write anyhow about Eton is worth reading. Such seems to be the faulty syllogism upon which sundry Etonians ...


... WiL- v e fred Viner. (London: Williams & h Norgatc.) t P This is a pretentious and.shallow essay. The. , author professes to review the initial pro- ri blems of religion from a philosophical stand- fi -point. His knowledge of philosophy may be c judged ...


... for the ?? as a public vehicle, ani at present the chas rat been taken. We ?? Pain in ' B!ak aq White. HERE AND THERE. A review of the lato 'Mr. 1ToodY', ?? rnany anecdotes. At their first meetilrr, \I, stone was struck with admiration of Mr. . phitique ...


... REVIEWS OF BOOKS| LATEST W ORKS PUBLISHED, BOONS. 4Men and M'omcti of the Time' a dictionary of 'ontemporaries. l 'ifteeuth edition, / rerised and brought dlown to the present g; time. By Victor (. Plarr, INt.A. Oxon, t l.ibrarian of the Roytal College ...


... REVIEWS. A HISTORY OF THE BRITISH ARMY.* AIR. FORTESCUE has undertaken a task of very great magnitude in the work before us, and the more so as the history of its army must, to a considerable extent, embrace the history of the nation itself. Except within ...