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... ROWING MIDDLESBROUGH v. TEES. The annual berwoen crew? representing Middles broujrh and the Tee*. Boating Club, for the Ironmasters’ Cup. took place on the River Tee? at Newport. .’ast night, the presence of large attendance. The Tees crew (W. L. Kingdom ...


... ROWING A fooroarrd handicap, the final rar« tb« mvoi, took n!»c. ovar too straight cearaa the River Wear, .Saturday after* noon. a-, connection with the Roam* Dab. V crew (icratch). rowed oxer- C. Deroche » crew _ length*! beat T. McKay*, crew (2i-» ...


... ROWING Under the tuition the President the Boor Club, Mr. K. D. Horsfill. Magdalen. »s-i*U*d Mr. Gold and Mr. f*. 1.. of tin* same coihge. pmr crews were out again day practicing for the regatta. number charges were made both the con*titution ...


... ROWING. CAMBRIDGE TRIAL EIGHTS PRACTICE. Manx- allna-l-ons ;:;ain m»u** tbc ol the lour trial *.■-»» dfl ...


... ROWING. CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY COLQUHOUN SCULLS. Mild muggy weather, with just enough head wind uncomfortable, prevailed at Cambridge yesterday, when four he*t. ...


... ROWING. CAMBRIDGE “GETTING-ON RACES. Four heats of tho getting-ou raws in connection with the Lent races wore tlecidisl yesterday with the following results Corpus Cbristi (2) beat (2» length. First Trinity King’s (d) a length and a half. Christ’s (d) ...


... Rowing. BRADFORD CREWS FOR MATCH WITH YORK. The annual eight races between the Bradfor. and York City Rowing Clubs will rowed tho Ouse York on Saturday, May 4. over* one-mile course. There will two races, the Bradford crews being as follows; HON. SECRETARY'S ...


... ROWING. CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY COLQI'HOUN SCULLS. It was generally thought that the Tonng Australia* Blur. wonM have a fairly ui the linal of Col.tulitum Sculls yesterday, bur Mich was not the :i bairn got away over hr.-f half «»f course. but gained Ironi ...


... ROWING CAMBRIDGE CLINKER FOCUS. Cambridge Clinker Fours an try , rr»v. and »\r«- heals were decided yceterday, the t'ine Margaret Hall Wing only one the record The F.rat Trinity stroke nr.for* lunate l.rcaktrg Ills loot-strap. which bi& crew the ra«» ...


... ROWING OXFORD SUMMKit Although the weather was line yestortlar during the lifth day's racing of University Summer Eight-, at Oxford, was decidedly codil at the riverside. The racing, however, was interesting on account of the number of bum lib that were ...


... lower eights, namely, that the third division should rowed in the clinker-built eights, that the second eights should row in separate division in clinker-built eights, and tha-t the second eights should row separate division light boats fixed seats. The first ...


... ROWING. OPEN REGATTA AT BERWICK. The Berwick Amateur Rowing Club held an open meeting Monday, when the following ware the flnal% the principal events:— Ladies' Plat® (open tour-oared race). About one mile—'Tyne (F. (bow), A. Robson, A. G. W. Penney. W ...