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... spread of Socialism in the United States, and combats the idea that the trade unionists of America are becoming out- and-out Socialists, though they do advocate the municipalisation and nationalisation of ome things. Dr Stalker has a thoughtful paper about ...


... hais founld a o~genzi. t soil in Spaina ansd 1taly, Lilt .Soc-alitn is ?? frorn year ks its; vear. Evenl Etigacia ha3 iss Socialist. party. Th'!e ' ettmnoruhlsray ut-content at she un'sera'- a ties of Rulssi~a e'id1 tlhe fact- chat -he hnas T!OV; as^ ? ...


... (amongst other things) (1Home Role (which means the disruption 1 of tho empirel, the Nationalisation of Lanld and other Socialistic ashames of I Reform. the Disestablishment and Duiendowment of the Church of England and of the Kirk of Scot- land, atd Universal ...


... h: i a number and lavishly illnstrated. ln .The Humanitarinn Protes,,. r,, Braudes gives a sketch of tree pert;- , g Socialistic policies of Bebel and VA. ?? - ?? chanter on the eternal ;ia - ' 1f tion is coitributed by 3. E. Juc b- , S f Edmand ...


... 'ment rather puts us on a false scent, for the irearkably picturesque interview between the 'cardinal and the young English Socialist prh- 'pares us for an altogfether different type of plot Nto whant follows. The young Englibmanx full ,of modern ideals, ...


... Types t~ ;O Mr Ch ailes C. Bylesabohot Peace. War, and Gold: at 5 M~r Alfred Hastead aiout. the Tactical Folly of )e the Socialist, Mr A. E. T. Newman about Libe-ral 'ali 11Imlp wriaists. &C.* inmeca. 5 In The Geographical Aourn al Sir John M--urray ...


... People at hote, it seem-. to me, do n1o at all realise or care to think of India's deplorable con- I dition at present. SOCIALIST CONFERENCE IN GLASGOW. A conference of Soeialist and Labour elected persons was opened yestendav in the Waterloo Rooms Glasgow ...

The French Press on the Show

... All the I a2e newspapers are unanimous in describing yestsr- 'Sin, (day's ceremonial as splendid. 'The Radical and Sear I Socialist org-ans are loud in their praises Of the bon speeches of President Loubdt and MI Milierand, wvea whose words, they declare ...


... meets the erstwhile miller's clerk-he is now a fisherman and market gardener--and presently joins with him in preaching Socialistic t doctrines from the caravan steps. Then the Squire of Greylands, whom she had declined to r marry, generously gives her ...


... sot Pe tra tio Tb chi ful col in; Sta I' I nu n ,is] ha In sui ml de d 0-01 api hli FSamaritan is played by a certain Socialist, I who was a German Ag-nostic. The book, it ne- till be seen, is decidedly American in style as .well as topics; but at ...


... I i I 0 I I I i I I I -1 Hyo Herr Lielbkneeht, the eminent 90¢iallat, wIo has just died, war the editor of Vorvetts,'` Socialist organ in Germany. uI S(SARVKS FOR SOLDIERS. Y KNITTED BY THE QUEEM. r The four searves ller Majesty recently sent out to ...

Life as a Pageant

... thwart the reigning oligarchy by ane adroit act comi~nhnaion of Crown anid P-ope. T-lv nmaybe, he would have beean called n Socialist, for' be dreamlt of a TarHor Bill; ;ed but Socialism was inot then invenlted, and hie bi h, was vaguely set down as a danger ...