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... K.LNG OSCAR AND THE PEACE CONFERENCE. S'ockholm, January 18.— The Reichstag was formally opened to-day by King Oscar. Speaking from the Throne, hii Majesty said, referring to the Peace Conference at The Hague, that by the resultant conventions a step ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... to speak for tears. To die well-beloved of one's fellows is to die nobly ; to have the respect and affec- tion of all with whom one comes in contact either in business or pleasure is to secure that immortality of which the poet so feelingly speaks :- ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... opposition down with a high hancl, depriving and pensioning off officials who object, and ignoring his father's very plain speaking altogether. The chief popular objection to Madame Ilaschin appears to be her former position as a lady-in waiting, the Servians ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... aetd could talk on any subject. He v,-as employed as an expert nreavcr in the Paterson Mills. and canted 25 dolse a wvcek. He speaks several languaLges, and if he had been More practicalJ, if h !lead devoted his time to -work instead of readirng histortea ...


... things happen will of course come by and bye. but S the Meantime * » ?? British infantry, whish Col. ?? =J ™ involuntary guests-speaks of as the finest m -he world needs! little more instruction m .the art o. entrenching, an art wtiich the Boers to perfection ...


... is rather a storehouse of. facts than a book with a beginning and an end, Dr. Grinnell speaks of his visit to the Indian Congress of 1898, held at Omaha, and speaks with justifiable melancholy of the contrast between the sights and sounds of a Western ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... three went in the o0l domestic way to St. r Mary's for the Sunday morning service. Mr. Rus- kin seems to have been fond of speaking at the Union. In the biography of Robertson, of 13righ- 3 ton, there is rather a, quaint anecdote on this point. MYr. Robertson ...