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1900 - 1949
212 1900-1909


Daily News (London)




London, London, England

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Daily News (London)

Advertisements & Notices

... byltmiss. dtc., averwhere. Twenty-Qve years ago the American Waltham Watoh Company stated that $ 350,000 Waltham watches axe speaking for themselves in the pockets of the people. I To-day 8,000,000 Waltham watches are in use throughout the civilized world ...

Advertisements & Notices

... agent of bea k~wwn Eaglith. American, German lirma. and would be on excellent asoquait&on for rstabieling buinnes reaLLions. Speaks Eng- Hoal, (icresan. Frencb, Portuguese, and amn offr h~ha rfr e-ncee or ?? 442 A. Daily News Iwluiusy 0M 7, FleetMsut BC ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Clapham Junction, S.W.; Guy's Tonic has always had a very good sals. Parke's Drug Stores, Lavender-hill, S.W.: Roughly speaking we sell about a gross of Guy's Tonic a month. May's Drug Stores, 56, St. John's-road, Clapham Junction, S.W.: :It is a good ...

Advertisements & Notices

... *pemao. Bone vorn- M.0 ?? IL, 32. SNew-od, BoUft=6 plW. A, -=AZ~ as WORKING Hfur Kc*PEB to siee person Daily or otherwise. Speaks Freuo Acamomed to travellng Pai n cook-. H. C-La of 3Ea Cops, 74. Humpaelad-roud BT.W. _ V~7'XAITEDI SItUARiIO -as wmko 7GUEKE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... arraid of work. Ex- Cetrelsrences-. T., 25, Hlumber-road. South Betn ?? WANTEMU resepctable YO17NG MAN, Zet ait.Aged 2L Can speak French. Good referenes. It R. larke. 25. Edesbamn-etreet, North Renseington. COL.LECTOR. Timekteep. or any Place of Trust by ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Having read several testimonials from useo.S of Dr. Tibbles' Vi-Cocoa, I determined to give ic a tial, and I am sure I cannot speak too highly of its merits. My callinp is that of a milk carrier, aad, as most people know, the hours are earlyin the moi-a g ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .3. E K i I TE f ?? Twenty-five years ago the American Walttham Watch Company stated that `350,000 Waltham wdtehes are speaking for them-selres in the pockets of the people. To-day 8,000,000 Waltham watches are in use throughout the civilized world ...

Advertisements & Notices

... chuaracter. L4.-M% .,I fltherfawtons, 216, Edware-road. W. GE7VERAL. tEPVA-NT. Age 26. Can do good Plain cz~oking Gserco un 'speaks Eniglish). Neal, willing. and obliging gun. 'Twelve motths' cha-racter. Ten yeam previous.£1- E. ML. !S3.a. Strand. G (O~ntry ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 14, Queen Vi Vct~rlas-trtit, E.C. ANISUI GENTLEMAN (20, highly recommended. 5 years D in South Amearica), seeks POSITION. Speak', Dsnw~h. le, oan. English, and SpanlILh-Addrea 5r. Taletir, Helslingor, Desurnark. WAN'TED7_SITUATION as CLEuRK, Accountant ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Druig Stores, Highi-road. Bezham, S.W., says: Oa an average be sells a groes of Tay's Toaic par inxith, anI that Customers speak ?? of it. Chapmqn'n Stores, High-road, Balhlma. S.W.: We arc at ?? seilinl more Guy's Tonic than any other melicine. Guy'5 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1I, Queen 1'lcurl.*4trt~t, 11C.0 D ANB GENSTLEMAN (25. bigisy weecssmmended. 5 year Din South Arnerical. ,eeks P'OSITIOJN. Speak.s ?? ,'mo.EnglIsh. and Sp ?? Mr. Valeur, iledeingor.E Deornark. W~ANTED. '4ITUATI09 an CL~tiK, Accountant, or pool- TTCot ...

Advertisements & Notices

... from printing swob asn oniquO advertisement, bat the fact remsains hat nearly 6,00W ktttets from tedical men in this country, speak- ing in the v*y highest possible teris of the value of WINCARNIS, ae pieserved in the Company's offices WAR--ING AGAINST ...