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1900 - 1949
26 1900-1909



North West, England


Manchester, Lancashire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... OF LADYSMITH, RELIEF OF KIMBERLEYl , AND SURRENDER OF CRONJE, CAPTURIEOF BLO.EMFON11F IN. Facts are stubborn things and speak for themselves. They are more valuableto the puL]li. than any amount of baseless self-advertisemrent. REAL MERIT 1S SURE TO ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RELIEF OF lADYSMITH, RELIEF OF KIMBERLEY, AND SURRENDER OF CRONJE, CAPTURE OF BLOEMFONTEIN. ' Facts are stubborn tbings and speak for themselves. They are more valuable to the public than any amount of baseless self-advertisement. REAL MERIT IS SURE TO ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RELIEF-OF LADYSMITI, RELIEF OF KIMBERLEY, AND SURRENDER. OF CRONJE, CAPTURE OF BLOEMFONTEIN. Facts ar e stubborn thinga and speak for themselves. They are more valuable ?? the public than any aniount of baseless self-adiertisement. REAL AMERIT IS SURE TO ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RELIEF OF 1iA.,DYSMITH, CAPTURE OF BLOENIFONTEIN, RELIE F OF MAFEKING, FALL OF PRETORIA, 'Facts are stubborn things, and speak for them- selves. They are more valuable to the pubijO than any amount of baseless self-advertissfment THE MANCHESTER EVENING ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Myself, mlly wife anpd faimily have timed It TO SIO LUNG continuoonsly for the pant -enavs years, and TONIC IUNG we cainot speak too hiclir of it. A,J, TONIC LUNG STssGsLL. Jonatban.rtreeot, Kenninlgton. TONIC LUNG - TONIC LUN6G Prepared by W. T. Ownnicnsr ...

Advertisements & Notices

... reas-on shte assignted was that lier busbtandl did stot, wish her, to speak certain of the lines, as slte had boost so recently married, titough site ndi- osnitted thsat shte could speak the lines witht perfect propsiety 1st twelve sonoths' time, and t~iat ...

Advertisements & Notices

... boy, aged 12 years. ii-u~ered fr-em Hosrrstness and Btoncisitie for six weeks. We ew.' thought lie never wostitc be cured or speak plain again. ecolco udesrtantl hisll at all. After takisng four or s' inesof VNOS IGHTING OUG CVU~ li~e was abbe to ~Pmak ...

Advertisements & Notices

... and H.i .11. Princess Marie of Greece, the Pi-incmes Beatrice, Victoria, Maud, and Holienlohe use 1K0KO0 for the Hair. and speak very highly of it. . The letters may he seen at the offices ef thle KE'ko Muiricoepes Co. Lid,, 16i, lievis Marks, Lendn, Soeld ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ? could iiot Ilaibrstfnd hini u tt nll. After tnkiiig four or lhv ve tlscf Y-NOIS wuths'h't',it COUG! ?? lie wan able to speak plain, I have miser seen aneythivir to not so tqiliikly. Ask for VEIIBS LlHtl'FNOtt COCUIT CURE.~ Be sore yo~u get it. l'riw ...

Advertisements & Notices

... c.1 III. ?? iiidiih Ig iii ext raviagant 11peir- ik, 1 Ito Nvo 1111d Scorn toi fi4-WdlinlyN. Beill ii ZI IA IIy .elf, I speak of I ba1lt .[ ?? 11il ?? a poet. may be the least, 1os- s ijl ?? (ILlit if Iii i reckon ing when wyriting onl Sil Ii ridil ...

Advertisements & Notices

... doon uts more good thnn tt e TONIC L LNG doetorsimedicine. I lurecommendedit TONIC LUNG to umany o our Jewissh People, who speak ONIC ,UNl .i1St im highllyof it. (DIrs,) D.iHasc, TONIC LTNG R3aust~ed U;rore, Roundasy. Leeds. T1OJNIC LUN(G TONIC LUNG Prepared ...

Advertisements & Notices

... and H.Ut.H. Princess Marte of Greece, thc Princessvs Beatrie. Vietoria, Maed, and oheilohe use C KOKO; iar thic Hair, aned speak very highly 6! it, The lettern iniv be seen at the offlees of the Koke Marieopas Co. ?? 16 Bevis Marks, iondoll. Sold sy all ...