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1900 - 1949
37 1900-1909



Devon, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... to the Branch Office, 16 e CocksparOstreot, S.W. Agents at Exeter: Pim-er %ad Tneiwkll..191 High-strert ENTERTA rNHMENTS. THEATRE ROYAL, EXhTEkH. To-night at 70.1I Dcors open 6.45. Early Door at 6.15. Matinees Tcesdays' and Fridays at 2 p m. 1 TTIlE GRAND ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Art : t ' and on 12 vate and Foat mie dienl lxws sles. k. IN OWN [CE8 )OLS, ENTE RTA INMENTS. THEATkE ROYAL, .X'NiJ'IE& THE THEATRE WILL BE CLOSED DURIN'G 1`1118 W1?EK ID Order to nake the necesscry EXTENSIVE ARRANGEM ENTiS 'FOR TrhE TRAX9SFEKt OF THE, ENIIR9 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ISIR EDGIR YINCENT, K ?? ?? P., Has azcepted an invitation t) be pre sent and ADDRESS THE MMETING. Doors cpen 7.30 p m. ENT THEATR Tc.night at - .: --LAE MR. C. F. FA] LITTLE] Mo1nday, Feb Imoontaint Bnuga Company in Con From th ; Sects snay Di 1 to 4; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... on on receipt of Two Stamps.-Addrss Messrs. 'aRNtRES h C0,, 48, Iiordale Square, Barnpbnay, *LIi~donJ.} ]ENTERTAINMENTS. THEATRE ROYAL.EXETER Doors cpen 7, commence 7.30; ?? price, 9. LAST NIGHT OF Mr. C. W. SOME HSET'S COMPANY in Conan Doyle's Great ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CO.,43 Lonsdale SquAre, Blumsbery, JLoudon; $. INTE,}TA INAMENT8. THEATRE ROYAL, EXETER Doors open 7, commence 7.30; second price, 9. i. ast Night of ' DIcK WHITTITNGTON, RTaE Theatre will be CLOSE P durig NE'XT 1WEVIEK, and Re-Open on Monday, llarch ...

Advertisements & Notices

... treet 63 and 55, Robort's-road, Larkbenre. Beilding Site, Mont le-Graind. SEARES (Ordinary and Preference) in the Exeter Theatre Comupany, Victoria Hall Company, and Coustitn- tional Ob,b Company, Exeter. THOMPSON, WHI11TON, AND LAING Ulr favoured with ...

Advertisements & Notices

... J.; or to the Branch Office, 1S, ea Ccokspurstreat. 8.W. Agents at Exeter: Finder e % snd Tekw 191, ?? ENTERTAINMENTS. ts THEATRE ROYALEXETER LAST NIGHT OF The Americari HeiRess. Funll company of 30 London Artistes, e, Powerful Chorus and Mapznidcent ...

Advertisements & Notices

... receipt of Trwo Stsemps.-Addrees Afersrs, ea ar BARNES & CO. 48 Tondale Square, Brsnsbury, Loidou. N.I ENTERTA INMENTS. THEATRE ROYAL. EXETER LAST NIGHT OF The Celebrated Actor, MR. C. IV. SOMNl CyT, AND COMPANY. In the Great Play, THE SORROWS OF SAIAN ...

Advertisements & Notices

... post tree ion receipt of Two Stamps.-Address Mosars. BARNES & CO. 48 Londale Scatue-, Bansbury )Londkl- N. ENTERTA INMENTS,. THEATRE ROYAL, EXETER Doors open ; commenoc 7.30. Second price LAST NIGHT OF :MR. FRANK E. BURDETT'V NO. I CO UPANY In the Great Russian ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A33suraceS. rae rs. Applioations for AgenciesInvited. Liberal Tern, tY'. p~eioets sont free on Applisation. ENTERTAINMENTS. , THEATRE ROYALE I XETER LAST TIGHTT OF THE G6OLDEN LAIDDEP. r. MONDAYM Mav 7Ilh for Six Nights and Mtatt - Friday at 2 35, Mi. R. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ? 16 an4 2 post tree ?? Exeter. First Class wq . s tsesare. . hip aant~eedo Agent for leangmaker, bite. ENTERTAINMENTS, ,THEATRE ROYAEXETER Dloors open ,, commence 7.30; second priceg. - iGLAST, NIGHT OF D'OYLY CARTE'S OPERA COMPANY. In the new and successful ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Li }- Assurance. ;.ppheations for AgTneearvited L 'l Te-,, Prosbieotue6 sent It &on Applitn . ,. , I E I ENTERTAINMENTS. THEATRE ROYAL, EXETK1, Doora open c, oemmence 7.30; second price 9. LAST NIGHT OF rESSRS ROGERS and WEBB'S Company, 1 including MissLIZZIE ...