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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Road, West Dulvich, London, cit 4th insi.. the wife of Tames Forgie, resident engineer, C. and S.L. Railway, of a daughter. HARDIE.-At 2S Welifield Crescent. Aberdeen, on the 3rd ilSt, the wife of Chas. Handie, of a son. WOOD -At 56 E,,slensont Avenue, ...

i1 adwe Street. Poss

... Grovanhill, xar/ ofj Is~tOj-le John M'Dougafll, fish b' - r ' \l zlefl. Helensburgh, on the: S V l' a~a i ' 3> of OCharles A. M'Hardy, F z ^jr' fb 'for Dumnbartoosbiwe; a , ,_r, r'.ea'crint Terrace, Tbrox. on the. ! - t2*ri;nae of IIughQuinn; adaughter'b * ...

,crt'fT1 t 6 Queen's

... Them; a son. - g 1 5rrcnt Street. Ruthergrlen, on tne 'rine of John Wilson; a - ;, ; LinCa~tivato. Mexico, on 29th :n ot' Thomas C. -Young; a son. N t~7i 1~rt~s -AA2 Apsley Plae. I j ; iS.1: t Io 2thist., by the Rev.| 1-r- &Rld nov Alerriman, to Helen ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... on, George Hamilton Gillespie ;--o oz h. late ere ilspe - IarPrhLakbie HARDY .-Suddenly. at Foulis Manse, Crieff. on the 24th inst., Helen Isabella Liston, 'wife of Rev. T. Hardy.-Funeral, Friday, at ?? Friends, please accept this (the onlr) invita- tion ...

1I - ictori Gardens

... Dumfries, on 24th April, Thomas Fleming, distriet re- presentative of Caledonian Insu-ance Com- pany. HA.nDr.-At 22 Encine Street, Bathate, on the 24th inst., after long illness, Henry J. Hardy, aged 29 years, eldest son of John Hardy, arape:- HOPr.---A 5 ...

EtlnarrV Cottage, Ca

... assisted hr the 3t lit B D., West Parish W XX illam Bennet, grain ; nst h. r tO Elzaehth Lillie, only e8', ,h Ia ?? Hardie, Strath- - -At Betis intel, on let S i ' eraron M Adam Muir, C'ti'nlral ; Rev. Thos alld -Rev. inm. Valiance, ' ?? sRutiherglen ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... sidge, nve-ness-shire; Rev. IThomras qWilson, _assistant, iorningoide Cihurch, Edin'burgh: ;and'; ' Rev. R. MvYontgomcerie Hardie, Lady'o.brn, I ,Greenock. THE STUDENTS' FIN-ES FUND. ; te- i We hare received the following additional t sub--| it I scriptions: ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ILcr the Reverenid 1).D.V Eninurih. assisted by * . I C. BTchanan1, V.A., A ?? .r Cowivi Eilackadder, -Irk, to Janet Hardie, ,oh late Thomas Morton. o .X, n t St Thoms ,s Church, k,-n th0 -;h Augutsr. by thle Rev. . . ravid James Macgoun * A l 1C,,- of the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... shortly F after six o'clock last evening. The deceised C baronet was (says Men of the time) the fourth son of the late Sir Thomas Dyke Acland, A 0 tenth baronet. He was born in 1815, and edu-; cated at Harrow and Christ Church, Oxford, and was elected ...