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... Despite innumerable warrings, they have concentrated their fire during the last two dlays upon the women's laager and hospital. Childrenl have been killed and women mutilated by the bursting of shells. These occurrences are fanning a spirit of revenge in the ...

The Top of the Morning

... amok and fired several bullets from his rifle in the street. Fortunately no one was hit. He was arrested and taken to the police station. I THE STRIKE AT ST. LOUIS. The tramway strike at St. Louis resulted in serious street rioting yesterday. Three men ...

The Top of the Morning

... amok and fired several bullets from his rifle in the street. Fortunately no one was hit. He was arrested and taken to the police station. THE STRIKE AT ST. Louis. The tramway strike at St. Louis resulted in serious street rioting yesterday. Thre6'men; ...


... pushed Police-constable 101 C over in a dense and disorderly crowd, the constable being trampled upon. When remonstrated with he pushed the constablea second time, and was taken into custody. He was fined 10s. or seven days, imprisonment. The police evidence ...


... inhabitants their delight was indescribable. Sick and wounded men left the hospital, and women and children came forth t6 greet the newcomers. The latter loudly cheered the women and children, saying they were proud to have come to wive them. M)r. Prior expresses ...


... against ,vomene and children. Mr. Schreiner worked-up the people by dwelling on the alleged wrongs of women and children, and declared that the treatment of women e'specially was subjecting the Afrikander people to the deepest degradation that they had yet suffered ...


... fallen back. The total amount now subscribed by the South Middlesex Volunteer Rifles to the fund for women and children of the King's Royal Rifle Corps is £317. Orders have been issued to prepare a draft of sixty noncommissioned officers and men for service ...


... cause. A T1ERRIBLE MISUNDERSTANI)ING. CAPE TowN, Friday.-Dutch visitors to the Boer women deported from the Transvaal, now at Poet Elizabeth, admit that the women are treated excellently and with respect. The visitors declare there has been a terrible ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... commissions in the army passing through the militi4. The Headmaster of Charterhouse will urge that the organiztotin of Volunteer corps in public schol s should be placed upon a more satisfactory footing than heretofore. Dr. Gray (Bradfield) will propose that ...


... Many are flocking into Bloemfoiitein, but i: is reported Lhat the farms westward of the capital are tenanted now only by women, the mnenr having largely rejoined the Boer commandos, though they are probably a source rather of weakness to the Boers. FIGHTING ...

Advertisements & Notices

... birector-Goneral. Season Tikoetq ?? id, at the Exhibition, ADMISSI ONAILY, is. Open 11 to ll. An Intornational Exhihition of Women ?? end Psegress in Fine, Applied, and Liberal Arts. IndustrialantiD omostio Work', Educa- tion, and Ph lanthropy ELITE GRAND ...


... mounted treooh, by a ei- cuitous route, reinforced the Police Station, Uking supplies of ammunition. Boars with- drew to the valley to the east of Loperberg. The police and mounted rifles held the Police Station ; remainder returned to Bushman's Hoek. No ...