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1900 - 1949
37 1900-1909




South Wales, Wales

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Advertisements & Notices

... the master 1 whether there was any special reason why niua when times were good, there should be 44 more inmates in the workhouse than there h vero this time last year, and in v reply Mr. Pearcey said the increase h was accounted for by an addition in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... kanditor. will Arttend ol Cite list dar of DECEAMER 1900, at ] the boor of 10.45 o'clock in the Foreiioon, alt tfe Union Workhouse. Mferthyr Tyddll. to At'tlIf the ACCOUNTS foa the HTALF-YEART esldett the 30th dav of SEPTEMIBER, 1900, of i the said Rttral ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'Union Offices, Qaeen's-chambers, Cardiff, 20th AprI, I900. a7061 -, E C:ARDIFF UNION WORKHOUSE. - WANTED, au ASSISTANT PORTEIR and I LODGE1 CLERK at the UNION WORKHOUSE; ire aged between 21 and 35; salary £26 a year, Ly rising by £2 annually to £32, with ...

Advertisements & Notices

... B3 master of the workhouse, however, had a, Second- C. hand bedstead asrd some bedclothes suitable Ci for her requirements if the board wolI iseC the., needsasary authorisation, ' proou ssed C that she bel srpplivd from the workhouse with C ,the bedistead ...

Advertisements & Notices

... mnst bc Pi: interred in the Ecclesiastical Parishes or ?? D District at which they resided at ?? of pa admission into the Workhouse, or iote other suitable pln'eo provided by the Contraotor and tapprovdd of by the Guardiansa Oia a hove r I plite, with the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Clerk, Grocers mnest Tender for the Whole and not Palrt of the Articles Specified in Form of Tender. Piauiers dying in the Workhouse mnust be inte-red in the Ecolestastical Pariishes or District at which they resid-ed at the time of admission into the Workhonse ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Proceed to the APPOINTMENT of a PORTER and R..ELIEVING, OFFICER of VAGRANTS at the WORKHOUSE .L , The Person appointed will be required to render assistance in the Workhouse under the Master's' 'directions; ,-to, superintend theE Vagrants and see that-'they ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Stipendiary said it W ias rather hard on defendaont, but he was pr ' responsible, as he accepted the child even after ac - theo workhouse People refused it. HIe would pt s. make an order for the aenounet claimed, but if es he paid half of the amount within a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IS NX.RSES .E-. ?? 25 Irears tof age, ~a SERVAN'I't and NURSES' A'frENDNT for .the NE* WORKHOUSE INFIRMARY, and a FEMAlE RECEIVING WARD ATTENDANT for the WORKHOUSE. Probationers to be bound for three-years. t end of firsbt year i. bonus of .£5 will be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 3 between 18 and 25 years of age; a SERVANT, nd and NURSES' A'ITENDANT for the NEW on WORKHOUSE INFIRMART, and a FEMAUE: be RECEIVIG WARD ATTENDANT for the WORKHOUSE. Probationers to be bound for hd three years, At end of first year a, bornus of £5 he ...

Advertisements & Notices

... of March last to Com- I mence onl THURSDAY, the 26th day of July, )f 1900; at Ten o'clock in ?? Forenoon, at the Is UNION WORKHOUSE, GRIFFITHLSTOWN. and LI that for So'ven Dava before such Audit a Copy a of the Accounts, duly made up and balanced, Y together ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Invitet I TENDERS- . II (a) For SUpply and Fixing of Hot' WVater Anparatus. (It) For Structural Alterations required at. the Workhouse. . I I : r Plan and Specifications can be seecir t o thei Olerk' s Office any day betyveen. -Teri Tenders to be deliveredl ...