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1900 - 1949
105 1900-1909


Manchester Times




Lancashire, England

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Manchester Times

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... OBITUARY. COUNCILLOR, JOSHUA HIIA1PTSON. We regret to innousico that Counoillor Joshua Hampson died on Sunday, at his residence, Bellott- street, -Cheetham. On Saturday Air. Hsampson was apparently in his usual excellent health, anld in the X evening he was one of the last to leave the recreation ground which adjoins his house.. Soon after two on Sunday morning he had . a . stroke in the bed- ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF Mfl. It. DOTMLE. INQUEST AND VERDlICT OF -MISAD- VENYURE. On Monday an inquest on the body of the well- known reciter of Lancashire dialect. Mr. R. Dottie, aged 6F, whose death took place last Friday afternoon, was held at 4. Primrose-avenue, ULrmston. where do- ceasel lived, by Mlr. J. F. Price. the county coroner. Mrs. Dottie, wife of deceased, who seemed to be in a very low ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... t EATIH B F'T ul D )1-V ' ()Si T'1eJlty, ait Il / l I 'll a its-, Air. A. Eramx:'i II , -(ornlier, bl'ld an ilii;: a' ii1, if Elllzabeh Yatci' ageti 21 veiir . . ' t'.1v e^ mp~lov,-J at M nZ% allff i- , I p : ?? mi- ,oaii bo,: a. .I fi~r Tre diiil4to*l 1ls. k. ,1 :. : :. . ilq. Johll E~lte !II. ?? , ; |%or-l x !g 1' It'si rl - } l> l, t ?? 10,01%11 'ihe dIco..a.i~ l ltlw :1 1,lseen k\-eepilg ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Births, Marriages, and Deaths, BIRTHTS, DEATHS, MARRIAGO.s aro insorted in tha MANCESTFT.R Waaxrmy Tiirs at teie rato of sixpence per line when prepaid. or, if entersl tf accon t, an additional sixpence per notice i sl, r. The namen %nd address of the sender in :l cnsel to - given to vouch authenticity, otherwise tile nat.,a cannot appear. BIRTHS. EraliNiDsom.-On the 9th inst.. at Roe llJll ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Births, M~arriages, and Dpeaths rill, aty BIR~rns, DEATies, MAurflAGas are i~f- o ir `MAaeCLlYStrriz W-17EICLY TI'ism a thei eati sixpenco pear line wheti prepaid, oif e~-. It accouint, anpadditional sixuinto per ?? , ra al Tho namne and arddre~s of the Seeader inaltii givejn to voutch authenticity, otherwise tia cannot ?? ran aill ?? sia Bincle -On the 18th inst., at 19,1)cl,, te hi;gher ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Births, Marriages, and Deaths. 5 Bra a, DcATHs, MARRIAGms are inserted in the IMNOan5STNR WEEKL. Timms at the rate of sixpeace per line when prepaid. or, if entered to 0econot, an additional sixpence per notice is charged. The name and address of the Reader in all cases to be given to voach authenticity, otheawise the notics cannot apjsear. BIRTHS. BARLOW-Uni the 25th inst., at `lHolmwood,' ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Births, Marriages, and Deaths BImTHS, D~iTtoS, UARRIAOEOS arens - j MANCHESTER WEEKLY ?? at ?? rate if sixpenco per line when perpari, or r ea e account, an aidditional sixiece per I eae' The name and address of the seiude i aill fle, to ?? ro Touch authenticity, Othierriuo ti, xl, ecnnot appear. BIRTIiS. Cnoifrroy.--On April 2ni, at Th lr,,r, meraley, Bury, thlu wife Of RJ'alpl r ?? SOII ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Births, Marriages, and Deaths. BIRTHS, DEATHSr, 1lARRIAakS arn ?? ,. btANCHFSTEsR WEEKLY TiiEs- arVt*. sixpence per linu when pr3paid. or, iti'.tei accohiat, anadditionalqirpence Tier notice ?? The xaoari and address of the seeder ii all L('C. given to vouch autbenticity, othersvisoe tia, 3 cannot appear. ?? BIRTEIS ESTILL.-Oa the 13th inst., at Crofts Biat,'. 1 the wife of R. B. Estill, of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... OBITUARY. Ois latniay Mr. !t'inid Fo'gg, Iydliatc-Itlle, Barniton. ortlix, ic p-s-'d aw a-, aged 77 years. Pcceased hail a. rellarliiible career, Ile wias en gaged orl the furst veciscl whieh i-iavigated tilhe iver Al eaver, (-onIvvillu ?? L to Runcori, whence, they %were evarrie l to Liverpool and Aliaici'ester, before the days )f r~ii a i i. 10or the pasl 40 yeairs ho had been a !airier on ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Birthsi Marriages, and Deaths. BIRTH.S, DEATRS, blARar.e49 are inserted in the MAs1CIsasrt sXR WEEILY TrirEs` at tile rate of sicpence per lino when prepaid. or, if entered to account, an additional sixpence per notice is charged. The name and address of the sender in all cases to be given to vouch authenticity, otherwise the notice cannot appear. BIRTHS. IIOJLh0ME.-Ol September 2S3th, at ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Births, Marriages, and Deaths. B3RTHS, DEATHS. MTARRIAGeS are inssrtoi . MANCHESTER WEERLY TIMES at tile r,. Fispenco per line when prepaid. or, if entor,1 account, an additional sirpence per notice jt e The name and address of the Beader in all ca i, t,, 0o given to vouch authcnticity, otherivir0, AL. caanot appear. ED. BIRTI IS. BnocKnA-. .-On the 28th ult., at 51, I'D road, Withington, ...