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Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News


... OUR CAPTIOUS CRITIC. THE END OF A STORY. AND Mr. Charles Wyndham again marries Miss Mary Moore! This is all that was said by the man behind us; but it was enough to confirm one's own idea that Mr. Wynd ham's recent productions have been too similar. It would not be so bad were he the only actor-manager. In a single theatre among many the public might care to find the gentleman who keeps the ...

From Cocktails to Port

... I AM assured of the truth of this incident. During the early stages of the Open cham pionship at Sandwich three grizzled and semi- veteran spectators were watching the play when a keen-eyed steward came up to them. Stand back there, he rebuked. Don't you know anything about golf? The three old 'uns looked at each other and grinned philosophically. They were Messrs. Taylor, Vardon and Braid ...

From Cocktails to Port

... THE Yuletide gift par excellence is Howlers Encored, by that indefatigable collector Mr. Cecil Hunt (John Lane, 18. 6d.). Let me quote a few choice samples: Mr. Joseph Chamberlain was a conservatory. He used to be in the House of Lords, and had a glass eye. Henry the Eighth was the world's greatest widower, and in later life he developed a limp through having an abbess on his knee. ...

From Cocktails to Port

... Vl(Th^ A VERY enterprising young man who had just built a laundry in a certain small town had the im pertinence to call upon the local M.P. and ask him to make a speech declaring the building open. The Member was in irritable mood that morning, and he said, Well, what do you want me to do? Tear the first shirt to pieces? MOST famous of all English amateur soccer teams, the Corinthians ha ve ...


... OUR CAPTIOUS CRITIC. JACK 0' JINGLES, AT THE NEW THEATRE. THERE are at least two unusual features about this melodrama. One is that the hero is operating for the overthrow of his king, and that king a Stuart, whereas it has long been a received law of melodrama that your hero lives with ''God Save the King!'' for ever on his lips. Women love royalty, or its ceremonial, more than men, and ...

from Cocktails to Port

... vtiTfr^ THE whole vexed question of the legality and morality of big sweepstakes may well come to a head after the Derby. My own feeling in the matter, which I know is shared by many thousands, is that if I draw a horse, sweeps may well be considered O.K., and that if I am unlucky in this respect, sweeps should receive the K.O. ALTHOUGH the Government officially dis countenances ...

From Cocktails to Port

... Vtfh^ /(Tr>&&U& NEWCASTLE UNITED'S first goal in the Cup Final is destined to give rise to warm argument for many a day. Some people who were discussing sporting tragedies the other day thought that the greatest of these was Roger Wethered's accidental act of treading on his ball in 1921. This robbed him of victory in the Open. One man cited the extraordinary case of a rower in the Diamond ...

from bockfails to Port

... THE actress's small daughter was boasting My mother's just been painted by a famous artist. Huh, said her friend, my mother doesn't need an artist. She can paint herself. MR. CLYNES told a grim little tale at a function recently. An unemployed woman applied for benefit and gave as her reason for being out of work shortage of orders and added, Blame this rotten government. Inquiries were ...

Godfrey Davis Ltd

... Godfrey j Davis Ttd Godfrey I Davis Ttd i VOU CANNOT BUY A CAR 1 1 IN A MORE CONVENIENT WAY I: 8 h.p., 12 h.p., 16/20 h.p. and 28/70 h.p. ii VALUE FOR- MONEY I CARS 141, NEW BOND STREET, LONDON, W.l. ■C T ele grams Telephone: Shomoto, Wesdo, r Mayfair 4828-9. London 5 PAY 25% DOWN, and J BALANCE IN MONTHLY INSTALMENTS J 2|% for 12 MONTHS. V 4% for 18 months. 6% for 24 months. J* Financed ...


... BY ANTHONY ARMSTRONG. RECENTLY there appeared in the daily papers the report of a Native Ladies' hockey match at Johannesburg in which the Widows of one Kraal challenged the Maidens of a neighbouring Kraal-- 104 a side --and beat them by over a hundred goals to seven. The match lasted four and a half days, and there were nine teen serious casualties as well as what the papers termed a host of ...

MEN and EVENTS: A Disconcerting Writer

... Men and Events. A Disconcerting Writer. By O. F. THEIS. THEODORE DREISER, like many another American writer, was at first much more hospitably received in England than in his own country. His first novel, Sister Carrie, was deliberately killed after publication, because the wife of one of the members of the publishing firm thought it immoral and improper. But in this country it ...