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245 1900-1909


Leeds Mercury



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Leeds Mercury

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... | ~OBITU4RY.v EX-ALPEtPLMK\ NO -RTI, LEIEDS. I V7ery manyr of ourr readers axri1 learn ni~h sinrire regret if th; death of ex- Alderman ½',illiana North.| whiichl back planres yserda-c at his residence, tetoirit Ii ittzcl, Bitrity Wocod. L~eech.. Thou~gh he hiad machaed I an adwanced ,tg0, 'Jr. N-trtb enjoyed gauod heal:th unitil a fewtnon luih ago. Iu 15a' found thait he as-a' sulffering fr ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... I Notices of irh'nh. NMacring,,s and DeTths rwhichi tnt be alutlne;ticaml 1hv ihi narne and addrets of the sender), are chargreri a tlhe following rates:- Taro :one. Is. 6d., iand 3d. every addtineal line. Births, BOOTH.-TJrce 5;h 3, lP, fi en-crc-n-en:. ccc o:'e o: ?? S. Btrotol, it n c-on. earageths, ,SFODFEN-ISM]lTpm -C2 S;T, a: WS'gat c'rr- ; epoow, out-yb, ('lkIn Brqok. E- ?? c ?? Ba-iord ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... TilE L TE SIR DONALD STEWART. A FIELD-MKRSIIAL'S FUNERAL. TRIBUTE FROM TIER MAJESTY. While Her Maj 'err to-stidoil her eareem for the veteran Field-hi ar-hal who we-, laid to rest on Stair- An3 iii- in-cribtog ?? i-h her own I-ions] the irthite his memory which acoti-opanid rho lb-s-al '-treat, the Army, of which he w? so Ion-' a rhenntiudtul repro- I s'-naat ye, rendered clot- otur with ?? 1 ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... be a:ut.'aeated by th-- a 3 q4( he sender), are rharg-afl a: tie-f f lrwg t- - and 3-!. ev:- aco -. B~irths. - -6 , . , Tn, B, t.-c fr-he, tn Era a2;c 4:- ,7;: - clauylet'er. NEWilSOM h-O -1.-D :mthe ?? 5- h- - : x., r -s -at, rt-9 CroasUare;. ir t . itt A X ?? GOOD- LL-L FA7il -1 1 -, cI St. Mat beivws ?? ' -& ' : V- Nchni the l'R-e. J . xl i T F]'Cr'ming, 1'rS-f-ric-k ; '!al i ?? ii ?? Rurh, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... YUNKRAL OF SIR A. SULLE/AN.? AT -CUAPEL ROYAL AND ST, PAUL'S. IMPRESSIVE SERVICES. With every token oF affection and regaxd, and in the Pr: senlce of a vast conregation, the mortal. remains of I Sir A. Sullivan were interred at St. Paul's Cathedral I yesterday afternoon. The ceremony in the Cathedral wras preceded by a service at the Crhapel R.yal, the i attrodance at which was necessarily ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... OBITUARY M1R. C. J. MONK. We regret to aznounce that a genteman hed in the highest esteem at St. Stepben's-a gentkenan, indeed, who was for a nunber of rears one of the beet-known and dignified figures in Houase and lobby-Mr. Charlea James Monk, died on Saturday at his residence, Bed- well Park, Hatfield, at the age of seveafy-five. Son of the late Right Rev. J. H. Monk, Bishop of Gloucester ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MfRS. GLASTONE'S ITFNESEhk SEPYICr IN WISUSE is hn-band 'inlte nlcr-h :nnp fX r. ~ i t'iay he Snrvics was Cf ('hrate, t;form bn snai'a xl t t-hatfois1 onl ?? - Glad.-,s-one si---i d hr hlis s;ide it' Prirtite aS pozzbn- hio.Ic non hujndrelt If l t. and1 At-a. Gi', ,Tife cus' l a-t ?? h 2t e .z tu Xpi >% C, Cl pan forI The - edInL ic' the a ric-it( ; rd.ofy.-lv r -l aixairlijc i- ?? I 1t r ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Notices of Birlhs. Marriages, and Deaths llf tta 1 be authenticated by the itane ant . 2dadwe sender), are charged at the foliewialg tas: i2 ~Two Lines, li. 5d., 11 and 3d. even- aldidiontA line. Births, OLIVER.-On the 19th Mar. a: CQe-mendiflP'. 3,: to Mr. and Mrs. William ?? a &Uni't(' Deathas. EDDISON.-On the 21-n Mav .a h es - Manor, Adel. near Lee.,s hoo. Wib :a; l.l aged 64. (Intenneant ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... the title was to present to the town a site for a Volun- teer DrIll Hail and grounds, the founds don-stone-laying of wvhich a-as the occasqion of m uch rejoicing: and the more recent gift of a public pleasure ground in celebra- tion of the Diamnond Jubilee of the Queen's relup was alec greatly ap-preeiasted by the town. It is, however, wvith the more recent de~velopmenlts of the toe-n that the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DISASTROUS FE NEMAR SUNERLAND.- THREE CHILDREN BURNT TO DEATH. 67 PEOPLE IRENDERED HOMELESS. Shortly before four o olock yesterday morning two men proceeding to work at BRyhope Colliery, near Sun- derhand, noticed that smoke wds issuing from the upper part of the house, 36, Cory-street, occupied by a miner inamed Wm. Summeroen and 'his family. They at once proceeded to the back to &iarm the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Notices oT BirofD h. Marriages, and Dentas 'whikh mueS be authenticated bN the name and address of the sender), are charged at the following rntes:- ?? lines. i. 6d.. and 3d. every addhtioenal line. BiNrth519 .TOWfI'T.-OiI thf llth tns:.. at I'ar:i t rire'!t Leeds. the w ?? (Z T 'dard lattricc.T.1. i:;. * . -1. Ttarriages. NAYTAB-ThfTR'O1T. On the 11dSc ?? ReCkot-Stre -t WO 'ran (tturch. ...