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1900 - 1949
38 1900-1909


Lloyd's Weekly Newspaper




London, England

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Lloyd's Weekly Newspaper

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... FUNERAL.. OF TEE DUKE OF COBURG EIPOSING F] CTION. THE QUEEN'S WREATH. COBURG, SATURDAY. The funeral of tho Duke of Saxe-Cobfrg took place here to-day with solemn cere- mony, immediately after the arrival of the Emperor William, who reached Coburg at half-past eleven this morning. His Majesty's arrival was cuite private, the general publio being excluded from the station-square, and the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF: SIMS REEVES *Mr. Sims Reaeves Who took up his residence at Wortinjug j.fsw weeks ago, died there on Thuirsday morning while asleep, aged .8 I On Sunday. he was SIMS BEEVEXS slightly unwell, but medical aid was not. sought until Tuesday,. when Dr. Bennett Bailey recognised the gravity of the case. Johil Sims Reeves, the most populer benor singer of hie age, was bern at the Artillery ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ?? ,AOCD i ENI--k ,.,NBTI =BYtllEiSOI3Y BES0LS0t' ji-ilj~ufrf at Op'o~noi cabeierninght _ti d'eath :otL~i.he1- rti imen 'e b2U wie c fa tobma'.erj ,:e the- St. -Mlrt gatct' B hotDl5 etb s,.z DwtkenhaiiD W he 'wtas- 'eidde'ntl s~irot' bLy-Il' ?? in the'preatreird`fldsr' adoining tee' Prince Albert publi6-lodso, -nury.m oia ?? t fSb. bdgoi'dthere' iitb- ' 1hr hi~hsband and~n ?? :Mr. Od'rtis,, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF SIR ARTHUR SULLIVAN. Sir Arthur Sullivan died. on Thursday, at his London residence, 1, .Queen's-man- Gions, of heart failure, at the age of 58. The end was as unexpected to hn- medi- cal attendent, Dr. Buxton Brownras it was to his nearest relative, his nephew, Mr. Herbert niullivan, who was present when the dietingulehed composer pscsed peacefully awai. While on E. visit to ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... EARtL RSSELT'S WEDD o I The follo'ivt iatrll announcement wra*, eblsshid on gdnesd y:-Russell- Cooke.-On the 15th inst.. at Reno,: ?? by the Judge. John Francis Stan- ley Earl Russell, to Mollie, daughter of the late George Cooke, of Cumbernauld. (By cable.) it seems Lord Russell and Mrs. Somer- I vile lnee Cooke) were granted divorces on Saturday, April 14, at'Genoa, Nevada state, Western ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEAT0 OF LORD -WILLIM BE:0 :.-U7 f 1RSFOD. -;0t00 Lord Willizam Beresford,' V.C., died:at midnigfht on Friday at, his. residenee,' Deepdene, l)orking, whoere he had been, lying ill for Brome time. The' cause of deathwas~s hedrt failure. i Lord William ?? do Ian- Poor :Beresford, V.C., IG.C.I.E., was the 8econd Surviving son of the fourth Marquis of Waterford and uncle of tbe nrisent marquis. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... FIRES, YESTERDAY. A NURSER BURNED TO DEATIO. ?? fire was discovered between foar anm five a.m. at 24. Ma.cchinont-otrcsl, Brurs wick-squaro, WV.U. Tbohouso i3 tenantdi by Mr. Thomas Yeomnan and fami!y, who were absent frorn London at the tiZ, the oniy persons in the bul doug beingDS nurse nomad Annie Duurose, aged 1. ?? occupied, a bach roomu on ?? secorl floor, rad a serva-t girl Who sleet ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATHS FROM DISEASE. The following were reported last night:- April 9.-976 T. Adey, 2&d Somerset Ll.; O9157 Dryr. J. Whitehead, R.X.A. (pueu- monia), at sea. April 12.-2155 A. Whild, ad Warwick (acute pneumonia), at sea. April 13.-3400 A. Howe, 2nd N. Staffs. (enteric); 3827 J.Nunn, 2nd Bedford (dysen- tery), Bloemfontein. April 14.-1277 G. J. Jerromnes, 2nd War- wick (aoiite pneumonia), at ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... iLADYS ITH CaABSUALTI E S.| DEATHS FROM D]SEASE. Feb.3.-4096W. Andrews, 19th Rlusears; 3563 Bugler ?? WisB, 2-d Ridie Uiriide; 4017 J. E. yatcs, lst iMarchester; 4312 Corpl. J. i i-unedy, 1st Xoyal :ri-h Fusiliars. Feb. S.-5326 W. Bluker, 2nd Eiide Brigade; 5071 6. Riley, 1st Livernool. Feb. 7.-401S Lanco cor,,l. S. S. Fanther, 19Sh Husears; 6678Lanuec-corpl. W. Alaskrell, 2nd 3K.BX.C. ; 2775 ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... FOREIGN EPITOME. T-iEc death is announced from Lisbon of Major Serpa Pinto, the well-kDnOW4 African explorer, at the aze of 54. ,IENTrrCKYuphelditsoldtitle of The dark ard bloody ground this Christmas- tide. N o fewer than 30 people were ki11ed9 mostly-in drunken Quarrels, - Tram Marquis Charles de Lastic Saint Gall, a Frernh nobleman, has besen ar- rested on a charge of obtaining sums of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF FIELD-9ARSHAL SIR DONALD STEWART. The veteran insdian campaigner, Fiold. maxsbel Sir Donald Stev.wart, died f'rom asthma at Igiciro, ou Sunday, after a long iiluess. Born sIn- March 1824, he left Soo tand when he was 16 to ei erthe 9th lsongal infantry under the old ?? John Company. In 1677 he' became lieuteuant-generai, end the following year found him in command ol the Keisdahln ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF THE DUy OF I 7I . TECK. I The Duke of Teek died at his resi- dence, White Lodge, Richmond-park, on Sunday, from pneumonia following in~ fluenla. Since the death of Princess Mary Adelaide. Ducheps of Teck. in October, 1897, the health of the Duke, who was in his sixty-third year, had been unsatisfactory. le became seriously ill on Sunday, and Dr. Johnston. resident medical attendant at ...