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1900 - 1949
373 1900-1909




Leeds, Yorkshire, England

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... INAGAYNES A-N) REVIEA WS. WHAT COLONE1L PLUIER ACOMPLISHBD. No correspondent of any welikawe paper at-com- panied Colonel Plumer's northern column during the' war. Consequently a> special interest attaches to a graphic paper in the December Blackwood, With Plumer to the Relief of Mafeking, by one of his Troopers. The writer prefaces his narrative with a short account of Colonel Flumer's ...


... LEEDS SAiTURDAY POPULAR CONCE.RTS l j -^ T~zJBE.RT TELLL. IThe presenee o' the ' Johyl Japs sufficed t;> drmw a large gathering to the Allbert fall on Saturday I evening. The public dearly love to be amused, and there was ceraillly plenty of amusement provided on this occasion. The Japs comprised three ladies end a gentleman, a- of whorm-with the object. presumably, of arousing curiosity ...


... BARROW XSICAL FESTIVA The second annual fusci Ftiral ei was at Barrow yesterday, and will be eoot-bed tgigt This year the oonmtntee engaged the Dril BC. s even this vas found to be none too large, nhe ?? being full. Immense interest ms tasn u f- a'f not only in Barrow. but in a wide ?? t-w horng run. The entries nutm'er edoze tpeta l;. -. cluding some from Yorkshire. Cunberiand, Wem- land, and ...


... LJ TER ATUrRE. A HISTOPY OF THE WELSH PEOPLE. Prejudice against dual authorship is not the eocen- tricity of the few, but the intention of the many, con- firmed and justified by general experience. The names of Professor Rhys and Mr. Bryasnor Jones enable us, to overcome this prejudice, and to open their volume with eager expectation, for what Professor Rbys does not know of the early history ...


... THE CARL ROSA COMPANY. ' It says a good deal for the methods employed Vy the founder of the one great English provincial combination exploiting grand opera that, notwithstanding the vicissi- tudes -which the comsuny that bears his name has of recent years experienced, the magio -words Carl Rosa are still sufficient to crowd a theatre in the provinces even when The Bohemian Girl or Maritana ...


... LITERARY ARRIVALd 0 PIt is in Lite-atare as in Finanoech Paper and much Poverty may coexist There can he no question who is the hero of the hour, not, perhaps, to those who think, but to the great majority who are content to feel, and notably to the mar in the street, whipped into hysterical excitement br the new's of the rehief of lMafeling. Colonel Baden-Powell has small claims to be re- ...


... mn. Simple-minded, gifted Hans Christian Andersen, whose fairy tales are likely to charm the occupants of the nursery for all time, was endowed sith a fair share of vanity in respect of his literary worlk It is said he believed that most of the foreign visitors to Copeai- hagen, whatever their ostensible bsesinass, really came to see him. - Naturally, his estimate of his fascinating Fairy ...


... MAGAZLNES KND REVIEWS. VILLIAM MhEPEACE f TNOKERABY. ¶his celebrated novelist forms the subject of a kindly artiole in the Church Quarterly Review for April. from which we extract the following passage:- It was not religion that racmkeray satirised, but a sort of diluted Puritanism, awich, we verily believe, did a world of mischief in the first half of the nine- teenth century, as no one ...


... LJT1TRAT?TJE?E? A FAMO0US OR.IOXXTMTG FAMILY. E There has jus~t been published by Ie~srs MIethnen and: Co. a book the appearance of w~znch has been looked for- 1 ward te with no smll degree~ of interest by the cricket public, who are always keenly alive to all that relates to the personality of those who have achieved dis- tirnction int the field, En The Walk-era'offiouthgate, 1 M~r. WV. A: ...


... I LA PO'UfE AT TE GRA2W. There is evidently a, smnall fortune awaiting the man who shall arise and present to the English playgoer a 1 conmic operatic story that will stand as an entertain- r, ment, considerations of music apart. The success of d La Poupfs, suggests such a possibility. ITnhap- .e piuy- the plot of La Poup6e is a solitary oasis in a Y desert of aimless libretti; at ...


... ILIT RARY ARRIVAL S.* It is in Literature as in Finance-much Paper and much Poverty mtay co-exist. Dr. BirLebeck Hill has done a. distinct service to exact. scholarship by editing, SVrthS copious notes a;-nd in the light of the Sheffield papers, Gibbons Memoirs-. The landmarks of the story can easily be stated. Edward Gibbon was born in LondboZ in 1737, antd died in St. James-street, ...


... AT ITED AOW -N .11 X iL e T..- . . . .-L . ' ~ >- TJ{ 3~ i L0 nC !acp~~tIc--IP ii'i'cdin r . - - in C-. 7! - Al F7. Z - - 3 f'T Ca ' e s- r-- ali -it ' I t r zi ?? ?? ' . r - - b-ear tc c- ?? itezzQ cia. tpc -3-- t>1C d-lt TaL-1Fri jhti, ?? ?? 1 -1A721' - ?? ?? - 1 4 - - . 4 I - - - -riI -Ti [' .- - - -~ - L - - T-'I - - - - i 10,i- - I'7j ?? :-C. ?? theU * ?? - N- -(T - - . Is(? I ial ?? ...