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1900 - 1949
105 1900-1909




North West, England

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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... OBITUARY. I M 3IR. H. OSIORNE BAHARLEY. we deeply regret to announce tbe death, which tock place on Friday morning, of MIr.- |H1. Osborne Harley, who only a short time ago resigned the position of Postmaster of |ianchester. 31r. Ilarley had been suffering for many months, and catremely touching was the letter wvhich he wrote to Mr. J. F. Moore, ActingIost03amster at Manchester, on the 21st of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... OBITUARY, 3I21. II. l}. B~tlACKM:CREs. One of the most popular novelists uf the century has passed away in lAir. R. D. Blaclanore, who died at his house at Teddington on Saturday at the age of 75, Men and Women of the Time ?? Doddridge Blackmore was the son of the Rev. John Blackmore, and was born at Longworth, Berkshire, in 1825. His maternal granidother wee a gmuiddauglter of Dr. Doddridge ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... WEDDING OF MISS VICKERS AND 111. J. VAUDREY BRADDON. A smart and fashiossable wedding tcok place on Wednesday at St. Mary's, 'rumpsall, when Mr. J. Vaudrey Braddon, eldest son of Dr. C. I1. Brad- don andl Mrs. Braddon, RVyecroft House, Cheet- ham lill, was married to Miss Miy Vickers, younger daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Vieckers, Rose Ilill, Snedley-lane. Owing to the popularity of bath families ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ICU- ~aeBirths, Marriages, and Deaths, fo r __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ C it -der B3IRTHS, DEATHS, MARRIAGEs are inqjrtai :1 le a MANCHESTER WVEEKLT Tiir~s at tiss-se icet- sixpence per line when ptrepaitd. or, if ent a his acconnt, an additional sixpence per noti(e.j I ax's The name anid address of the sender in al crs1 ;: in given to vouch authenticity, othorivias tljol 40m dee cannot ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Births, Marriages, and BIRTIs, DEA'rnlĀ§. MARaIAGES are iten ;i MANCt{ESTERt WEEtK Y Tiurs ' at tlu t rispence per line when prepaidl, or. ii f aceonnt, an additional sixpence ?? notic i, The name and address of the sender in all eae,, given to vouch authlelnticity, othe~rwiso thi & cannot appear. :It BIRTI I s. SHIreT.-On NMlach 9th, at 350, lrea;. *, ?? Hlligher Brouglitoll, thie wift of J: ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Births, Marriages, and Deaths, ButTES, DPATES, MARaTAGES are inserted in the MAI-cErsTEtR WaEEKLrY TimEs at the rate of pirprene per line when prepaid, or, it entered to account, an additional sixpenco per notice is charged. The name and address of the sendor in all cases to be given to vouch authenticity, otherwise the notice cannot ap'ear. BIRTHS. DETHrCK.-At Overeley, Wilmaslow, on the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... OBITUARY. MR. JOSEPH COWEN. We regret to announce thre death of Mr. Joseph Cowen, ex-MV. for Newcaasle on.Tyne, which took place at his residence, Stella Hall, Blaydon-on-Tvyne, on Sunday night, in his 71st year. The deceascil had been unwell for.many mouths, but continued to direct the policy of. his newspaper, the Newcastle Chroniclo, Otherwise he had taken no active part in public affairs ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ?i1TUA1,'lIY, Pr' als B ornhardl TfiiirielI o i Sase Wilmar Eisenach dif3ft at E~isenach on Mo0day morning. ['Irb dentit is unlnollnloel of iMr. .Tamea Steel, senior rn:iriter :and editor of t he ?? Carlisle Journal, vbo iad for nearly 50 VOtS lieen enoengod in ;ournaliitie w ork liponI that paper, of which for 40 years be had lI- it odttiltor. Tt, F'!ddnll tlenath oeullred Oil T1uesday of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... OIOITU APY. Thpz c'.egih ii~, rnn1liincol'd fr- i: ' %; { ? AM inlity, ?? ail a( tiv 1 e.! . a. term of ?? in >ln-'Ili t. The death of Arl. (Chatlli' Sh;iwri .. ;A .; i: near Altrilncha'lu, tot, diet' ttl; .IX . i, a ; lr Slleriwill, Wivo eape troeat Zi ,. : (Clcrter, 1cTnl ta t(clint o.7 at o Lord fL Tarttn. *it A.l Ii.1, oiew 20 vval- n-o a 1 noted as an aniricn I . The Ittw. Atois 1i. .\in ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Births, Marriages, and Deatl,3 BruTns, DEATiTs. `MAartrAGvs aro~~ 31ANCISESTER, WVEN5LY Tiatis at iaxepenee per line when prepai~l,o. ic. accousnt, an additional ?? pqr tlotic The nam( and address of the gaeder III given to vouch authenticity', olat..u cannot appear. BIRTHS. Blonras,.-April 11th. at Sabhdeii a the wife, of Rev. A. E, Bodwi. CAUPION.-Onl April 13, at 264. ); chester, tile wife ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRINGE OF LORD BALCARRES, Mp.. WEDDING PRESENTS FROM WIGAN.. The marriage of Lord Balcarres, I'.13. for the Chorley Division of Laineashire, aid eldest son of the Earl of Crawford, of Baloarres llouse, Fife, and laigih Hall, Vigail, to Mbias l'ePlly, daughter of the lste Sir l-l. Polly, Bart., and granddaughtor of the Earl of Wemyss, waq solemniised yesterday at St. IMargaret's C-hurch, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Births, Marriages, and Deaths BIRTsa, DRATnS. RMAT IIACiuzs are inlorted in tho 'MAxCuELSTER WEErL.Y TimSus at the rato of sixpenee per line when prepaid. or, if entered to l rwcoant,.an additionalupixponce per notice is cbarged. The namo and address of the sender in all cases to be given to vouch authentioity, otherwise the notice cannot appear. BIRTHS. BARLOW.-n Qctbber Mth. at Albert Gate, ...