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1900 - 1949
489 1900-1909




North West, England


Manchester, Lancashire, England

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... TTIE STAGE. Mr. Wilson Parret, saiiyarpoed 1VN. II i-- of.iei'irjes rind hisi enitire Liadrlr hit, Irain ne o is alton I r [ M Aanchie-ter-, zindl his mnany Ii-I'a Igo hirave ain oppoirtulnity, at the Po al. I Ittheir fav-rissiite in a quarte~ttf of ?? -N il iii ii,, ?? partienlarly hris mvsis. EV wr; I 're - %s l iie Mnix fislierm'iin, Pete Qsrilliia, rn ?? proudi aid( lsaizp-hty llornan pa ...


... I t ECOPY1IGHT.] .I . - I-'I GODDESS: A DEMON. ?? RICHIARD MARSH, Authlor of In Full Cry, The Beetle: A 1; Miystery, 'The Crime and the Criminal,.: k; The Datchet Diamonds, Thle -s D]iuc and the Damsel, &c. H . _ - .- la CHAI'TER XXV. Ui TllE GftliiSS. ai T had been wondering, while Lawrene had oJ been speaking, where exactly in' what he said 01 was the div.ding line between truth ...


... r If Mr. Sydney Grundy's characters in ?? Thd Degenerates are correctly drawn types of the doni- zens of what is called ' Society, and are not gro- tesrjue caricatures, then the sooner some stern moralist arises and attacks Society with an ethical fire-squirt the better it will be for Britain, Unfortu- nately for the moral health of the realm Mr. Grundy is too much of an artist to overdo ...


... 1 TREATMENT OF DISElNlSES BY J I' E R Y. INERO.I le (By INit. A. WAUvrLcTC.) FOURTH ARTICLE. is SOUND: NEW V I FWS ONN CANER. 'f Lig:2t and heat as remedial agents have been con- V, eidered in our former articles. Another variety of to energy is sound. A well known fact b the effect of a lullaby in sending infants to sleep. Harmonious ?? Sound has vcrtainly actioi in eertain nervous affee- rs ...


... By our Special Correspondent. I have always considered the Brodsky Quartet CGn- certs to be the most strictly inusical gatherings in Manchester. Not that I wvish to speak in alny sense s'iglhtingli of many of the otier concerts in our midst, but it must be confeafd'ed that tho popul rity of the Mlille, and many of thle ballad concerts, is n6t fiefre- quently attributable to a certain element ...


... *W%7WM?flWV it ?? ? it 't ?? W ?? ?? W'.3W l . A~~~C9PYRIOHT.]'- ITHE -SENTENCE ITHE COURTS By HEADON HILL, .o the QWec of iightA & uitlt& iX -Go tBy a lloir' Rr eaieh, sthes 0 aeJ of the W~ight,'t' tc., &e., 0BAPTER XX. - TtO) LATE ! ,. - Events marched quickly that memorable Fri- day under.-the summer suniat Weymouth. While Sir Henry Selwood and Sir (GWaham Sinelair were renewing. their ...

Interesting Facts..

... nteresting Facts.. * it Wood pulp paper is (says Science Siftings) being !,j used by the Japanese troops as military clothing. It n is marvellously tough, and has a thorouglaly work- .11 manlike appearance. It holds stitching uncommonly :e woll, whilo its warmth is undoubted. h1 The old-looking violins seen in many a2 music-shop I.. window are not infrequently brand-new instruments from ...


... IN BMEMORIAM. A tribute to the British and Colonial heroes who hare lost their lives in South Africa. We sing the praise of those Who for the empire died. Triumphant o'er her foes They death itself defied. Let mourning hearts rejoice, Let tearful eyes be dry; We praise with trembling voice The dead in victory. No welcome home to them, No laurels crown their brow; Yet we regrets will stem, ...


... 'kopyRialtrA TIE GODDESS: A DEMON. BY RICHARD MARSH, I nFulwl Cry:I' BTh eet,4 : A Mystery The OriwtZ and the Ctiminal, 'The Datchet Diamonds; 1i'he btime and the Damsel, etc., etc. SYNOPSIS OF I'REVIOJ'E G MAPTERS. urmsg f. ro ?? narrator d tie stor, Johin 'Ferguson, tells'ivow one evoning he and hisia'enfI, *d ill 1,awrence, hacl been pla yiganrds. t'utting the cards lor a double ...


... to r- ?? The Belle of New Yuk paid it,; 'irt vite m to Manchestor loeal playgoers were disporocc l to rcr-c- n- it with a frigidity which surpriswl thoso who hadI vtn lY it in London. For months ITlhe Bolle-`' h:i l,; 8, Metropolitan audiences enthraled, and anl sx, - llt were disposed to regard it as tao best slil, in nov. 'o It must, therefore, have causet the tourinn .?nlaps5y * ...


... ODD TIOUGAITS. TWO rFUNERALS. Is the Rev. BMr. Brown at home? asked a stranger, confronted by a smiling Irish maid at the parsonage door. No, sorr, he is attinding a widding, answered tho maid. Can you tell me when I shall be likely to find him? asked the caller. 'Well, sorr, was the smiling reply, I don't know just whin he'll be back, for he has another funeral to attind afther, ...


... ; r THlER CH HIL DIMEN's HOURIi. .CONDUCTED P1 When I was a child, said Aunt -lfaxy, and little Nora; playing ntas by, left her toys-and came to Aunt Mary's side, tamiing up an interested facea: eyes bright with the hope of a story to come,. 'When I was a ohild, tiaid Aunt Maryptaking one of Nora's sraall hands inl her ccwn sdft fwvlhitc ones, ie l1c6lvd 6ifr dolls nnd other toys detino ...