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38 1900-1909


Lloyd's Weekly Newspaper



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Lloyd's Weekly Newspaper

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATHS. hfp. ?? Schn'adhorst died G Tuesday, at Putney, after a prolonged illness MIr. ScEhnadhorst was the organiser end the Srst secretary of the National Liberal federation. He was born In Birmingham in August, 1840, and. .n his early days kept a shop in his native town. Mr. Schnadhorst's connection with ; olitics dates from 1867, when he assisted he ?? of Mr. George Dixon. After the hiome ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... THE DUKE 0! TECK'S FUNERAL. The remains of the late Duke pf Teek were yesterday interred it ?? George'. ! chapel, Windsor, the ceremonybeing per. formed in semi state and with full mili- tary honours before a diatinguished assemblage. The weather .was .fine, and the people of the Royal borough ehovtedt-heir respect for th lateDuke, .*ho ^ a'd-;ftu movod among them, by bloclb4thik approaches ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATHOFMRS.GLADSTONE Mrs. Gladstone died at Hlawarden castle on Thursday. For some days she had been sleepingas tranquilly as a child, and never regained conecioneness. The- end was foreseen in the morning, and the wihole of the household servants were ushered into the sick chamber to take the last farewell of their beloved mistress. -The scene was very affecting. At five o'clock there was ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... L.ATEST CASUALTIES. DEATH OF CAPTAIN PAGET. A despateh from Lord Roberts, dated Pri. tunria, Oct. 12, announces that Capt. Faget (huiae Brigade),,whs was dag-erously woundad at .adpmuideu on Oct. 9, has since died of his wounds. HIABLTON'S FORHCE, OCT. 4. isr SUSSEX: REGIMENT. KIXmLE. .-d512 C. ShuttoD. M.I. Co. LINCOLN REGIMENT. MIssING (believed wounded prisoner).- 5156 R. Simpson. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... - - - .I1 of- 1arga u I. friends 21hi cort s.placeeiaideihill.: ab- 10 f lokgtwe dlt Xpartofte aer~vide .wasisad- in t-hei; :huroti4at the cali tery aeon: of the .deceased,^thie ?? -Hb-enry. -L oydig- -Chu9s,-ibrc o thribte-n' wereation, Chi le ' urst 'offi-oiat M -Wt C(ark- Rue si'ell' the, el~d~est so~n, :is: unonppily. a; son- - firmed- .in-valid a t- ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATHS. General Sir John A'dye, a distinguished officer, who, diring a 64 years' military carier,had seen sermce in the Crimea, India, ahd Egypt, died on Sunday at the seat of Lord Armistrong. in Northumberland, where he woeas on P visit. Re vwas born in 1819. The death odcurred, on Monday, of Mr. Jonhr Epkina, iielrly 8d years of age, and iwhe for bpiards (i 40 years was organist at Rochester ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DE&TH OF THE VARQUIS OF BUTE Tihe Marquis of Bate died, on Tuesday, at Dainfries house, Cuninock, Ayrshire, frous a paralytic stroke. AI. the memnbers of the famaily were at Dunifries house with the exception of Lord Ninian Crichton-Stcart, tne second son. John 'atrick Crichton- Stuart, K.T., LL.D., was-the son of the second- rmrquis, and was-shorn at Eeutst dtuart'houoe. in the lsle of Bute, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... SAD DEATH OF MR. GEORGE I DOLBY. At Fulham, yesterday,, Mr. Drew held an inquest on the body of, Mr. Gieorge Dolby, who died in the local infrm'ary under exceedingly sad 'eircumnsteces. -Mr. R. C. Pycroft, a relation of the deceased by marriage, stated that at one time Mr. Dolby was private secretary to InCharles Dieeus, and had occpied, years since, a mos 'respectable position in *society, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEAt1H$. V/ .ral Richard Duckworth.King, forms, a Naval aide-de-camp to her Maiee'\ and Admiral - superintendent of Nalta dockvard, whose death is annouaced, was uorn in l8iO, entered the Royal Navy in December, _252, and as a boy served on the Rodney end the Royal Albert in all the Naval operations in the Black eta during the war with Russia, receiving while still a vouth tle Climean aiid ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH- OF SI W. LOCKHART. -. Sir William LO-ckbhart ,Coiander-in-cblef in India, euccumbedltohighfeer a Calcutta, on Sunday. The funeral, ou DMonday, was volry impressive. It was attended by Lady Lockhart, the Vicetoy, the membera of the council, and all the high officils.- General Sir W. S. A. Loakhara, ?? ?? v one of the ?? ex-erienced, fiontier offiqera of the' present generation. :Bouri ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ?? ,AOCD i ENI--k ,.,NBTI =BYtllEiSOI3Y BES0LS0t' ji-ilj~ufrf at Op'o~noi cabeierninght _ti d'eath :otL~i.he1- rti imen 'e b2U wie c fa tobma'.erj ,:e the- St. -Mlrt gatct' B hotDl5 etb s,.z DwtkenhaiiD W he 'wtas- 'eidde'ntl s~irot' bLy-Il' ?? in the'preatreird`fldsr' adoining tee' Prince Albert publi6-lodso, -nury.m oia ?? t fSb. bdgoi'dthere' iitb- ' 1hr hi~hsband and~n ?? :Mr. Od'rtis,, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ?? ?? WINDSOWi OW ;TJ{&QUEEN. iti'i XD AT PRETORTA. r- O L6 ia ?? of. &lloswig. ?? i= 1 o.f: Pi e Cstiga, anmd a. gzlndou'O -the1 Qeee, aiedi of eiitrici fi~ver a retoria, eIndsy. . Bydoaire E *; Queeni ntd At members, of the Eoni3y~ thene~os wac~ot divalged flflil t-re~ Tfmng~. as not atohter~ewi anyiy way withv thq wreceptioa of the City ' 1[eaphl ?? Tu Xa9sdair L~ondZ Ga-afi coainec ...