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663 1900-1909


Belfast News-Letter



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Belfast News-Letter


... BD LLJARDS. JC(H aTManS v. JOHNI DUNCAN. Play ni this match of 21,000 nIp was resumed in ti-e Ulster .Minor Hail on Sitturdav afti-noani, the overnight scores hebing:--Dunoan (nrcerives 9,000), 12,689; Roberis, 8,751. Roberts, who wvas in play iwith 162 unfiihemd. added 42 by alternate wiiillers and canfLons before givuig I.Uty t0 Duncan. his total break being. ?04. 'i lbe reeeiver of points ...


... .SPO3ITN~ i ENGLISH SPORTflhG ROTES.. Lnomnos, SATU&RDaAY.-If the sport under Na- tional Hunt Rules has lartely shown an improve- ilment, the winter season has, on the whole, been somewhat monotonous, and it will be with feelings of relief that professional turfites assemble at Lin- I coln on MVlond:ay for the opening of the flatracing i campaign. The prospects are bright enough from a ...


... SP(IPIITLNG- ITIE'LLGE hNCE, IORNETNLLIIR'E NoTES. 'WANOFLESTER, MCNIAtI 'I1GB F-The frost, whiiio I was so s'a'sre yesterday and Saturday, lnpnrtsAi dnrzn the nuigt, sial ha~s g,,5a wAYtyou heay rain. Thenris fliserdeoic, no fear that the racc~rr of the presrIlt wa till antet -;tnk interruption. Tb's work ocimeniciEe at 3t!nech05te:, arler sa ese.ful aneein;shold be held derng5 thereaxbt sea ...


... 3 COt: U R SING. 1w XTI E LOG (ALTCAR) MEETI N-, 1900 (-oc'- 'ee-irT. Brecltelaek, Sir B. Jordlne, H-onouir- abe i o tlneaxM,c . A Brimsi. G, F Few-, -RB V' . Jli-dine. T. Qit t-iaotn.F uiis I ci C';acil-Idasat.J. if. D~oiaia,` IT larrF Gi 1h4111, A JIloioih P'. V. 5ftjtler, WV HI. 'Smith (1~ 1 3 Ja tenrvr s-i T. -1 ier. corc-7im eonklt~ 0f hu- 'cPntilry for tae 'Waterloo flco- eract~ac jr ...


... Iu j}L .Si ltsN Spl'tE - -1 1 IIETL ETEL fZ E'Th TE S. 14, bfa, ri j'R ~~UT jAN~~~7'.i1Y :zrnxc.w~ t\bl .. T{'3fi ; o .3 , .y4~.'i.,v' PTIENG T ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ C \A ''iSO 4;4:343 7~~~~~~'. S'T1 I 'NC; 7~~~~~. -, ~~~.**(tA-rT 4;, rrs: V r C-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. , :!a ~~7 R, CL~tn..z Uo r.'½ m 4.4..4. S ~~~~~~~~~~~ rC2LI -0>LNC r'-,T f .3 -, . 3 ., r - -. 3.Su- 4~~~~~~~5Qiml',, 4 ..3r -fl ;; C 10 1-1 ...


... SPORTING INTEULIGENCE | ENGLISH SPORTING N4OTES. LONDON, SAT7CIDAY.-Raoing has been carried on Bariskly enough during the present week, bat as the racing- 'has thrown little light upon the important events of the immediate f oture it does not call. for lengthy Comment. The Northumberland Pl-ate turned out as well as could be expected from the disappointing acceptance, said the con- test proved ...


... ROWI NG. I DUBLIN UX-IV\-Lr-slITY RATr.A. I; The seeon-i and c'nich'uding- c-l' of aie Dublin University -Rz--n-cta ant 1Iscand Bridge Was -in tin die- a- nru g bloth in n4-ea.uer .iial at-zenflinxe. The 'Vi a rsv cre .von the Junior Th 1 'i-c { aplue £05,30 beating Peroke, andl th-e It-liall c(a-l lenge Cop, ralue -ICO. for ouMir- oonle.l b.VLsat- irgo Waterford. The bhIllilon beai-i e lnemlx ...


... CY C LI NG. i PIFTY LES PATM AACI I A \i)W ItOVRt RECO]RD. The annuai fify na'Ies open path (handicp) raee promoted by the Crtr-;sera C.CO. rook p>mme last even- ing on the splendid grounds of the U'lster Cricket Club, BAl efieigiL . the clay turXned otut very. -damp, it writ thought tha4t the evenst wold bav;e^ to be poS t-ponoed; but, fartnmtely, the weather claned up coneiderab-y duringg ...


... The weather during the past week- was of a 'varied description, but despite several stoppages, ,which lo-st a lot of time, there were some interest- inag finishes. The fact is that more miatchee are brought to, a, conclusion under s-uch conditions as prevailJed dnring -the past week than whien w%,e have continuouasly fine weather. Yorkshire still hold. premier position, an I Lan- cashire are s ...


... ASSOCIATION. )81M&2LIXy ~-. O1ZF10O\-fLE~. A s4plendid cret-hw gurherPed az-Grotsvenor Paxk r y7emetrday mnrnting_. Althoughi nbi hoeur was eleven it 0 lcthe -ground -as-e well padked long beforeF haratbore Greatin azbr~e- was taiken in 'this iii- tr.ow'tn~g tLo the faZt-of the Reds an) easily isip- t t - ira tin _ed nSarr - 'Liewer-e several clianges1 in the tensa. DThEzidltery taring Ford-e ...


... G I ESr 3 . ApEti 19, 1903. ma} cot!+i .5icifors to be addressed o the iiv,,,- th Nf mLc etsLtet Cince, andi K! r.s'1\± _ti t iatt. than TueSria of each - k-, i,,j lot C Sli>-- lewz- Can he :Olsetteu tuni- P~o}ZLSI. S. 2'-,9A-252~ M>ax F-eel. Vinr A';tPrize~ ;1 :r;.gifEiler ava;> 3Twa i. Israe UCu - o ULLLe _ e _ - KeV 1in Ve. Q i K ~,iKennedy-. n John r O~Psro'r (3' 0 is ir. -,.Vi l m . ...


... G OL F. COUNTY DOWN CLUB. y5_ n.1 AlNNUAL A£EBMNG A-ND DL\NN at INTERESTING PROCEEDIJNGS. Tl 7his fiourivhing club held their annual mseeting )n Ias; Saturday afternoon, in the olubL-nuse attached Dr to the splendid iinliz a;t Neweastle Tlhe day, s though 'threatening, wan so -beutifully line that the occasion se-aned to, -srve as au excellent apology Id fa a most enjoyable seaste outing. Tle ...