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... 'ABERDDEEN AND -THE VOL4UNTEERSB - 4 TowQN -dorlJ~TlLNS '2FMLT AER NT] A IEN T. a Aberdeen, 'city arid county alike, has reason , to be proud of the response of her volunteers to the invitation tosharein the empire's defenceat this crisis; and, on their part, the volunteers lhave equal reason to. be proud rif the splendid .recognision which- sheir patriotism has evoked both privately and ...


... BADEN-POWELL'S POLIO.E. The ar noeuncement made on Saturday that 4000 additional British recruits are to be en- listed for General Balden-Powell's Police has already resulted in 17.000 applications The Colonial Office iast nighet iseued the fol- lowing notification :-Candidates for the South Afjrican Censtabuiarv who 'have been ordered to sail on Dpeember 31 vill enmba:-k at 10 a m. on the ...


... A. FRASERBURGH SHOEMAKER'S ALIMENT CAISE. DISGRACEFUL ALLEGATIONS. An actions was raised in Aberdeen Shecif*' Small Debt Court on Thursday before Sheriff Burnet,.at the instance of Mrs Charlotte Gordon Aitken or' Oruickshankl, wife of James Cruick- 'ehank, 45 John Street, Aberdeen, and at present jresiding in Fraserburgh, for £12 aas alimoent rowdrds the suppori of her and her children at ! ...


... INQuIRY AT BANFY. On Satutrday, in Bauff Sheriff Court, Sherit Grant and a jury conducted an inquiry into the circumstances attending the deaths of three Nor- wegian seamen-Ar~dreao Forguseen, mate; WVil- mar Olsen, steward, both of Poragrund; and I Karl i5teinart, seaman, Ka-rlshamn-all of whom I were drowned when the vessel bser went ashore about the middle of last month. The first witness, ...

The Court

... 'Cbe ZOAft. Court. I Windsor Castle, 'Wednesday. The Queen and Princess Henry of Batten- berg drove out'yesterday afternoon, attended by the Countess of Antrim ; and Her Majesty went out this morning, accompanied by Princess Henry of Battenberg and Princess Victoria of Schleswig-Holstein. The Earl of Kintore, G.C.M.G., lord-in- the Queen, attended the funeral service of His ...

The Court

... I -le Court I Windsor Castle, Moanday. The Queen drove out ye-Sterday afternoonl attended by the Dowager Lady SOuthatmptori and the Hou. Dorothy Viviani. T|re Marquis of Salisbury, K.S. (Prime Minister and Secretary of State for ]Foreign lAfiairs), and Lady Gwendolen Cecil arrived at tilhe Castle and had the honour of dining j with Her Majesty. The Marquis of Salisbury had an audience of the ...


... (REUT~rzS TEIGRAM.) Brussels, July 4. at The trial of Sipido and his accomplices was cc continued to-day. The audience in Court was re larger than yesterday. M. Servais, the Advocate- ti, General, continued his speech for the prosecu- M tion, setting himself to show that accused held Anarchist theories, which induced them to attempt the lives of others. Thanks to the energy of the Brabant jury ...


... 'ed CRD;S 4?D M4SIR9 ,L CEVERROBBRY 1 PABJSi £l18,COOO Lifted frorn avebicle. Tiiwa Daily Tesegph'sa Paris eorrespondent ?? of the most daring and successful of recent robberies was effected on Mondar morning to the prejudice of the Northern France Railway Company. A sum of 450,000 francs, ot £16,000, was deftly lifted from a vehicle in. which the money was to be conveyed to the- Bank of ...


... THE MOTHERWELL TRACERY. to-. 1Ila In Hamilton Sheriff Court yesterday Louisa ans Richard, domestic servant, 45 Dalziel Street, Jif IMotherweoli. -was brought before Sheriff David- gson on a charge of having, batweno 1st March T and 28th May. in the dwelling-house at Abbots- lb 8ford Place. Thorn Strect. Motherwell, th Tb occupied by liar, or elsewhere in Motherwvell, La s~trangled Ada ...


... I THE CALEDONIAN CLUB CASE At the Central Police Court ?? Fife on the ?? M'Kenzie, residing at 645 Garscube Roal, was charged with a con- |iravention of the Glasgow Police Act, 1866, par- ticularlv sections 136. 137. and 138. and sections 1 36 and 137 as amended by the Glasgow Police Further Powers Act. 1822. in so far as on the I l9th or 20th May, 1900, in premises consisting; of a large ...


... A _ ..AX oR S Ti PnOThCOTON OF SAWS-IMPORTANT PROSX- r CrZIONO IN GLAsGoW.-TWO test cases of con- ro s siderable importance, the first of the kind under am A the Factory and Workshops Act, came before esT e Sheriff Fyfe in Glasgow Sheriff Summary Court 1OC I yesterday. 4ndersorX &k Henderson (Limited), p sawmillers, Kinning Park, were charged with r t having neglected to have their circular ...