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... Id CLOSE OF INQUIRY. e Extraordinary Allegations by Mrs Richard t. Chamberlain. ic The Commission appointed to inquire into the 5- treatment of the sick and wounded in the South i. e; African campaign yesterday sat for the last time X 5 ?? at Burlington Gardens, London. Lord-Justice Romer presided, and the other I Commissioners present were Sir David Rich- t :omond and Dr Church. , ic Mrs ...


... CRIMIES AND CHARGES. I m- 0 SMY DAY3 rS ron WIFE ASsArLT.-At the Ooat- t ,re bridge Police Court ?? O'Neill c 3I On the ',enof-a man named Edward O'Neill, r rly ion-worker, Buchanan Street. Pleaded guilty to t . a charge of assaulting his wvife on Sunday morn- aI ing and admitted two previous convictions of a) 6 COdavs. le was again sentenced to suffer 60 of days' impflsonfment. 1 3!i- Sras1Nr ...


... CRIMES AND C'IijoGEp ,1 P ED ASSAULT im A PAILWAY CAPRIAC-2 A somewhat sensational OCCurrenr^ is repsc+ ; to have taken place late en Saturda nht on railway between Airdrile acd Carmys, a caC buslang tcan being scriousl r assaulted mabb. and robbed. A young mar- na ed JG' ,i Mallin, aged 24, a monor. re,:dis, a± 14 5 Ichanan Square. Silverbank: Cumbisiarm k been to Airdrie on Saturd vi'i17 a ? ...


... CQIJRT 01? SESSL0? p - iSElCONiD DIVISION- Tuesday, February 21 ;(Before the Lord-,Tustiee-Clerk, Lords Young' and Tray-nor.) C OLD Coasaser (L;azx)- Coun~sel were heard to-day in- the petition 1st ?? Guon. 4 fleasclsoap, London, for thso wzindinlg op of the Two Chums-Gold Company .(Limited), 17 Royal Exchange Square, Glasgow. The petitioner holdss a decree SurSSOO and err penscs, w-hich the ...


... t FIRST DIVISION-Monday, March 12. a :,(Before the Lord-President and a Jury.) c t CAlP31ML V. ALE. STEEIEN & SONS. { The Lord-President and a jury heard evidence n e in an action by Malcolm Campbell, boilermaker, 'c 51 Commercial Road, Glasgow, against Alex- u ander Stephen & Sons, shipbuilders and engi- b b Aneers, Linthouse, Govan. The pursuer sued d for £C500 at common law or £375 Is under ...


... CRIMES AND CHARG(ES, THE PAISLEY MRURER. Wallace Williamson, the manl who was app, hended on Tuesday in connection with the deaf of James Gardner, photorraphic canvasser, ate was found stabbed to Lha hoart in the East-.&d Park, Paisley, on Tuesday morning, wras breuga up at the Paisley Polico Court yesterday. Tb charge preferred against Wiliiamson wus tg on the night of the 30th or rmorning of ...


... FIRST DIVISION. ADV5Sr.Gs aor- To-DALy (tsrEOAY). B.N.-Getge Whyte v. Richard Brown (Whyte's Factor)- Lord Pearson. Appeal-Bnrsh of Dufftosrm v. George Cowie &; Son- Sheriff of Aberdeen. Snmone ROLL Fos TO-DAY (TUMESDAY) AND TO-MORBOW (WEDNMSDAY). RB.N.-rex. Pirie & Sons (linited) v. Earl of Rintoro and ?? IXyllachY. Partly heard. Appeal-John Whyte v. Peter GIls-Dean of Guild, Glaagow. SHORT ...


... '6URT OF SESSJON.- FIRST DIVISION.-Saturdy, December 22. refo the Lord-President, Lords XMLaren and ?? V. cORPORATIONO OW GLASGOW. A: etti'em-nt' 4u ?? intimated Osf an ''action brought by' John Dluffy, '5 -Lyons- ?? 0Ga-] ' ?? Against the CGorporation of Glhsow- for paymaent cf £500 as-damages for pdTonal win- : jenes' reIeird' by'. in'bI 18th Mao'Jaat, Wi onsequence of being knocked ...


... CRXES AND CHARGES. I the seen THE HOOLIGAN TERROR IN cir- LONDLON . sek. Se. ?? of a Policeman. cart and At the Thames Police Court on Saturday of morning, Barnet Abrabams, 41, a cigar maker lose ray, and English Jew, residing at 50 Newark Strcet, out was charged nith feloniously killing and slaying rith Police-Constable Ernest Thompson, 240 H, by } ctly stabbing him in the neck with a knife ...


... COUTRT OF SESSION. - FIRST DIVISION-Thursday, December 13. (Before the Lord-President, Lords Adam, o M'Lsren, and Kinnear.) PETITION-REID, FOR CUSTODY OF CagReN. I The First Division ordered intimation of a petition presented by Mrs Agnes Jane Grant or l Reid, wife of Alexander Reid, spirit merchant, I Bearsden, for custody of her four children. She ; states that she was married to Alexander ...


... . FIRST DIYISION'Monday, July 23. (rBefor. the Lord-President and a Jury.) r DOUGALL V. LEITH, HUTLL, AND HAMBURG STEAM - ACKET COMFANY' (mrITrED). E The Lord-President and a jury heard evidence in an action by Allan Dougall, boatman, residing at 10 Crawford Street, Port-Dundas, Glasgow, - against the Lcith, Hull, and Hamburg Steam Packet Company (Limited), 16 Bernard Street, Leith. for ...


... OUTER HOUSE-Tharsday, April 1L th (Before Lord Pearson.) §4 THE LIVERPOOL VIERO LEGAL FRIENDLT SOC-n AiqD OTHERS v. SAMUEL ECUSTON. e The defender in this case, Samuel Houston, Iz 32 High Street, Lockerbie, was at one time sub- 24 agent in Fifeshire for the pursuers, whose cr as society is registered under the Friendly Societies to Acts. The purpose of the action was to have the defender, who ...