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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... I BIRTHS. - I aD REID.-ASt 2 Orchard Place. Aberdeen, on the 50t-h WC the Wife of Archibald S. Iied, of a son. LOO-Ac Deenwonnr Cottage, l?.Riverside hetmd Abrc- n deen, on 31st December, the wife of Stanley .. c Pool, Celedonian Railway, of a daugbter. be M ARRIAGES. o' BAIN-DAVIDSON -AT 122 Letlie Terraco, Albordemn, on the 27th December, by tic- Rev Donald Rolert- :tl ton, Ates (dec Crart ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTE1HS. CALDER.-At 1611E 31t Street. 3iaMsiis Cit., Mo., on Decemaber '3th, 1139. the wife of Mr Silt air Caloifer- I of a daughtir. I ELP~i'IlNS'aS).?-At 88 Great Norhern road. Alto:- deon, On the 31?t uot . the woi.e c-f Iiderire. Eiphis- Stolle, of a Son. KENIGHT.-At 46 tuitco-cit n Park. Aberdeen., n ho . 31o. tit., tlhe vife of Wt'liatn S. bntghlt. of a Eai'. \?LARR+LYGFS.1 KVING-BROWN ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... THE LATE COLONEL TURNXR OF We regret to reeord the death o-f Colonel John Turner of Turaerhall and Tipperty, Aberdeen- shire, which occurred on Sunday at his residence, St Stephen's Avenue. Ulmers, Surbiton, in his 69th year. Although of late years resident for tbe most part in the south of Englind and in Jersey. he was well known in Aberdeen.ehire to a, large; circle of friends from. his ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 24 c~rybilro Crescent . Pctr C ?? c;e S;a 11it.. the C'e of ERob ur -. 2-,oa' en Street. e R n la%1 aid~e' ?? b At O Kikandl Street. on the itt p ajohnt ?? a I oc.te -~ ~ ?? - ?? Eel- C--- \i'1cclN Piveo Lancraide. on the P cA c 'Iele11 cc Jaoaes Rae:a J01.1, 11 4 70c th Dec-ember, the ' cc ?? insp~eot-lr; a sonl. Main vet, ?? kin --aof II. V. Sioltccoil; a t01n-- 14Prk Te-rrace. on 30th ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... THE LATE MR ALEXANDER LALNG, ] COACHBUIIDEP. I I This gensileman, a citizen well known in Abet- ci -een for the greater part of' the cencury. iied at hisresidence. Brigh con Place. on-Sunday morning. jM Laing was for forty yearz coachbuilder io Her Mlajesty in premizes in Bcc-Accord Stmrat. He retired from business some 15 years ago. IL was not, how-ever. his busineas that brought hiss Iin ...


... ABERDEEN CIHORAL UNION. *THE`MESSIAH, Thesperfoflllnce of 'Handel's otaterptece. the MAessiah, is an annual event -which is looked forward to with considerable interest in iocnt ciusical circ-es, and the brilliant asseniblage. whiich crowded the Music Hail slst night showed by their unatinted appreciation that the Famous oratorio was done fuil justiee to by thre talented soloists engaged ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Benrov. Kirkintilloch (Provost ~o an'rv on Xst'Decernber. the wife of tile SC ?? S. D. Cowan, late of Old Calabar Ilawarden. Port-Glasgow. on tie 2d inst., the wife of Captain Cuthbart, ?? s.S iSuffolk; a daughter. ?? 1 Rosemount Terrace. on 2d inst., p+ wife of John C. Forsyth, provision mer- S 2itt. Ibrox: a daughter. -At 158 Renfrew Street. on the 2d inst., 5 wife of 'Miatthew Reid: twiin ...


... SEA TR.ANLSPORT OF HORSES. COMMNIU'NICATfON BY GENE.AL :RISSELL. -la Major-General Russell, Ci:MG,, M.P., writes bi as follows to yesterdafs Times':- Va In vour issuf of the 26th ult. there appears a *,m letter on this subject, signed 'O0hus. Darbyahire,` 21 in which he relaces :his own experience of having ib landed 131 horsee at Calcutta after a voyage from Buenos Ayree without loss and in ...


... I CErF2 OFPTV--BROAD STREET, APERDPEN. ~I'oNio- OFICE-5 NEW BrglW-E STREET. E.C. [1 7.sG-R&MaS- ABER.DEEN JOUP3-AL, ABPkPDEFN. IABERDEEN. WEDNESDAY, JAN. 3, 1900. -NEW, S SUMDXARY A t.her Britrsih vutiocy. Ocltmen PPi'ther. of ithe Bedf'rdishire Regiment, ha5 made a suesesful I attack tupon a Boer Irager ahk-h had establishe tis-sIf not far from Cool's Farm, about 25 mikes! cruoi. Belmont. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... - A 31 Wavreley Gardens. Crossnay- the ,-.r hod inSt., STs John C. Buchanan; 16 Penrose Street, Cheetham. Sian- 162d it., the wife of Jack Daly -'njee ic Brss)a son. I nI - \t steĀ° Fife Armns Hotel. Baniff. on the ?? ember, wife of J. R. Fraser; a 4 Park Street, 'Whiteinch, on 3d 'e v. :e of James F. Hopper: a eMS5 r \-At K~nhckando. Alorav-;hire. on the ;e'en-iber. the xife of J. P. 0-(iorman ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... - BIRTUS. BRUCE.-At 8 Cai-nbaau. 0jarirtield Terrace. Butcl-r burn, on the 3rd inrt.. the wife of George A. Bruce, late of 2 Stanles Street, Aberdeen. of a dau.gizer. MAOFA.RLANE. -At Ros Btuidings, Inach. onr the 3rd inst., the wife of _Alexander Mamorlane, M. .O . S., of a dsqughver. ROBERTSOS-At 53 Thermon Street, Abecdceei. on 2nd inst., the wife of Peter Robertson, draper, Lt' a sen. ...