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1900 - 1949
471 1900-1909



Dublin, Republic of Ireland


Dublin, Dublin, Republic of Ireland

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... FAIM. BORRISOLTEIGH (Tipperary).-Tihere were good szpplies at this fair. Buyers were -well re- presented anid business proved satisfactory, although many other fairs clashed 'with it and the ?? was voryunpleasant. Nearly all classes of stock were in brisk demand at prices which were fully cn a level with late values. Sheen ales met with keen inqniry, young sheep espe- cially beingin remarkably ...


... I THE HOF!'LSE SHOW. THE ART INDUSTRiFS ESHIIION. 'The Art Industries txhihbion of the Royal Dublin Society held at Ballsbridge during Horse Show week has risen to be the most im- portant display of the attistic handicrafts of Ireland that mow ?? place. Each yiar it increases in the number of exhibits, -Ad its scope is continually extended by tie opening of new classes of art work. The Irish ...


... ;BALYBUDEN GOITAGE gHOW. I , _ - - - - - I - I I Tlhle above second annual sho~w was held on Wednesday on the grounds of 'frs Guintrews, Tar radden, Reeanamham. kindly given fr-r the oc- C=onao. The Comnittee was very represenba- tive. and included ?? of the residents of the locality. The socey was strted laet year With the object of encouraging cleanlines * industry, and thrift, also the ...


... FI I RS. KINGSCOURT-Thlis monthly fair weas held yesterday, and was well supplied with stock of all kinds. There was a good attendance of buyers and business was brisk all round. Store cattle in good demand. T'hree year old heifers and bul- locks fe.tched from .£10 10s to £12 10s; two year olds, £7-15s to £69; vearlings, £4 153 to £6 5s; weanlinrgs, 35s to 50s. Springers in active re- quest at ...


... I would that I were the maker of Fashions, for, indeed, I think I would make prettier ones than those that are! Nevertheless, I feel it my bounden duty to chronicle to you the fashions that exist, now at any rate, whether pretty or ugly, but the.styles tinatl are worn by our leading Paris mondaines hand London leaders of fashion. Happily, where the cost is too great, these garments are easily ...


... BALLINA.SLOB-This important fair was what farmnrs call a good all-round fair. Cattle, 1 outlyers especially, were not up to the average in condition owing no doubt to the extremely wet months oF January and February. Prices, how- ever, have gone up, with the result that they paid well for the winter feeding. In store cattle fairly well fed, the recent rise was well main- tained, but there was ...


... The Merchant of Vea)ice' was given lat eveaing at the Gaiety Theatre, being the frst l performance of a cla fral dramatic season by .Mr William Havriand and Miss Amy Coleridge, formerly members of Sir Hery Irvinig's Lyceum FTheatre Company. The loadintg artistes were I supported by a good company, and the audience attractad to 'ha Gaiety were much interested by the excellent presentatin of ...


... - ,r. c , ?? - , . - - r ; - ' . I- . e i a . - A I ?? \nT : . ,, 1 . .;.I i - 1 r 1 > t -, -- T-, TV V ., . .. - , 2 ; A-. ?? . -i ?? r. .: . ?? , - i ?? j r ?? ?? ?? ( :. - .. '3q ?? ~ ?? . . . ?? 5 t8 i.3 VI G: L~ ,. -p v s ...


... 3AsB ioN AzN0 VARLETE | ARIVALS AND DEPARTUES. Hon Mrs Rittkledge has arrived at Kings- town frot England. Hon W Dewhurst has arrived at Kingstown from England. Captain Thornton has arrived at Kingstown from England. Major H G S Alexander has arrived at Kings- town from England. Alderman M'Hugh, 3M P, -Mayor of Shgo, has arrived at Kingrtown from England: John O'Dowd, 31 P, has arrived at ...


... LIfTERARY NOTES. I I Msr Jolm Morley's biographical studv of Oliver Gd Caromwrell xxill be published in 0Oct:,ber by Mcisrs hIamillan. The wealk is inoidintes'ily a. history -- _ and a biliiant hihtorv-ouf CroV.-eli'S time; but ft is prinarily at biograrphr-taiat is, an isterp-e- tsition of a temperamlent-t and a caieer. The his- ?? sens_-e Itsose growlh, as ;'lr Morleyv ob- sel-es, has ...


... I I_ At THE FINAL DAY I Yesterday the Horse Show concludedl, ?? vei under circumstances that lent unfortunately the A only gloamyaspect to what had been so faraani~ost be-illintsuccess. The wyeather, which it appearas must be mentioned, was by no meansiwhat One: F would have desired, and so just when the! S jumping competitions wrere fixed to confmuene the 2'T absence of umbrellas and ...


... FAiIuON AND VA m. i lflS .VlC~lMCOlURT. .VICEP.EGAL COURT. March 30. Their Exce3leaesC the Lrd reautenat ed Countess ,Cog~ogua will em.ertaifl a' rge party at the Castla next week, inclatang bse fluke and Duohess of Devonshire, the £a}ue of Aner- corn, the Marquis and Marooioness of Jans- downe M1arquis and Mnrchaoness of LAui - derry, Lady Relen. Stewart, aVL a% Counes of Bandon, Earl of ...