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1900 - 1949
618 1900-1909



Dublin, Republic of Ireland


Dublin, Dublin, Republic of Ireland

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... COUNIY LI -Mh r In the County Cou:-: *- J gibbon and a Jiuy s' -, all day in tryin: aa acmol rr o Stokes, a farmrer resid:1- Z t I ' ., ( against James LvnlI, 1rit t 4 ,ihful ?? on Augu'. i and trees whxh seTpararseI b-l case was remitted fr;,m ttin h-- L Bench. i4e jar-- found for pir.:ii i t ,dUition to ?? ?? ALLE GED SLA.ND;rD 4 This was a rermitted at, . ¾zna,5, i alleged slander, ...


... I YESTERDIY. SOUTHEN DIVISION-4Before Mr Swifte). PUSE -SNATCHING IN COLLEGE GLIKEEN. A young fellow named Patrick O'Brien, of no fixed residence or occupation, was charged by Consable Murphy (40 B) with snatchinag a purse containing l8s from Miss IMtitchell, of Ballsbridge, while the disorderly scene was proceeding outside Trinity College on. Thrardmy I afternoon. Miss Miitchell was pasing ...


... NORTHERN DIVISION (Before Mr WalL) i A YOUTHFUL WINDOW BREAKER. E A little boy named John Fleming, residing in r Nerney's court, was char ed by a woman named Eliza Sullivan with breaking a pane of glass in E the shop, 40 Middle Gardiner street, by delier- ately pushing his elbow through it. The boy denied that he broke the window. He was re- roanded for a week to the North Dublin Union. i A ...


... YIlterday. in thec Sintlhern Pollce Court, be- fw-o YMr Swrifte, Q C' ,ir Ma-useell, the manager 4 t the Plhoenix Brooncry Company, vits su5ln- nmoned by Sergea.t A 22 fo-r having suppel drink to a drnnltnk-7 an.PTI in the licensed house 38 James'e strmet, for which the P1liOcnx BrewerY Cnmpany kold the licence. MIr (-raltd Bymrne appeared for the defence. CorporaZ MI'1)cnald. Dublin Furhliers ...


... I LAW INTELLIGENCE, I YESTERDAY. THE IRISH 'CJNDIPENDENT PRINTING AND PiBLISHING C(OIPANY, Yesterday, before the Vice-Chance Ior, ia the matter of the Comparies Act and the above company, Mr Miles K 'lne, Q C 4.nstrueted by Mr Sheridan, on behalf of Mr Thomas Baker, the liquidator of the company), applied that a mo- dified scheme for the raccnstruotion of the com- pany should be sanctioned bv ...


... SOUTH TPIRA!r~RY. WrEl'EIBOY FRf~FulTO NS. ' lonmel, Tue-day. The Lord Chief Justice (lJord CUIriea) yes- terday morreng re~suine& the hearing of the criwnal ases. winITTBOY OAISE. James Foley, loousmel, w dchaed- uvder the Wlnmteboy Ac ?? sending a letter to Denis Hunt, Lissmigh, threatenig viOlence, and requiring him not to -do an act which he had a legal right to do. He pleaded not guilty, ...


... POLICE INTELL16EXCL YESTERDAY NOGRTHEERN' DIVISION-1 ?? k ?? Thony. SALVATION ARMS tB' Zr:Y It wrill be remembered :ha: ;bt - : bers of th1e Saltion Army : . thtronghfareat M:ddle Ahoca -f-v irr of religious meetirgs large crovwds. When eb- -- court, 1Mr Mahonr iC4_-j. t.-. ' ?? Sidney Porter, the occ-al 1.,.4 O'(Neil, a member of tae Ak-v. 0io' cused were &Leo ordered m i peace and be of geod ...


... I SATURDAY. NORTHERN DIVISION-(Before Mr Wail). A YEOMAN'S CLOTHES STOLENT. Thes Martin, a labourer, having no taxed re- sidence, was charged by Constable Corrigan (137 D), with the larceny from the Royal Bar- ' racks oi a coat and trowsers, the property of Frederick Kennedy, a memaber of the Irish con- I tinget of the Imper al Yeomanry. The ac- cused was found with the articles in his pos- se ...


... POLICE INTElrJfIE NC-Ev. YESTERDAX)J. tSOWEIIERS DiVli';io- (Before 'r l axa-e, 'Q * OPEN A` PHWA(HICH~ >t YT MILilJ\.\, A young mnan n; med Js F.-I H 'c-v sideat of 4Sllaown, wvas aar.i ?? asawsuaeed Rev Dr aioffat aun i .ore ?? were wn open z:ir ra :. - V.e : on the Common at ?? . .: - . ogn. Aaittinr x-oungflg rl.L 2 a.a.. Hackett was charged wilhl s >. : a . stable rlO E when ...


... I'TY QUARTER SESSIONS. i WHITE CLOVES FOR THE RECORDER. Yesrfrdav the Hon the Itecorder (Sir P R. Falkiner, Q Ci, opened the business of the City QuaAter Ses- sions in the small room of the Green, street, Courthoase. Mr C Kerisan, Clerk oI the OCrwn and Peace, w(s in attendance. The Recorder was premented witi a pair of white gloves for the first time durting his term of-office. The fo]lowin§ ...


... I YESTERDAY, [r SOUTHERN DIVISION (Before Mr Swifte). ON THE WRONG SIDE. t John Byrne, Daniel Bergin, and John Dunne v ere. charged by Constable 146 D with driving on the wrong side of the road while in charge st of horses and cars. Fred 2s od each. hI 1 HE WOULD NOT OBEY. 1i Michael Keatinge was charged by Constable 3t 96 1) with refusing to pull up on 2nd January we ihlen ordered to do so ...


... . POLINCE INTELLIENCR. r s;NORTHERN DIWI&ON. (Before Mr T J Wall, Q C.) t1 OE- HRE OF DESERTION. II James Lenney, a sergeant in the Argyll and f - Sutherland HighLanders, stationed at Bichnond u Barracks, was charged by Constable 0 he~u, 'I 65 D, with being a deserter from his regiment. fi The constable deposed that between 10 and 11 s ''clock t~he previousnight Ee met accused in * Churh ...