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1900 - 1949
117 1900-1909



South Wales, Wales


Glamorgan, Wales

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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 93wltinr, :dTh&tirv!ac 3 i& i3catt354 MAREIAGES. I' AVSIllI iThY.-Q the 3rd instant at a ith. t c trc ; lanal Church. Lharles-se'st i:A. by the fe.- 3. J WAilliamson, iA.. aet -et ?? tho I'ev. AlfIred Tilly. SidIneyy !a1l2ITi, SECO1od son of the late 'thonas liev- r d P'rice, Esquire, and Mlrs. E. At. lrntoi1i, , rtit?, to May, only daughter of Joe,3iph T tlo !Wheatley, Esquire, Town-clerki of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 3l' H LOCAL WEDDING. aj rd P E.Ai(E-TH O1PSON. ?? d At St. John's Clurch, Cardiff. on Saturday, e tbe vedding took place of Miss Lily Thompson, , adopted daughter of the Rev, Cannc T1honip- w he son, vicar of St. John's, with Mr. Henry , Maurice Peake, of Clifton. The offic atilng D clergy were the Rev. Canon Thompson, D.D., in and the Rev. F. Veake, MA. LL.D. (uncle of as the bridegroom). Tho ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... J3, thAP -i. A ;. . , i. 't I tl It, a . .1 . l 't ;Vt, ii Al r A Cll ?? 'SL;tt(1.. SO ?? (t. ?? t I hi it;a ' ' I . :i Io. t jltttd (l\tt' Ilitr OA t.1 . e ?? o i s !,iscyvw. oho Ii. P Itt , \itltatItlitri Jtttne,- ; I t , llItt'( Y. te ;llSlit !, orgi PeZA1 --i aInU to.f Al.- I. it te' 7 t '1he l'atd. CtaSt. ?? ,- X ?? Iill 0 -il:: ?? I!y tilt, 1;CI-. li. A. .Itt tttd 601 OtEedil 32 ? ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 3ir~lt')S,£FflEVria(tst & ~t~t~jl1, 6 6 RIl MIS. 1 ?? Oll thi' 21st inst.. ati 'Tvelyd, the I ,jfe'' l. I. l'hillis. ot lb tlanglitLcI% ui Bt) l~t. tihi, 1'llii9lt.. Iteloveit wile omi ll v. a ii{t.(':U'diff. Eli~lz,., ?? Wvif) ot'f ?? Ii tie ljlvm . I'llanecal will loave resilletre ait ,I i), I linda tcathedalri o1 Weduealdy IteM!.i. iiclti *ICItcIit1ly. F'rientds ple4itie M'o ix, fi:,s i ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF LORD FAIRFAX. A ROMANOCE OF THE PEERAGE. New York, Sunday Night.-John Gontee Fairfarx, peer of Scotland. eleventh Baron Fairfax of Cameron, one of whose ances- tors was Commander-in-Chief of the Par- liament^ary forces at the Battle of Marstoii Moor, while another married the Hon. Miss Colepepper, and founded an Ameri- can family in Virginia, died on Friday at his plantation, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... LOCAL WEDDINGS. CHARLES-WHITE. The marriage of Mr. Frank Pendrill Charles, of the firm of Messrs. Gwilym James, Charles, and Davies, solicitors, Merthyr, and-son of Mr. Alderman B. Charles, Plasnewydd, Neath, with Miss Ethel White, daughter of Mr. T. Li. White, solicitor, Merthyr, and clerk to the justices of the Peisdervn Petty Sessional Division of Breconshire, wan solesunised on Tuesday at ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... THE. DEATI-? OF. AI NEWPORT BREWER.- CAREER OF' M-R. THOMIAS THILLps. sb-death ~of 'Mr. Thomas Phillips whilst hunting with the Cotswold Hounds near Chel- yteriham. on Saturday has cast as deep) gloom j V over a large section of 'frienlds at Newport. n Mr., Phillips was' siot, as ?? itt Monday's *fWestern Mail, a L solicitpr bant was a brewer t at Newport ip to a few* year s ago, when lie g ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF A GREAT WE, LSHMANS PRINCIPAL T. C. VDWARDS' CAREER. ENDS. EDUCATIONArIST, SCHOLARo AND TMEV(LOGIAN. AN AUTHOR OP EUROPEAN STATUS AND FAME. TIXE STORY 01 HfS LIFE AND IiABOUR9 1OLD. On Thursday motiiing the death occurred of the 11ev. T. C. Edwiards, principal of the Theological College, Bala. Dr. Edwards had been long ildvisosed, but as he was not in an advanucd age-being 63 at the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH F' PEGGY LEWIS BURIAL OF THE NOTED ANTI. TITHER. FUNERAL ATTENDED BY ONLY Sl_ .PERls.SON S. When the obituary of the year 1o00 conies to be written among the names of the notabilities enumnerated wvill be in. cluded that of Peggy Lewis, the one in- diviflual-barring her ecqually famous co, -who won immortalitv in and through1 the anti-titbe movemient in West Wales As in the cuse of many ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIAGE .OF THE ARCH-. - DEACON OF BRISBANE. SON OF TEE LATE RECTOR OF ST. PAGAN'S. There was a smalt,,, assembly at St. Margaret's (The Speaker'a) Church, West- minster..on Thursday to witness the' marriage of. the Ven the Archadeacon of Brisbane, Queensland (the Rev. Arthur Evan David), who was vice-principal of the Leeds Clergy School, 1837.91,' and Archdeacon of Brisbane since ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... g3tvtb~t,,,iarruica & @tfatIbf B IlullO s. C 11 iiR oII', -O nl Lhe' 17th iist., at Tre irf n o ; RTall. ll.'eth 'o th wifc of PR. If. Harri'e,, of iidaughter. 7.1 IIS.--Oni Satvirdaj . J ?? 21,. at 10. Nol rth1. ,It-street Ca rd i lT. thlie wyife o Of williL L Si jew I.9 of a sil8)1. LEWI MAnRRIAflES. LEl-qj3TFFITHIS --On AWednes,.dav the 1ath ii.. at tile PIacisih Chur ch, ieortity ( 'l d, t ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Bitf)!5, arriaqem & Mtatbo, BIBTR'HS. T .l.TS. On Ifarrh 26th, at, 15. St. Jolin'r-res. Lon . cantn. Cardiff, the wife of J. J. Lewis, of a da;iiaiter. . I . -fA7 RIAC E}S. GAPlA-D- l ATTIPA -March 2t. at the WVeslsyan t dl-h. Pootle. Liverpool. bY PRev. B, T Nroldle. -AlNfred Garland, 'vsleyan M1inister, r ,f Tipton. sonl of Thomas Charles G nrlind . i, o yidlon. t9 Anni, seeonr daughter *f ...