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1900 - 1949
56 1900-1909



South East, England


Hampshire, England

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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, 'ARPIAGES h DEATHS Announctments of Births. Marriages, and Deaths not excsdamg forty words will be charged 2s. 6d. BIRTH. JOLLIFFI-On the 17th inst., at 81, Adelaide-road, Brockloy, Leuie, Avife of Ernest Jollide, of a daughter (Edna Meaud). t MARRIAGES. BACON-PLATT-On the 19th iust., by the Rev. 0. P. Sergent. at St. James's, West End, near s Southampton, Robert A. E. Bacon, ?? c SI ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... t BIRTHS. MARRIAGES. & DEATHS 0 IdIRTHa. B.ja;r-On the 23rd tilt., ait Hle:-keton Manor, AW'oodbridge, tlhe wife of Cant. Julian A. BLaker, S ItN., of a so 1. 110ooaLc-On the30th nlt., ic C'amden Hill, Cran- brook, the wife of Captain G. 11. Moore, ?? of f a son. MARRIAGES. Muntics-Fstopr-On the 27;h ult., at the WVesleran Chapel, Peubto'ce-road. by the 1tev. WeVteconhe, . Corporal AV. .T. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRIAGES. & DEATHS R Announcements of Births. Marriages, and Deathis not t exceeding forty words wl be chag e. 6d. te BIRTHS. COLT-On tho 6th inst., at Trawecoed, St. Edward's- a. road, Soutbhea, the wife of T. Archer Colt, ?? ER.CS., eta son. KITCAT-0On the 4th inst., at Clarence House, Nightingale-road, Sonthsea, the wife of Lieut. H. do W. Kiteat, R.N., of a son. Sinssorr-On the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARIRIAES. & DEATHS AnnouerneatS of Births,, Yatrnages, Mad Deaths not exacesdig forty words will be Phargod 2. 6d. BMIRTBS. TouT-On the 27th ilt., at 68, St. Thomas's-street, Portsmouth, the wife of James Tout, Carpenter 1t.i., l-M.S. Canoous, of a daughter. h4S TOWN SENI)-On the 23rd uilli., at Rockville, Queens- town, the wife of E. B. 'Towjusend, Stafb 6iurgeoun IL.11.S. Caniopus, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, &EARRIA&BEB. & DEATF1 t * Announseernents of Births, Marriages. and Deaths not exceediv- forty words will be chargod 2s. 6d. . BIRTH. GRANT - On the 1st inst., at 64, Penhale-road, 5 F'ratton, the wife of Frederick Hcury Grant, of a son. cred MIARRIAGES. EDVARDS-RIDER-On the 24th nIt.. at St. Panl's Church, Southsea. by the Rev. W. Taylor, Richard 5 Charles, eldest son of Mr. Richerd ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BiRT,' XAAIRAiT', & DiIAT&3 Aennou;cememas ol Births, 3irrismg-s, and Deaths not 1 e:;e.ietlig terty words will bs charged 2s. 6d. BITTES. BAZIsIE-On the 30th January, at 35, St. Andrew's- t road, Southisaa, tho wife of A A. bsir-, of a son. E L.LraD-On the Lith i'ebrueri-, at 3, A'shblrton-road. c Southisea, the wife of Liaintenauit and Coinnandlet- J. I. Lolrdr, R.N., M.M.S. Magpie, of a ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, A11AES DPTI Aulltatiw incat. to ?? McI( ?? netI Vavsewa:G I~ L o rry %yor Ito wit I bci'gi2.;. fl I ti 1,1lt1'I15. it K on : On floe 13hinlst., lit Bltiekrook-tfortaco , Coleilic z~~~idole, R.N., ?? oiogeo. of at _Iut. -On ?? 12th1 izrist. , at Stone hutn m i ?? Yoi2:c 0 C~j h c0a Ocaipic n (2 W. HIill, ?? tina col. P) 1)Ac0', ?? the 14-th intt., at Tlatito un- iiac, p V\' ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRI & D ATS t Announcemnents of Births, Marriages, and Deaths not 6 exceeding forty words will be charged 2G. 6d. * BIRTHS. S TixDAL-CA avILL- ?? the let inst,, at Red Lodgs, Engletield Green, Surrey, the wife of Lieut. C. N. Tindall - Caril - Woesley, ?? ILM.S. n Astrase, of a eon. F IKIox-On the 29th ult., at 8, Waverley-road, South- sea, the wife of R. P. H. King (of Johannesburg) ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTEiS, LIAIUAGELS, & DEATEHS Announcements of Births. Marriages, and Deaths not 1 easeeding forty words vill hi- charged 2d. 6d. BIRTHS. t ROACE-On the 30th ult,, at 47, Ernest-road, the wife of IV. tL. Roach, of a son. BLAGn-Oln the 29th ult., at Nelson House, Soutbsea, the awife of Francids Edward Blagg, of a son. MARRIAGES BECiE-ir.Uv~iSr-CATTY-OL1 the 28th ult., at St, Jude's Church, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRIAGEES. & DEATHSEi Annoueceinents of Births. Mirriages. and Deaths not , ?? forty wordH will so charge-fd N. 6l1 . BIRTIRTS. M.ARTIN-On the 29th ult., at Canumere. Coshaim Hante, the wife of Stale Surgeon J. 3lcCardie lMartin, ?? R.N., of lI.3l.S. Bardear, of a daughter, stillborn. on BOCI;LTT PUG1n-O tile 30th. unt., at Smythics Farm, Dovereourt, the wife of Captain IE. H. Bockett ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRThS, MTARRIAG:ES, & DEATTHS n SnneucelaeLIt8 (f lilrtdls, ellarreges,, aud Deaths not \OCteulul feet Vrs Wvrz trill i' iirtgate 2.s. Gd, GnsOntue 5th il1k., ait Ktinlberlee-, Southl G1'!cJ -the wie oif ,lG. ?? L. CrL1on, 'E'Llitor of f Tec /iacec/ lie/d I ' d.irt'eis-i ?? (of 1a soin. Ci IO.T-O- l the 8th lust at Draeidie lionse, Evart. 1 Led, I1u;lria~ld, tloe wife of Chlales Cheat, hs., ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, AARMIA0 Li3. & DEATHS Aunouc nblents of Barths, 'M!rrlave., and Deatles not exc wedlao f..rty words %vi;j o: cilttrit °s. 61. Bl liiTHS. LATILAX-On thn 31SGt Juiv. at 15, Queensborrv- ?? toli wto Of Coln! au lert Weyluinl iere . Lathtna, R.N., of a dtila'll-,' lt UNeEil-On th,3 2ti .July, at 73, Woestwick Gard res, \V., tho wif ot the Lb e3V IV, W . rllli'r, MdA., Udtolaki h.N. ?? ...