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1900 - 1949
802 1900-1909



Lancashire, England

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... [COrYlut(;T. ] THlE MYSTERY OF CROMFORD COURT. Otl CRIME BY SUGGESTION. BY LADY JOIDNSON, Author of A Chiance Delay,' W W- ithin a Year, etc., ctc. N' my return frcm ihs Con- til hct, a few years ago, I reeived a pressing invi- talion from mv o ld fricild, .ell Lcacester, to join thiir shooting party on I;, f i rf iS ltcie ll)t'. I'ii ,l- iv ils~ler nroad, and about nine s ?? ,, ;e. Vcra ...


... i CONDUCTED B1 Little Teddy Croslaiid had quarrelled with ldi, twiln brother Jim, and wasg in consequence very miserable. It seemed such a little thing, too,aboubt which they had quarrelled. Jimmy had spilled some vater on the nursery fioor, and nurse thought Teddy had done it, and hadl scolded him for it, while Jbim listened in silence. It wats not that Teddy minded the scold- ing very much, ...


... ODD ThOUGHTS. I The DEATP BROTEHER BOEB. Lre, Speak gently to 3our brother Boer, de He is your fellow-man, eCIs, Who even when the war is o'er le- Will trick you if he can. ler- Dear brother Borr. 'TiEa true lo looted house and farmn, vay Forced men to fight for him; lair Filled quiet people with alarm, of 'Twas but his playful whim. rnd Dear brother Boer. MY quite forgets those days oP yore, ...

Brief.. Readings

... I~; Brief . ?? i From Many Sources. The rough material of fine writing is the gift or genius; bur, the workmanshipis the united result of pains, attention, and rezestted trial.-Burns. The pleasantest part of a man's life is generally that which passes in courtship, provided his passion be sincere; and the party beloved kind with discre tion. Love, desire, hope, all the pleasant emotions of the ...


... A STORY FOR THE TIMES, [corynlunw.) BY MORICE GERARD CHA-PTEt XV. BARBASRA LIGOSTFOOT. It was five oclock in the afternoon. Bar- trt Lightfoot had given her father a cup of tea ana settled him dowan on a sofa in the library t, hlave a rest. They went throngh the same jrvriitafmno day after day. Sir Hickmlan wa3 ?? a COmlMete invalid now, more mental t1aiL3 phllySkidl. He had just sufficient ...


... THE CHILDREN'S HOU. I CONDUCTED BY: One day, in ., hive of bees, a baly bee was bhon. It was only one of many other little bees, and was, of course, only larva at first, but it was taken great care cf by the working bees, who gave it plenty of pollen, whieh is bee-bread, and saw to its comfort and well- being in every way. So that it passed through its larva, or caterpillar stage, without any ...


... TilE ClIIJIREN'S bUiltA 1 CONDUIC'TED BY' UncluOldesnam tellmsne lthat one or two of OUr1 little nieces havoo asked to bc told how Nora'g ilolls' tea- plirt~-7 w~et 'onl. lci sauys that.' 1 know mauoh miore abonut it thais lee lic-; 1le 11LI asked me to-de-cribe it for yd tit ?? folks6. Ieed iioti toll yeni that I am Aunt Mary. Yen will, I ani sure, lihve gucsscd thast. Well, the party was a ...


... t9 . Ji7~r-y £;. i.. I By our Spc'ai Geonesponetnd4 N N ' -- of The Mlanohester Philharmonic Society, under te ni direction of Mr. G. W. Lane, gave a very excellent performance of Elijah on Saturday last, and, to judge by the immense and enthusiastie audience that filled the Fr*e-trade Hall, the popularity of Mendel-l ssohn's Oratorio is no whit diminished. Doubtless the appearance of 'Mr. ...

Odd Thoughts

... 8, ?? e, as ?? - I >. . e -P., I ; ' ' volb, - h ;? I THREE GOOD STORIES. Sir Albert Rollit is a versatile speaker, but be has never been looked upon as an after-dinner orator. Sir Albert apparently, however,has qualifications in this direction. The member fbr South Islington at- tended the Stanley Cycle Show luncheon the other day, and, in proposing success to the ex-hibition, told several ...

Odd Thoughts

... 7 lUS% ==it ?? I . woULDN'T INTERFERB. John, there's a burglar trying to get in the house. Is there ? ,,Yes. Aren't you going to. do something about No, Maria. I'm a humane mail, but if that fellow falls over Johnny s tin waggols, iand steps into a joy drum, and gets frightened by treading on an india. rubber doll that says 'papa,' and barks his shins the same as I did when I caea hero in ...


... I OOKS OF THE DAY. EN1T KRUGER h * d P hl If Eae : A Per- re 31t 3ecord of Forty Years in South v -c By John Scoble asd LdR . A r = rIb31 (London: Wm. Heinemann. r , into which Alessrs. Scoble-and ai ...


... BAGAZIIS FO THE by. j The July Mrodomif. t JOUSSal (IL Virs and Co. ited, don is p to its usial awd r eae e e both as reards =eain .Astcr and piture. The frontispiece is a flwpage, photogiavure of Th ...