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72 1900-1909


Pall Mall Gazette



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Pall Mall Gazette

The Top of the Morning

... cbe Zloo of tbe i)orf. ExTENsIvE JEWELLERY ROBBERY AT DARLINGTON. Thieves broke into the premises of Messrs. Richardson and Co., jewellers, of Blackwellgate, Darlin ton, last night, and succeeded in carrying off 2,500 worth of watches, jewellery, &c. THE, MANSION HOUSE FUNDS. The Indian Famine Fund at the Mansion.House amounted last night to 342, 500. The fund for the Transvaal War sufferers ...


... JUSTICE with the limping foot (due, no doubt, to the quality of military shoe-leather) has at last succeeded in over- taking some six-and-thirty of the rebellious Dutchmen of Cape Colony. Many weeks have elapsed-so many that we have positively forgotten the precise date of the affair -since Colonel PILCHER, moving westward to Sunnyside, caught those six-and-thirty, with arms in their hands, in ...


... 1899-1900. No Budget could be more humdrum than the legal year now closing. The obituary list is, happily, small, and includes only one judge actually in harness, though he was perhaps, of all the judges, the most conspicuous in the popular eye-narnely, Lord Russell of Killowen, whose almost sudden death came as a shock at the moment the whole profession was entering on its Long Vacation. ...


... ST. PAUL'S CATrHEDRAL. W,,'hen some traveller from New Zealand shall, in the midst 5olitude, take his stand ou a broken arch of London Bridge to Vah e ruins of Si. Paul's.' The words, tke famous words, seemed 't c g1h appropriate last night, when one was fronted by this ; tirN this splendid fixity, this massive architecture of St. Paul's, sung Spohr's Last judgment, according to yearly ...


... OCCASIONAL -NOTES. The arrest. of the proprietor of the, Wdrnesfer Advertlser for. atrocious libels upon British soldiers proiably assisted the, salutary cannon on the surrounding hills to impress the ' People's Congress1 with the desirability of.prudence.There were not so many there as were. expected, we are told, and they were milder than they might have been. Still, what they might have ...


... A very important point of criminal law was raised at the Middlesex Sessions last Saturday. A young man named Goodridge was charged with having stolen a watch and chain in a carnival crush. The prosecutor did not see him take them, but missed his property while the prisoner was standing near him. There was no corroborative evidence, and the accused denied the charge on oath. On arrest he ...


... D . TO-DAY'S PROCEEDINGS. YARMOUTH, Saturday.-This morning the young man Herbert John Bennett, aged twenty-five, was again placed in the dock at the Quarter Sessions Court at Yarmouth (which is being used as the police court) on the charge of murdering his wife Mary Jane, aged twenty-two, on the beach at Yarmouth on September 221ast. Popular curiosity andexcitement showed no signs of abatement ...

The Top of the Morning

... : the M~op of the Mornin. -A LOUD AND CONTINUOUS OUTCR.Y At the Hastings petty sessions a newsvendor was' fined 5s. for making a loud and continuous outcry while offering newspapers for sale. This was the first prosecution of the kind under the new by-laws. MR. J. H. CHOATE AT BURNLEY. The American Ambassador distributed the prizes to students at Burnley yesterday. He said that the contests ...


... L I F E. IXN A.N O A S IS, : BISKRA, ALGERIA. [BY A TRAVELLER.] pourney to that charming retreat the oasis of Biskra, in the Algerian on the edge of the Great Sahara, is not at all arduous, and can be deserswisled direct from 'London in four days, the through ticket costing little over 12. From Marseilles the comfortable steamers of the Trans- anntyque CompaUY leave once a week direct for ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?1 LEA & PERRINS' SAUCE. Observe the I Sigdnature * tu& ORIGINAL WORCESTCERSHIRE MORGAN & CO Under Royal and the Mos istiguIsTh3D. Under Royal and the Most Distinguished Patronage. 45 FIRST-CLASS PRIZE MEDALS AND NINE HIGHEST AWARDS CHICAGO EXHIBITION. VICTORIA. :J MORVI CAR. LONC ACRE, W.C., AND 10, OLD BOND ST., W. R\--gX S YIR MONGER-FO PRI K8j JOSEPH CILLOTTS Of highest quality, and having ...


... A LIGHT CALENDAR. The Central Criminal Sessions for January commenced to-day at the Old Bailey. In charging the grand jury the Recorder congratulated them 'upon the lightness of the calendar. There was no charge of murder or attempted murder, and the only case which involved the loss of human life was that in which a man 'named Thonipson was alleged to have been one of several men who ...


... THE MILITARY SITUATI'ON. -[BY OUR MIQiTA9Y.' CORRSP(NENT]. '. Regarding the successful minor operation- carried out fly;. Colonel Pilcier's flying column, backed up. by Metbuen's Cavalry Brigade, it may seem: a little .disappointing at first sight that' Douglas .'had to be evacuated at'once. It must be evident,, however, that with'so small a' mounted force at his command, and oving to his ...