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Montgomeryshire, Wales

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... The Board of Agriculture have made an order extending the muzzling of dogs to the whole of the county of Brecon. The Conway Town Council has decided to proceed with the construction of rifle ranges on the Morfa, at a cost of £ 1,250. From our advertising columns it will be seen that on and after January 1st, the 11 40 a.m. train from Pwllheli to Glandorev Junction, the 5.0 p.m. train from ...


... íBy VETIrRAN.1 I went to Newtown on Saturday fully expecting to witness a reallv good match, but was doomed to disappointment. Football has been rather dead in Newtown lately, and such games as that on Satur- day do not tend to enliven matters a bit. The fault lav entirely with Birkenhead whose representa- tives would have been easily beaten by most of the Reserve teams of the district. Their ...


... INTERVIEW WITH DELCASSE. WKDNKSDAY. Mr Kruger was received by M. Waldeck-Rossean early yesterday, and the French Piemier shortly afterwards visited Mr Kruger at his hotel. The reception at, the Hotel de Ville followed. In reply- ing to the speeches of MM. Esciulier and Cherioux, the Vice President of the Municipal Council and the President of the Council General of the Seine respectively, Mr ...


... LLANLLWCHAIARN. On Saturday a very successful Rummage Sale was held in the National School on behalf of the school funds, and the sum of X31 9s was realised. ALL SAINTS DEDICATION AND HARVEST FESTIVAL. —This festival was observed on Thursday, the 1st inst, when the] e was a celebration of the Holy Communion at 8.30 a.m.; mattins at 11-30; and evensong and sermon, the preacher being the Rev R J ...


... TWO LAAGERS SURPRISED. A report issued by the War Office, sent by Lord Roberts on Friday, describes a night march by a force under General Kitchener, and the surprise of two Boer laagers; also further captures of ammu- nition and cattle. General Smith-Dorrien also made a night march from Belfast and suprised a Boer laager at Witkop. ...


... PETTY SESSIONS.—Saturday, before Capt Mytton and Mr G Kempster. Mr Holland, chief constable, was also present.-P.C. D Davies charged George Jones, baker, Coedway, and Ed Bowdler, farmer, Cardeston, Salop, with playing a game on the highway at Bauslev, to wit, a bicycle race, on September 19tb.— Evidence was given by Richard Rowlands, Coedway, and Griffith Evan Phillips, iniikeeper, Coedway, ...


... SHow.-Our readers will note from an advertise- ment in another column that the agricultural show will be held on Wednesday, August 1st. OUTING.—At the kind invitation of Mr A H Sykes, J.P., the whole of the children of the Boys', Girls', and Infants' School, under the superintend- ence of the masters and teachers, journeyed to Lydham Manor, where the grounds were thrown open for their ...


... REMARKABLE DEMONSTRATION. DISTURBANCES FEARED. Li Hung Chung's departure from Canton for Pekin was the occasion of quite a remarkable demonstration, there being a very general fear that now he is gone disturbances will begin. It is said that his summons came from Prince Tuan, who is at the head of the insurrectionary move- ment, and not from the Empress; but this is doubtful, to {say the least ...


... THE ELLIS MEMORIAL. MERIONETHSHIRE CONTRIBUTES. FINAL ARRANGEMENTS. The Executive Committee of the Thomas Eilis Memorial Fund met in London on Friday, under the presidency of Mr Herbert Lewis., M P., for the purpose of making arrangements for the final disposal of the fund. Mr A Rhys Roberts, the hon secretary, announced that the snbscriptious received and promised now amount to XI,670, about ...


... shortly take possession of the fine old house and make his home there, when, it is rumoured, he will again resume his work at the ironworks, but in a higher sphere. To the father and son so strangely and happily brought together we wish, and feel assured our readers will wish also, long life and all happiness. Thousands perused the foregoing narrative, and murmured their admiring wonder; tens ...


... B U L L E K ADVANCING. DCSBAX, JANUARY 18, 5.45 P.M. The first news of General Bullei's advance which the Censor ban permitted to he published was made known to-day amiu many demonstrations of public satisfaction ann enthusiasm. ...