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1900 - 1949
78 1900-1909



East, England

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Births, Marriages, a

... nd Deaths Aaiumements of Birthsk are: MUoSaed for at thi ,ate o OAi SMluLUG escfs. Announoannmts of farriages are inserted free; sf No cards b6 aldded Oscz S~hILINX~iS Chrge. rniouoncements of Demths are isertedfredi but if containing ntee than the ordinary partihdars, ON SHLLING Si charged. TAea@cue geRmustepropaid, or they will be doubled. 'Announcements must be authcnticated by3 thcs name ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH FROM DIPHTHERIA AT RUSHMERE, An inquest was held at Rushmere, on Mon- day, before Mr. Walter Brooke, coroner for the Liberty of St. Etheldreda, upon the body of Ethel Maud Brown, aged 5, daughter of John Henry Brown, of Rushmere.-The father said deceased complained of a sore throat and sick- ness on Monday last, and on Tuesday evening he sent Mrs. W. Read to ask the doctor to attend. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Birth, M rrian es, and Deaths. Ag7nyCesdittS of Births are charged for at the -ratte of ONu Sn}rLLISO each. Aflfouromflenifts of Marriaes are inserted free; if No cards be added aNE SHILLINGE S charged. Announcements of Deaths are inserted free, but if containing more than. the ordinaly particulars, ONE SHILLING is charged. These charges must be Prepaid, or they teill he doubled. MARRIAGES. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... IEXATH OY QOLOImEL FREDRRCE';,; - JOSSELYN.- FUNERAL AT SPROUGHTON. We regret to record the death of Colonel Frederic Josselyn, son of the late Mr. George josselyn; solicitor, of Ipswich, which took place at his residence, Redcliffe Gardens, Brompton, on Sunday morning. The deceased gentleman, who was a sufferer from heart disease, caught a chill while attending a meeting of his old regi- ment ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 5 ' (Copyrtqht.) 1W W. GORDON STABLES, ?? Author of Sickness and Health, The People's A.B.C. Guide to Health, The Wife's Guide to Health 'ad Happiness, &c., s&o. RUN DOWND. Run' down, are you ? Well, if not from any organic disease, I b bg to propose a scheme for your rp ovation. Per haps you are run down from over- work? Do less, far less, if possible. From worry F Avoid it all you cae, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Birnhs, Marriages, and Dea~ts. Annaowodments of Bsrths are charged Jor at the rate of ONE SHILLING each. Announcements of Afarrges are inserted free; if No cards be added ONE SHl^LWi~GS chafied. Announcements of Deaths are insertedfree, but if coataining more than the ordinary partsculars, ONEN SHILITSNG is charged. These charges must be prepaid, or the?/ ,will be doubled. Announcements ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Births, Magriages, and Deaths. MARErAGBS. AxiiaosiMAuSvEw.-l4th January, at the Regis- trar's Office, George Renry Ambrose, to Jessie Mayhew, both of Ipswich. BRoocs-GsEUN.-1Dth January, at Bocking Par- ish Church, by the Rev. J. W. Crossley Wallace, I Sydney Cenil, eldest son of Robert Brooks, Wakes Colne Mills, to Eva Edith, daughter of R. G. F. Green, of Bradford Street, Booking. CAPON ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF MR. JOHN RUSKIN. Mr. John Ruskin died at Coniston at two o'clock on Saturday afternoon from influenza. For many years he had been in a weak state of health, and his decease was not altogether a matter of surprise, having regard to his age (S1) and the fact that he nearly succumbed to in- fluenza two years ago. That he has enriched the realm of art by his eloquent criticismis, and ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Births, Marriages, and Deaths. Announcemonts of Births are charged for at the rate of ONE SHILLING each. Announcements of Marriages are inserted free; if No cards be added ONE SHILLING is charged. Announcements of Deaths are inserted free, but if containing more than the ordinary particulars, ONE SHILLING is charged. These charges must be prepaid, or they will be doubled. Announcements must ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Births, Marriages, and Deaths. Announacments of Births are charged for at the rate ?? SHILLING each. Announcemients of Marriaaese are inserted free; if No cards be added ONU SHILLINGis charged. Annouancements of Deaths are insertedfree, but if containing more than the ordinary particulars, ONE SHILLING is charged. These charges must be prepaid, or they will oe doubled. Announcements must be ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Births, Marria es, and Deaths. Aihavunecenests oF Births are chaer for atthe rate of OzM SILLING each. 'Anno';ncerments of ?? are inserted free o if -No cards be added Oyna SrnLiNGis charged. Annou~wements Deaths arB insertedf/es, but if ?? more tian the ord'nasV partculars, Oxv SHKLX.iNQ iS charg'ed. T7e0d charges must be vpropmid, or they ?? doubled. Anwnouncemnents must be autherticate4 by ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF ADMIRAL MASON, C.B., OF IPSWICH. It is with deep regret that we record the death of one of the most respected residents of Ips- wich, viz., Admiral Thomas Henry Mason, C.B., J.P., who died on Tuesday afternoon, at his, residence, Algerine Cottage, Fonnereau Road, in his 89th year. Admiral Mason was- one of the many who have unostentatiously con- tributed to the strength and greatness ...