Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... FUNERAL OF LORI) LUDLOW. The remains of the late J,3ron Ludlow of I-Ioywood, whose death occurred at his London residence, 8, Cromwell place, South liensington, on Christmas IDay, were interred in the family mausoleum at the Westbury (Wilts) cemetery on Saturday. The ceremony was of a very simple character, and by special leclest no flowers were used; consequently i there was not a large ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... A. NlL& YiC~b'~'i II' ZCLNiLI, ~ii u~;a E' I' H A II 1~ii''i '. t1 it J e IL C L~tt I I'' T ,ri jnQkN :;1 a E.nia >2 INI AV I i. Art ' Cortluamd:I I 31 1 A G IC S. Ni' .2 IN: t¾. Ysed C1r' I. Aincl% * - 4i~~be- - C lao 1-' nrc.]O ' -Dec em'L' 4 Ci '- Lt>~~~~~i- aI U -:) Z' ZI C C~~~~~~- 'C I Tp~f ) l -'-y r- 'Li tC'ri zi, 14z a- P'-iac IN - ~ L 2 - '\ET3 >D~ce'a>-J 'j'iN IL'' cc- r - ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... -HE DBAW OF BIR. D. L .M1OODY. l JlOBrkL RVIOCE, iw THE Y. '.C.A. HALL. A service an memory of the late Mlr. D. B. Moody, the distdingishsed evangelist, was held in the large hall of the Young Men's C.hristin 'Aasc- ciation, Wellington Place, portions of lwhich were draped in fmourning- Far almost an hour before the service opened the spacious hall was crowded to overflowing, and at a quarter ...


... MR JOHN M'LEAN Amidst many manifestations of re- -gret and sympathy the mortal remains to of the late Mr John M'Lean, sub-editor of the Northern Daily Mail, and a former sub-editor of the Northern Echo, were on Saturday afternoon laid to rest in the West Hartlepool Cemetery. The funeral was attended by a number of Mr M'Lean's former colleagues on the Northern Daily Mail. The editor,sub ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... I BIRTHS. - I aD REID.-ASt 2 Orchard Place. Aberdeen, on the 50t-h WC the Wife of Archibald S. Iied, of a son. LOO-Ac Deenwonnr Cottage, l?.Riverside hetmd Abrc- n deen, on 31st December, the wife of Stanley .. c Pool, Celedonian Railway, of a daugbter. be M ARRIAGES. o' BAIN-DAVIDSON -AT 122 Letlie Terraco, Albordemn, on the 27th December, by tic- Rev Donald Rolert- :tl ton, Ates (dec Crart ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... FUNERAL OF M.RTHOMAS HARK- I NESs., On Saturday afternoon the funeral of Mr Thomas Harkness took place IS in the churehyard at Leeming amlidst I every token of respect. Deceased was d interred in a grave adjoining that of i0 his late wife. The coffin, which was BP of polished elm, with brass furniture, had the following on the breast plate: -Thomas Harkness died December 27th, 1899, aged 83 ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF SU J. PAGET. T Sir Jamea Paget, ?? ?? LL.D., PRJL.S., the eminent surgeon, dieid on Satur- day night, at his London residenoe, after au illness extending over only a day or two. Although Sir James had retired some years ago froml activo practice, and latterly wu* wl- dom soen in public, ho novorthloss still kept his hold upon the profession, and to the last Continued to take an ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BI.THS, MARRIAGES, AND DExTI. A carroge0- OrN SErLn.rNrn kN-& Sr-Eo5'z, 7 i's rnr 7,e ro aive so tit niot otie wnu twentor F0or *ry ad ?? acr (dsXht wrrrhs) Sriape&a etro Po-t t mot tu o r-sai-tfo4 awnt. A-ouweno-tcrt roos be asarcsaid oted lt inc tow zi;o rcla ofthe sc;oder. ?? ZOOCs Pzfeooreasm at similar eates. BIRTHS. CLrAm .-On the 25th nllt, at 233, Pershcre Road. the wife of 1 Clark ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Xi rtb5, nla rI t & - ItlR Ll'rS.h COPlTEY;- O P)evrtlnter 29th. at I'lailan, Ifall, Ilainla. tle \vifc ol L,. (lilbert Cople . of ai bo~n Both prore'aiag satisfactorily. a MA Hl'?IACS. E . SI JONES *rOwljl~j,. _01] the 28th nlt., at St. h oolhs' Clhurclh, Newport Mon, bY the Rrv. n rtvic. Vector ot 1Jaerplhilly, ev an b ?? r-A.. to Atinie. eldest d-ughter n ,a I tielitel ~wlg'ttl lcz I POell, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH bF LAd ?? AFOLEY. Lady Emily Fo.ey Stoker Edit, near Herefordi died yesterday miorning. The Wueai of herilayship was etremkelyshort it was onl just beforeChristi- mas that she was in Hereford makingo etensive purchases. The news of her end, therefore, comes with mucih suddenuess:: Lady Emily Graham;:,f8;utth daughter of Jamoes, Duke of Monotros, was born on the 23rd of Jue, 1S05. She, in ...