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Advertisements & Notices

... IIt L tl Otto'L. ?? - !v; I IG t ilUL INEDDING l]l0lo I} llidI l r vlith each at l..i l\l fl. d ItAS03rli'S ?? 0 Jesotllot .t N coo tolirhDarto~n. N~ ?? C CutnsE, liUU tiUETSB Dre - et c. OS borfent Noticr. Prinet rc tp;-irEaru.. 6iiSIUNUS, Ura*e Intil Ottooo, .\uto roes, Drrluogrou. 0 I L ,W I 'L ?? l.l A 0aotl&lI.-Wrestt5. ftosaru, Dress Sprays, &- ijuoiquee of JioloeMt llsirM t ?? Oeit.- ., ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I I A -1 I. i i I iI II i I I i I I V LAE,;S FOR ALL 6s >;1 I~l.1 T ~*nN I 4. CiJu) L &tulday It, 230. IkrkpL ,4ollfbar ^ - a- 9 (mt U ?? :. :: .. Itt 1 I t LO k, tLIIUSG 1111 Li'^ jl U. ao .ya U~oa~ueff UiitCs , fl tl~~l~ 7Ii todo471 la-.J 1' E ,W.; ia, 'ltal 11, 6 4 t 'Ie 136 'L . , ?? i n Up Flzito Cl, t M i ti l& -.aL d 'h ' 4 1, l'iIIIlDS1O, La'' sir . * Mlaa liiu bei d ,417, MN ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALES BY AUCTION. MBy J. v IUKEBS. Tov. Law Auctlon Mart.. MlONDAY, April 23rd, 1900-45 to 60 DaIry ILCow8s and Heifers, 12 Fat Cattle, including . a ennsignoneat frora Isesisra Pease and Partners, Ltad.. Crook; 6 Store Cattle, 14 Finger Calves, 65 Fste Sheep anld Hogge, from Mir Geo. Liddie, gImableswcrlh, Durham, afnd other noted feeders; '4!lew Ladders. Entries to day of Esale. Sale at. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ii' ri11' ?? ' ?? h * ,I.t I IL Ai :DilNt - 115G .jj SIIJ UNT ii Ckch at taD ,,iq.A.MN L mil IiA11Bl;ONIS Jici 'Itt c, r t ,Niii tlc~t te,arl'ceu.1 iRa~, CIE)SS!S. BOUQULTS, Diem O 1tSpnr, tm Oil on ShrteSL Nulice, Vrice B.:u- S!'rNCE, Giango andt DaSurcr, irliictlon.- rtWiERt4 A Sl'Et'.ALITY-Wreatbia. r Pn It s'uablc-iEN'fT & BRYDON, ni SarxeCie Dalligigtniu Tel. 135. P9 irer (nit Flower, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A MARVELLOUS MACHIE IS CLEMINSONS DART. ONLY £6 17s 6d CASH. FULLY UP TO DATE LADT'S OR GENTS. BISHOP AUCKLAND am DAELINGTON. 1899 wai Uscorl Turnover, bat 1900 will &c., pass it. WALTER WILLSON KAIKS his Millions of Cestomers for the 3, support tbey have accorded to him during the year 1B99 just ended, and to ?? them that they may depsod upon the samo ATTENTOIO and the same Goon VjL!I2this ...

Advertisements & Notices

... frmii ?? accpt, this intimiation. L2b5 z. EUN6lHALS FURNISMED } 8EtNDLERl CLENllNSON, AND JOHNSON, t , ?? slhhltS, ILAND COMPLETE 1LI tHosLE FURNISHERS. E' 0OILtL IS HOUSE, SORTHiGATE, tL PADiLINUTON. k331 A tSE I- U L WED DI N -D. 'IG PRES EbN'T vi ih er h at ; iTNtO, WItAMWlELL tiead HARBRONS, t- Ild I^, liZ ort gaie,llarlirngtou. Gt~ I 'REATL1S. UOtOStiSS, BOUQUETS, Dieu T1 11 iprny,, etc, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? }: ?? 1 ?? in, Y~anl ic e.v L..hb t'EoN.ltALS FUiRNISHrEiD. BAI)sDLBi:, ?? l:MINSlON, AND JOHNSON, U BUL;fA0IUN, &ND) COMIPLETE -l U l I iINII3TERS. OSBOltt: IflUISE, NUBt'1HGQATE, DAILMINUITON. i331 i ,I l . WVEDIiI ?? AiilO uzv ElEI iT ?? ercN ~l!3l~l\It L S IES N 1T .3i1( each oat Ill'ki. j ,.21WM1?.L ald HlARBRt ON'S, rw3O.orrbgnte, Dtnriingotou. C TUSC130SbES BOUQ.UETS, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... o SPORTING1 ADVERTV8EENTI iOPP ING AXD tslDiS 0 T~ 0 CLS'SA3EWITCH. C JvlEiil.W ! ii L& 0 10(i) ti M . MIAb( lIF.!l: \N6.-ilE P DOUBIL ASI) Ti~it:Bil' I'TE d r S. ?? A C l i, I 'ltIi S. &C. 2 P 7 So . SI'. All L-IItcers U, ?? p TOIOG AND) ?? e~ ~ ?? -LUSl 110eir'~bGau'',5~ ~S(LI.iiED 2 Postage 2- 1' l old Id. 7 ?? ~b 6 Tc ~ J MIDDFI!B ri , 153 ?? o IJULLAS 4 E ,S: f Btlo ?? 0 of Ireal, Du;i ...

Advertisements & Notices

... YOUR TEA CADDY. TE. asd a beverag ha2 nO equal. Poast hare ntng of it iriues 'nd prasied its reviving effects. But to enjoy to the full its delights you must be sure of its quality. STEWART'S have studied this trade for fifty years, and asd you to get a Postal Order for 20/-, and they, v ill send in return (carriage paid or br Parcels Post) 10 Pounds of the most delicious TEA in Great Britain ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BRAGING1! REFRESHING X X ADD A LITTLE Condy's Fluid To Your Bath, or Foot Bath. The Invigorating and Purlfying EMaIt is simply Magical. Prices, 8 oz, Bottle, It. 20 Oz, ?? In iot on buying CG us^ fLi' ...