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1900 - 1949
105 1900-1909



North West, England

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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... R. Births, Marriages, and Deaths. BmRTBs, DEATerS, MtResearroes are inssrted in ll'3 t. MANCHESTER WEICLY Tesrts at the rato of _ sixpence per line when prepuid, or, if entered to acount, an sixponce per notice is chare:cd. The name and address of the sender in all cases to be given to vouch authenticity, otherwise the notice r cannot appear, _ BIRTHS. n BELL.-On the 6th inst., at ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... - I Births, Marriages, and Deaths. 24, BSEam , DIATss, MAnnSIAoi: are inasrted in the 111- FMAzNCHZ8TNt WZiari y Txras' at the rate of ad, sirponce per line when prepaid. or, it entered tco _ aecount, an additional siipenee per notice is charged, The name and address of the sender in all easos to ha given to vouch authenticity, otherwise the notice g cannot apoear, ,trs BIRTHS5. _ HAILPSoN. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... OBITUARY. ITTNER,1iL OF TElE DfUKE OP TEICK. Thlo interment- of the Duko of Teck took place at St. oeorgo's Chapel, Windsor, on .ailturdaly, with. simple a-nd.eolcmrn cerr-monial. The )Dncuess of -York, Princess Adolphus of Teok,and the Princess of Waleo werci present. The mourners folloliwing thc coffin were the Prince of Wakles (reprcsesting the Queen), the D)uke bf Cjmrbidg' ?? the Duke 'd ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Birjths, Marritgs, and Deatl is ,Brl1ikS, DXSArTf8, MAIftAGEB are inssrted ibtha' L. NoffES9Ti WErxvr Ttn'a at -o -sbe 'Of .silpeneeo per line when prepasid, pr,,sf 'aodo~nt, an additional ?? per notipse .1B ebarge~d- 'The iltme and address of the ssnderin all eases to'ba :'given to vouch nirthentioity. otherwise the notie' '¢annot apjiar. -: - . - . BIRTHS. A: AMI.-On December ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Births, Marriages, and Deaths. lx BRETRs, DEATHS, MAARRIAGES are insertod in the MANYCESTEP. WEERSLY~ TiErsB at the rata of sirpeuce per line when prepaid. or, if entered to ' aceon nt, an additional sirpenee per notice is a barged. ' The name a nd address of the sender in all cases to be _ given to vouch authenticity, otherwise the netice cannot appear. _- BIRTHS. BRETTRLLE.-August 12th, at ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Births, Marriages, and Deatlis. BnTrl5, DEATEHS. MfARRIlAGES are ins-rt'i :,i MANCHESTER WEPKLY T1M.s' at tilO ri,.: siixpence per line when prepaid, or, if enter', account, an additional sixpence per notice is eV:l: !. The name and address of the sender in nal leae- given to voach authenticity, otherwise thu r.3a, ' cannot appear. . ~~~BI:RTBfS. BAnwxoy.-On 28th nilt., at 3, (Grovo ?? ?? Mr. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... STATUE TO THE LATE SIR B. A. DOBSON. On Saturday afternoon a statue of the late Sir Benjamin Alfred Dobson, Boatons's Jubilee knight, nrid four times Mayor of the borough, was publicly unveiled amid a striking manifestation of respect such as bals seldom been witnresee in the town. The statue is of oronze, and it rests on a huge granite pedestal. Mr. J. Cassidy, of Plymouth-grove. Manchester, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... OBITUARY. SIR JOHN ADYE. General Sir Johli Miller Adye, ?? Colonel- ('oinnarudant of the Royal Artillery, ciied Oll Sunday, whilo on a visit to Lord Armstrong at Cragside, Roth- bury, Northunmherland. The deceased offioer, who wasi born ill 1819, entered the Royal Artillery ats Scwond Lieutenant in 1836, became Major in 1854, Colonel in 1860, dlajor Generas in 1875, and General in 1885. Ile ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Births, Marriages, and Deaths BIRnTrs, DEATHS. MAMIAGise are insqrtsj in tie MANCHESTER WESItLY Tibiss at the rat e' sixpence per line when prepaid. or. if ent-rcil to aeconrt, anadditional sixtoence per notice i. ciwr!, The name and address of the sender in all eases to ba given to vouoh authenticity, otherwsss the aotics cannot appear. BIRTHS. BURNrLL,-.{1y cable), on the 24th ilst., at S i ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Births, Marriages, anrd DeaJ BTHTSCS, DF.tATIS, ?itAmTt~AGEs at- *, iANcCHESTFRt WEgy TiT ?? tl, i. 3 sixpence per line when prepailo. il i- i account, an additional sixpence ler as' .. ' The name and address of ihe tscails il ie given to voueb authenticity, otisl'-iid 5 cannot appear. ?? BIRTHS. PEVNrPn.-16tbl inst-, Rielmlld-elt!;sl. the wife of B. D. BLeever, oi a D31W.-Oll the 15th 3Mny, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... OBITUARY. D11 31ARTINEAU'. ?? of yeara and reveredl hy all lvio know him, it Dr. MNIartirreau passed away yesterday week, at his 1, houlse in Glordon-square, Londicn. A remarkable life rr isi 'nded, a, life of vlhirhlsie himselif gave a modeost. p summary when he said: On looking hark over the Is remnembered urork of fourscore yearS, I tried it all summaed uip in the simplest of arts-the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ,OBITUARY. MR. WY. C. BROCKLHTuRST. 'Pho death has tak-en place at Bxt~on of MIr. W. a. llrocklehurst, of liutley Hall, Presthury, who wias so metime MI.P for the Macolesfield Division of C(heshlii. Mr. Brocllehurst, who was 82 years of aIge, is sturvived by his widow, two sons, ard one d.tughtes'. The deceased gentleman was, until the last I few years, head of the firm of Messrs, J. and ?? B ...