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1900 - 1949
138 1900-1909



South East, England

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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF SIR JAMES PAGET. We regret to announce the death of Sir James c Paget, Dart., ?? father of Dean Paget, who passed away on Saturday night at his residence, 5, Parlk-square West, Regent's Park, after only a few days' illness, in his eighty-sixth year. Sir James was born on January 11th, 1814, at Great t Yarmouth, the son of Air. Samuel Paget. At the c age of sixteen lie was apprenticed ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... rtz~h%, Mflarriiaeres s and 9eatht . pi ph BIRTHS. I pi, BENN13TT.-Dacember 30, at68, Observatory-streot, Oxford, C the wiki of Arthur Bennett, of a son. PR BUTUliMtFIEL).-Jauinnry 3. at 8, St., Frideswide's-terrace, 3 Oxfrnrd, the wifo of Franf&L Butterfleld, of a uaughter. nRO COLIMAN-J1o'nary 1, a. itdiddle iLow, COipping Norton, N tbe wife of IHtarry Coleman. of a, on. li GOUGl. -November ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... h BIRTHS, MARRIAESs-,& DUMTBf h Announie fntn of ,Bsrthe. Marnagfs, and Deaths ?? oxceeding forty words will be chared 2s. 6d BIRTHS. 110 ,T-On the 27th uit. at 18, Anglesey-creseent, Alverstokc, Hants, tho wife of Captain IMolt, ?? of1Y CI..uAHKE-O thO 29th ilt., at Beulah, Saltash, V Cornwall, tho tife of Cotnanider J. Statilope Clarke, N, of a dan liter. PrTIsVls--OII the 2nd iust., at ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... . hirfth, 4Uarriftgle , and Peath.. N BIRTHS. P BATTS. -January 5. at 47, George-street, Oxford, the wife of P A. E. Latts, of a daughter. BEATT'IE.-January 8, at Newland House, Banbury, the P wife of Henry Beattie, ?? Lond., of a son. 0 DALY.--Januiary 6, at Over Norton Park, Chipping Norton, P the wife o Captain ) St. G. Daly, of a son. HOYTON. January 8, at 99, Embleton-road. Lewisham, P ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... - _ ?? . ferit . r _ _ ?? DEATH OF THE REV. HENRY the FURNEAUX. to'o 3 The death of this clergyman, formerly Rector of bng Heyforcl, from failure ot action of the heart, took less p lace on baturday last, at 35, -uanbiury-road. Mr. We] I urneaux, who was in his 71st year, was a Win- aisc Chester boy, where he was noticeable for a remark- suba ably tetentive mt-mary. Ili obtained a scholarship ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... XHrflm, Ptar' a'tgs -,td Pyails. S S BIRTHS, ANSELL,-Jamiary Mi, at Lilford Lordge, B3anbury-road, Ox- S ford, the wife of F. W. Ansell, of a daughter. S BOSCOTT.-January 14, at 6, Union-street, Neithrop, the wife of George lUoscott, of a daughter. BRATTHWAITE.-Janunry 15, at 2, Dashwood-road, Ban- bury, the wife of W. C. Braithws ite, of s son. COPE.-January 14, at, 87, Park-street, Thame, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, A11AES DPTI Aulltatiw incat. to ?? McI( ?? netI Vavsewa:G I~ L o rry %yor Ito wit I bci'gi2.;. fl I ti 1,1lt1'I15. it K on : On floe 13hinlst., lit Bltiekrook-tfortaco , Coleilic z~~~idole, R.N., ?? oiogeo. of at _Iut. -On ?? 12th1 izrist. , at Stone hutn m i ?? Yoi2:c 0 C~j h c0a Ocaipic n (2 W. HIill, ?? tina col. P) 1)Ac0', ?? the 14-th intt., at Tlatito un- iiac, p V\' ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... irs F¢OUND DEAD AT Mr, EASTNEY. THE MlYSTERY UMEXPLAINEID. At thc Town Hall, Landport, on Mouday, ry; ?? T. A. BIranasdon, J.P., the Borough Coroner a resumed the inquiry as to the cause of the death ,n. of an unknown male child found at ErstUey on use Sunday, December 24th. The iuquiry had been ndjourned in order that the polico m1ight make furtlier inquiries as te the whereabout3 nf tbe ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ALDERMAN KENT'S FU_ N7ERAL. On Saturday the remains of the late Alder- maln IV. Kent, who passed away at hiz reeidence in I'ortsea last week, were buried mo the family ' vault iu 1`6rtsea Uemetery; St. Siiary's-road, I ti King,,ston. Acr mi--ht have been expected, there was a large attendance of the deceased eccute- |0 nian's fellow-towuimen. both at St. G6eorge'sr Church, Portsea, wvhere the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF THE DUKE OF TECK. We regret to announce the decease of His High- ness the Duke of Teck, at White Lodge, Richmond Park,at a quarter-past seven on Sunday night,from pleumonia. The health of the Duke, who was sixty-two years of age, had been unsatisfactory for some time and he Lad never been really well since the death of the Duchess of. Teck. His early demise was not, however, expectedd ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... I Irtt, , l'arriage5, ad a 2th,. BIRTHS. IBUMPUS.-January 18, at 32, Lake-street, ninksey, Oxford, the wife of J. Bumpus, of a son ' CROZLlER.-January 17, at 115: Marlborough-road, Grau& ont Oxford, tile wife of James Crotier. of a son. G-tWIITIS.-January 24, at 30, Southmoor-road, Oxford. the wifh of 'Thos. J. Griffiths, of a son- HiOPKiNS -January 19, at Freeland, Oxon, the vife of W;. ...