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Leeds Mercury


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Leeds Mercury

Advertisements & Notices

... ,& ENGAGEMENT REINGS- The Weddbg Mn we vese axe geozine 22et. go-l,. a St fr Om a Gfuies to 35, eseb. szd with each ?? cxefnI prewent. We send cur catalogmes o Engagementa ILngs to any aidressn ree of eh.are. sOCO to chooqe fum 10c. 6d toi ;cOE esc. Alo genuine MTYt sold, Teal diamondas.slid other gems. No imitations. YSON & SONS. Jew-ellers, 24, 25, 265 Brigmte, LEEDS (and at WalceleldC. IQ ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ctt-t MIt¾`o2 a TI O- a~c~jittA ?? b to'- I7 T'ii;A rc'a P 2' 'tJ It CF' V, S i WLY CAIFj%: 7O? C'aaa-;r t- 'N 7' On \rtWr U- IT11$ -Q LE, ?? 1' ' -1- 5 ?? - - 7' E ffj V1.. ,- I tAO~t1T I f NTi-In ?? I C ~fT~- NY.' ?? ?? , f' ?? f'2 ?? 21-- rlx TJ. ltf.1 tr'l e i 'n y- ~ 'M PREP] II P7 rop, ADYVt.nI)~vlrrtrns W\NP.:.t tN IATK. ~\DUO ~ or ¾ir I -nc, w- ic, t F £ U' It D cvtca--c talC 1 i t1' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BE LET ~ ?? -cnc ~ REV YINRE 2 roos .%3-ni ~ ?? i' ii-ti-nnet Rent £25 Onmn'. Il_,Or. lTs'ne20. fIciam. re-s. o=, - - ,o 'I in heearne-rena --a- T-=.i Ft atitvdrats Anpl 11.. tc.-iiighaznf-Streot'O Leeds, has3 i1 I UL r-)x 7.Uo-~tnoa-er- plaits, T' r~lf ' eipinga G~OOD o i-rn. ?? Da'.iir~l. &. 8' lecT. S C ¾-- sri~ a F I(rt dtstance Stern .!Ne 6. Cat' t'r.:arreact. L& a clz S1 LI. ' Asrsit: ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A ?YERRY 7HEAILT GOETS ALL TE2 LDAY. A SAD ONE BUT AN HOUX L MPORTANT TO 'A LL!! 3 3§CORNIQG GLOOM. 1w3 DACHE, &o. JiH E rn er=1 60'se of ENO'S Y PRUTI SALT, 'o1owet by one or two large cups of goi hot tee vthb cream or milr, withont rtgae. !a mstrer when pr wbeze you halt. ;f ou are fored with TO'S SALT It efilect Om ar disered, Ltepless, and feveriph endibion Is SIhi'LY 5IARt'ETIOTS. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RHE LEEDS MExCURY MSTAELS-TED 1nt! i The OLD:TF end BEST NEWSPAPER in TORKSRIIIE is the ONLY L 5EE-L DATy EP-Ar ?? n Leeds. This fact is of great imrceance to AD VERTISERS -wihing to reach the rast popula- 1iei of YOURSIME and the NCUTEH OF F:NGIALAND, which is s- ?? LIBERAM. as Amouaeerrneflrt which do not appear in the 'TEEDS MER-URY will necessaly fail to reach that ery large and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - W Has seen the practical results where patients havelaken Scott's'Emulslon. 0- a ? 0 inion of, -a,. Wellaknown u rsle,,,. NURSE HOUGHAM. (From a Photograph.) 8, North Row B3ildings, Park Lane, London, W., January 2Stl .1900. Dear Sirs,-I highly recommend Scott's Emulsion as being most benedfic for coughs, colds, and all affeetions of the chest and lungs, One small bottle cured an infant of a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A -MERRY HEART GOES AT THE DAY, A SAD ONE BUT AN, HOU. I MPORTANT TO ALL!! r HE MMORNNG-G GLOOIL Takes an early An of ENO'S FRUIT SALT, followed bF one or two Inrge erps of good hot tea, with cream or milk, withort snpry. No mather wben or where ton yubt, if rou ore fortited unth S NO'Se SALT.' Its effect on anyI disofere, .enls. am! feverish sonditirm is SIMPLY M ARDTLOrS. Tt is. in fact. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PREYENT ThA.-U of CHEAP GEf IAtN air-tubes fitted to genuine outer covers of 'DUNJ:LOPL TYRE:S by examining Trade Mark of air-tube. Dsno bfl tyres reported on at any of our depots, No c harge. Thie most rubber mradeI i, employed in GEIUTNE Dunlo1, ar-t-zlcs. ALI)TA-STnREET. COVENTRYi ' ; Thpot 25. CA'iTTlEGATE, NO=TTINRMk. TH REVOLUTION IN ARCADY. A NEW ERA IN RUEAL LIE.b B Y THE REV. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1PU3BIZOATIOS 1 most-bly. Pfr, ?? THE ONTEMPORRY REVIZW. C'ON?YENTS to, A]PBIL:- Lesrs of the Tramsrual W'ar. BFy Jo ae Bieb. -; i-4rs iz jobanmbtzryg. Byr Wililam Hoslzem Y'The Anstraian itedetiown AcL Br Eear- Brmunmes Higims, 4. T*Xe Crw.mNxicrn, a3 1Evoh1atonrary Fore. I. ET ttb Ztv. W. V'oss artd tni.r Ge~t-ritte. 'B3. tre l. J. If. Bao-m wl *~r a~nd bh Cilladry: ¶i' Notes. BF ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SPECAL NOTICE: June 20th SUR~ WIEDTS0R The COMING WEEK is the LAST WEEK of the Sale of The First Fifty Years of Punch 1841-1891, Issued by The Times, and even before Nine Days more the Edition may be exhausted. NOW, the 26 volhmes may be had for only ONE GUJNEA IN (CASH, to be followed by Monthly Payments. If you lose this chanee, the volumes will be out of print, and a set of PUNCH will ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SS RODE | ~TO SCADRTOP. LV E.ALIWELL SUTCLIFYE LEJLIt SUPPLEMENT 'filE LTV EEh lERCCRZ. iREflY oA'. FITDAIY NEXT, JUNE 1ST. GOLD E (t fris i~oh, 189 TheOYLGoll Mocla1 ever awredfor Tom= SoAp d; any lntprantionl Erhibitieol in Wth orlid was obtainedby PEIRS° SO0AP The Opimnon also off more sbn 13 AavUsts and Soaprmakers, the chief EZarts of the World, is S HIGHEST A ArDS. S A£ £ 0 F TiX U R w~~ ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A'PRETBEEA~ Preferred by Connoisseurs for its high quality: anzd delicious natua LLtl fiavors RichXl inl :nourishing and st ?? preoperties, it - 13vbuilds u~p and invisgorates the System>. ?? E t 0ESFAr T ...