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1900 - 1949
66 1900-1909


Reynolds's Newspaper



London, England

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Reynolds's Newspaper


... . RACING. DERBY AUTUMN MEETING-SATURDAY. .The BELPER, SELLING PLATE; winner to he sold for - HOe iss. One mile, straight. Mr. T. Sonthall's CHAHLTOJN, lyre., 0gt. Mab. C. Jenkins 1 Mr. 0. TenmpIs's WiIYBlIDGE, lyts., Set. Slb .B..ighy2 Sir Edgar 4Vinet;'B EULOGY,4dyes., Set. ( L. Reiff S Also ran: Studding Sail, Horoisk, Liuter, Good B~ye John, Padtagonia colt, Voduta, Crowy No0.t, ...


... I TMBDAY*S SPORTS, (R&TTSR AND REVTEW. It wos lardly-worthy P1 fho name of- vporotbat whatwms seen at' Wye a~nd Plnunpton. G atwiek certainy showved an tsnproveuieot'aid visitors clunly appreoifted tlie. vwolcorne olrauage. Whaispaver as fflekg it the earlier varit of the v'oei~te bras §udcsvv Park- meeting (Fridasy andt yesterday) fully' rnadne amensad. Hare eiapital sport and a plmstitnde of ...


... Y CHATTER AND REVIEW. Reettig at Ilanchest-er on Tuesdas and Wedneeday inst hardly t.ame tip to expeeta~tone. )le bbh da~ys tbe-.attendaiice iwiw tomew!at '`mited, 'he port was only paassnH lntir, I'yhlst thoe wisather was, atrocious. Backers had the worst of the deal op t,- two uses' racing, but thie duail Ltnccees of DecsartughItp, their, jut s bit, des pite the, probubitlys priner. The fine ...


... =91 ~ ?? 'vq_ _w Ss_: A'V--B,.0K E ?? RYE ?? EG X .I~~ II i-~ s II ads 7 i NI AS 'AN ,}IOLIJ)A; Y RlT,.%GEDYl' AN AUT OP GOt' Oh Xenbl lit/ Crt l Yisnd' rs A Poot~ball Teans pksdthis ,lOrden . ivifts at, St.' Mary. 'C-aty Re~nt, gamo bogsue e't'izoll asay Otter oliday asinre bo etaerla -jutiots and` ?? ?? riled tah attsaitiu oof aboiut 300 trtlisans of ha'' sidses Alte w~io~ss~thn~] rond ...


... FITZSIMMONS BEATS, SHARKEY. New York, Aug. 24. Sharkey and Fitzsinionn fought a sensational fight to-night at (Joney Island Athletic Club, Sharkey being knoeked out in the second round. The men were matched to box twenty roiunds for a purse of ?5,00Odols. on the understanding that the winner sho.ld meet Jeffries in a contest for the heavy-weight championship at the end of the present mouth. W ...


... ESTEIRDAY'S SPORTS. CHATTER AND~ REVIEW. WtlthOg-t a doubt, fiameod Jubilee's Leg-sr was t he most snco~saful Doncaetir mete ,o eant yearis. GloriousS w'eat~her, e~ledid attendanes, end close finishes were pro. rdoingaof brolighont, another feature being' the esucceesfid rdnofthe Yankee jlckeys. Tuesiday provided a, bill re- splelndeutwith good thingpas raoing goeE, nd although Veles was ...


... CHATTER AND REVIEW., Manchester's meeting, which opened on Monday last, New Yeyr's Day, IWas hardly olp to its ustual standard, though sport was fair. The feature of the day was the essy ?? of Battalion II., whose owner and friends backed it so liberally for the Mraiden Ha: d'e Race that it started at 13 to S o is a fdeidof teu. Tnesday's raiug'lid notprodacesn many runners, but tbh Fport was ...


... YESTERDAY' T CHATE ID EVIEW. There WuasOne of the largest gatherng a t York rce (duiing the August meeting last week) seen for a number ti years Past, whilst the sport was well up to the high standard expected at thie' popular Northern detare. On the opening day (Teaadsy).Lsa Bait gave tihs Tykes jS gihupse of her matveloneracng biitis weisshecanerd 'home for the *On Wednesday the Groat Ebor ...


... .YEST.RDA SPORTS * IIATTEjR ANI) REVIEW One could balrdl~yfuga~j-r'ewr Oees gor;tantlhibratio conditions ?? Bank: HOliday7 at-Hurmt; Park,. _lt spciks~woflf~r the fitiwstivd: powers of the Tuatioiurl-eport to ?? such an excallent attend-, anco. The fields *ere up to' the average., bsia kd~ et!Wt8OC wellby gtandiing Orirs Root. (whirhl -I gave as one 0 th good, thns 'fb eck), hut they left ...


... JI ELEY R]d1aAIhTA. FINAL RESULTS. ?? HOWELL NEARLY DROWNEDT. At Henifley on Friday tieo churl eoalteto ?? Olace. The PrJOuil r Oiillred n vith heavy holol . ae, hunt this did litle harl-; in fact, le min ciieein, lryi the dust. Thie watiter aitticrv-ardl a broke mit thise aheegh the inied wile still st'rccg alid gu,-gleat p clvantiigii to eth irenti rowing on ?? uckro shaure. The river itself ...


... CHAkTTER AND REVIEW. The opening of thle Epsome Spring Meet-log wae favoured with faitr weather cud attrastifd-all things conidered-a cupital attendance. The deceat of Reciciseliter by 1ing's lieseesger, was a heavy blow to puntere, as Lord 1'enrhyit'a candidatie was meeting Rlensseliaer on cmnch worm terms thanl at Lincoln, wietec fltuseeeaer mote aso easily. It, remains 0ttO Of those ...