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South Wales Echo


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South Wales Echo

Newmarket Notes

... I Windsor Meeting. 1.30-The QUEEN WELTER HANDICAP of £ 150; the second to receive Five furlongs. j.;lr .1. ColHns's L: 'ill Flash 5y 8st 1 lib L. Reiff 1 Mr Dawson's Miss Unicorn, Sst 311b Mr Randall 2 Mr J. II. Locke's l'arton, 3v 7s6 61b S. Loabes 3 Mr Wigan's King of the Plains, 4v 8st 81b Halsey 0 Mr F. S. Barnard's Argon, 6y 3st &lb M. Cannon 0 Mr R. Sievicr's Success, 3y 8st 71b Wetl ...

r Folkestone November Meeting. I

... TO DAY'S MONEY. I [SPECIAL TELEGRAMS; I LONDON STOCK EXCHANGE. Opening,11.20a.m.—^The finr.l aajnsi ment of the fort- nightly settlement on the Stock Exchange is engaging the chief attention of dealers and is being satisfac- torily arranged. Consols dull, beine lower for account. Foreign Bonds quiet-Spanish 3-8 lower. Home Railways inactive-Hell and Barnsley and Great Central Deferred i lower. ...


... Tenby left St. Petersburg for Ply mo nth 9th j Lac'tfenby icfti Tr&Dgsund for Sharpness 10th Wwanflby passed St. Catherine's for 1 ■ ■ • 01 h Hawnb'y arvd l-)ort!a 3.0th I'omaron atvd St. Xazaire 10th \torthvr left Pomaron for i!or ...


... Indispensable in a household, Cnd«hv's i: Rex Whole Ox Tongues (not split tongues) are really delightful as they are packed from the choicest selected young cattle. From all grocers. S\3 SAM TAYLOR for two Inch pillar massive 4ft Sin. by 6ft. Gin. Bedstead, only 35a. All goods delivered free in own vau any distance. 205e To A COLD IN ONE DAY ink Laxative lir-no Quiiiine Tablets. All Druggists ...


... MOVEMENTS OF LOCAL VES§EL$ Alacrity arvd Havre 9th Rochefort arvd Honfleur 7th Stokesley arvd Havre 71 h Eureka arvd CharenUs 7th Hamby arvd Amsterdam 6th Doleby iirvd Philadelphia 5th Red Jacket arvd Odessa 8th t Turquoise arvd Philadelphia 7th Volage left Rosario for Philadelphia 7th Exmuuth arvd St. Vincent 8th Dawlish left Barry for Port Said 6ch Flowergate left Stigo for Cardiff 7th Oawin ...

Vanderbilt Millions. I-

... Vanderbilt Millions. OVER .£7,000,000 IN RAILWAYS. New York, TuesdRy.-Mach sutprise has been expressed that the late Mr Vanderfcilt's rail- roa.d investments were not larger than the official figures show them to be, and particularly at so small a proportion of hi-i money being in New York Centrals. The present value of his pria- cipal railroad securities is as follow3 West Shore, 1,500,0000 ...


... NEW VtCAR OF RHYMNEY. I On Sa.torda.y afternoon the Rev. Daniel Fisher, B.A.,thenewvioa.rofRhymney, was institated by the Lord Biahop of HandttS. Thie Biahop dotiveied n address, explaining that sac ceremoniea were nanaHy held in private, but he thought it was far better and more in B.ccord wifh Divine ceremony that they should be pablie. He believed that the Rhymuey Iron Co., Limbed, who a ...


... „ |Th. Sep.27 Fr. Sep. 28 Sa. Sep. 2Y PORT TMOJJLGS.LTUIE Tuie 'L'nie, 0T;T, jh.m. M. ftin h. IN.jft.iu. C3R«FF { £ | 2| | ^RJI N!^ 4 BARRYCOE^ J^; || 33 11; | ^32 S| | 31 1 NASRNRT J 8 56 77 N 9 26,70 A\ 9 56 ——-4P.,n. 9 12 33 9 41: 4 10 14 30 9 Swansea I' ^30 7 ^'90 O' ^07 C tp.M 8 3 8 3629 2| 9 1127 6 Port Talbot. GJ F ^31 JO! 8 55 -50 1 p. 11 8 4 3 8 37 1 9 13 J J 6 ...


... Bucks, Buckingham I Lincoln, Stamford U. maj., 1436 U. maj., 399 Cambridge, Wiabech Norfolk, Mid. L. mnj., 134 U. maj., 223 Northants.E. TJ. maj., 1216 Cornwall, Bodmin Notts, Rushcliffe U. maj., 543 L. maj., 633 Cumberland, Egremont Shropshire, Wellington U. maj., 131 U. uuop. Devon, Barnsta-ple Stafford, N.W.U.maj.,668 U. maj., 68 Surrey, Guildford Dorset, Eastern U, unop. U. unop. Durham, ...

London Midday Betting.I

... Derby Autuiun Meeting. The Press Association is officially requeued to State that Oppressor should not have aDacared amongst the acceptances for the Markeaton Plate at Derby. The weights are therefore raised lib. ...


... MOVEMENTS OFLOCAL^VESSELS j Carlo left Troon for Seville 9fch vv'andby left Hull for Wilmington 10th Kaisbv arvd Birkenhead 10th Dolcoath arvd Swansea 11th A'ac'-ity arvd Havre lOtii White Jacket arvd Hahia Blanca 11th Thos. Turnbull left; Teneriffe for Delaware 9th I Parkgate arvd Malta 10th J.esroiulx arvd Piraeus loth Groldcliffe arvd Terceira 10th ...

Gatwick October Meeting. I

... POSTED WEEXLV :O '.YVJ'JHNIMI all ever the world. The best illustrated summary of the week, news, with snecial attention to Wales, is found in the biggest and best pennypaper published—the Cardiff Times and South Wales 'weekly News. Get a copy i nt once ...