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South Wales Echo

I Newmarket Notes. I

... I Official Starting Prices. As published by Racing Calendar and Sporting Life, NEWMARKET. Brrtbv Nursery (13).-Tcronius. 7 to 1 agst. Houghton (12).-Wild Irishman. 5 to 1 agst. Jockey Club Cup (5)-Osbecb, evens. Ditch Mile (IS).-Lc.rd Earnest, 7 to 2 asst. WO ItCKSTKR. Dudley Welter 7 to 2 r-gst. Witley Welter (il)-Forse. 3 to 1 art,t. FOLKESTONE. Maiden Hurdle (7).—David Harum, 3 to 1 agst. ...


... I FOOTBALL. FIXTURES FOR TO MORROW. We shall publish reports of the following matches to be played to-morrow on the ground of the first- named club club RUGBY. Welsh Rugby Union. Car(I ifi v Cardiff Disti-ict-A T W James Abaravon v Tondu—E A Johns Crosskeys v Macnen-M A Martin Penarth v Gloucester- Pontvmister v ljlwyiiypia-J E Webb Tredegar v Bristol—Ben Tiley Pontnewydd v Abergavenny—W J ...


... tSi. Oct. 27iSu. Oct. 28 IVfo Oct. n Fork Its TmpiawjTnislHgl j* J I' ih.III.¡lt.m ) j.?,.jtb.i))?.)u.fU:) C..1'rr J a.n>. 3 o*ij ■ a! 9 it/s, 90 6 tp.m. 9 1( 2 4431 10 23 ¡ B l' I (am. » 4.' (7 | 9 20,, 30 *■ 3 .3331 9 Q! 9 5? 7- N b ( y u) g 10 17 30 3, ,cfl'or p.I; 36 11 * ...


... SWANSEA POLICE STATION, I To Cost £ 20,000. At a meeting of the Swansea Watch Committee on Tuesday the Borough Sarveyor produced a plan showing the use which could be made of the site in the A.lex;mdra-ror.d, adjoining the Free Library, which has been selected for the erection of new central police and fire-brigade station. The Ragged School is now on 110 portion of tho site, and it was aaid ...


... TO-DAY'S MONEY. [SPECIAL TKLEGRAMS,] LONDON STOCK EXCHANGE. Opening, 11.20 a.m.—The general fortnightly seWe- ment on the ock Exchange began this morning and is engaging the chief attention of dealers. There is a moderate amount of fresh business doing, espeol ally in American Railways. Consols and War IjOM steady. Rupee Paper rallied 7.. Foreign Bonds un- altered. Home Railways finn on ...


... ST. DAVID'S DAY FESTIVAL, 1901. I The festival held in commemoration of the Patron Saint of Wales on St. David's Day last at Llandaif Cathedral (the Lland&ff Diocesan Maga- zine states) proved so highly successful in every iespect and a widespread fet-liug for it3 con- tinuance having since been expressed the com- mittee (haviug been now slightly remodelled) has deciciad to hold a simila ...

I Lingfield Park Meeting. I

... VISIT OF MR KIER HARDIE, M P., TO MERTHYR BOROUGHS. The Aberdate Labour and Trades Council have arranged to Rive Mr Kier Hardie a reception apon his arrival in the borough on Monday next. The bon. member will arrive at Aberaman at 5 o'cloak. Hu will be met by the Trades Gouncil, together with the colliers of the district, and will be escorted to the Pioagh Pins, where probably a short meeting ...


... GAINS AMD LG LIBERAL GAINS. UNSON'iH'i UNs. Hartlepool 1 1 Grantham 1 Piy mouth .1 Wolverhampton. ] G«i w*y 1 Swansea II 1 Gloucester 1 Middlesbrough I Northampton 1 Leicester 1 Hastings 1 Sheffield 1 1 Sheffield 1 Derby 2 Sunderland 1 Walaall 1 Leedi, East 1 Dublin,St Stephens. 1 Burnley 1 Oamberwell 1 1 Stockport 1 1 irdggerstou 1 Glasgow, Hlackftiars 1 Northampton (MidI. 1 Glasgow, ...

I Newmarket 2nd October Meeting, I

... I Newmarket 2nd October Meeting, NEWMARKET, Tuesday. So quiet was the Turf Metropolis this morning that it was difficult to realise that we were on the eve of the Cesarewitch, the most importit.iit lone dis- f tance event of the year. The weather ccnditions were mag-nificectr-ju fact it was like a return of sum- mer, for the sun shone from a cloudless sea of blue, and gentle breezes were ...

I Derby September Meeting

... POSTED WEEKJOT to Welshmea all over the world. The best illustrated summary of the week's newe, with special attention to 'VYu.les, is found in the biggest and beet penny paper published—the Cardiff POSTED WEEKJOT to Welshmea all over tbe world. The best illustrated summary of the week's newe, with special attention to 'VYu.les, is found in the biggest and beet penny paper published—the '• ...


... [ Leicester November Meeting. LEICESTER, Wednesday. Although a thick fog overhung Leicester this morn. iug and it became very dark at one time, the canopy gradually lifted towards midday, and when visitors reached Oadby the sun was struggling through the mist. It was thus very pleasant, whilst the atmos- phere was ot springlike mildness The card fur- nished another brisk afternoon's sport, and ...