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1900 - 1949
897 1900-1909


Western Mail



Cardiff, Glamorgan, Wales

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Western Mail


... ALLEGEED- BIGAMY--'' AV - - ARNIFF. - I - ' -I ,, -, t . : , I - - E. 1 I Y CHARGE AGAINST ; A ISCE I1 ARTI'ST - On Thursday afternoon (before Messrs.,T H. 'S Stephens and John, Jenkins) Cecil Levin,. aged s, c a cenic artist well klown in Cardiff, Esur. rendered to his bail at the police-court on the charge of bigamy. 0 The ease has been seveial timnes adjourned; owing to the illness of one ...


... LOCAL2 POLICE-COU RTS. CARDIFF. 1WEDNESDAY.-(Befora the STIPENDIARY.) ALDEGED WOUNDING. William Edward Ossiugton, 41, was siiilxrlr charged with wounding Andrew Willianr Edwards oil the 25ta of June. Mr. T. H Belcher defended. The offence was alleged to have been committed at the Gower Hotel, Cal-hays. Defendant has teased Edwa-rds's dog and( witness objected. It was after this that the ...


... LOCAL-LAWV CASE8. jCOLLIERY COMPENSATION APPEAL. et- Iii the Queen's Benich Division onl Wediics- lets day, Mr. Just ice Darling and Mr. Justice Buck- Qi ejor 1 l, Pitig s dvsienal court, ?iejig son1, mient in the case of Maisters v. the Great Wee- 9 and tern Railway Company, which was an appeal of 4 by tile Groat Western ?? Company from Pr the award of an arbitrator in-feev0111 of the jjc pre ...


... LOCAL POLICE-COURTS, 'CAIDIFF. SATURDAY.-(Before AMr. T. ' H. STEPHENS and.Couuncillor SYMONDS.) A PUBLIC DANGER; on William.Morris was charged with being drunk rei while in charge of firearms in Onatle-street on' wi the 19th of -January.-Police - constable 54a thb told .tho bench that prisoner had gone into a inl chop there and had purchased a small revolver. '1 On coining outhe began trying ...


... BARRY CELEBllATiONS. PENARTH POLCE-COU)R'Tl AS A COURT OF APPEAL. Tho 1'enarth magistrates oil Wednesday heaid an app!iclition by r, rF. P. Joniea-Lioe'd, solicitor, arrly, for two or four houra' exten A sion of time on bliehaif of Mr. Vine, of the t Marine, liotel, Rarry Is1nnd.-Mr. Jones-Iloyd ( .9rated that there would le I a general holiday t and toown deiuonstratolsi at Barry on Thursday ...


... C[LOSNG IN ON KRUJGE Ro TPh lare LORD ROBERTS AT BELFAST. 4 I Poi GENERAL BULLER Pat of IN ACTION. i bet LIVERPOOLS IN A TRAPo Jo: Oil If tho Boers are inclined or compelled m55, to fight at Machadodero it should go very I hard with them, for there are (says the Military Correspondent. of the Press Asso- no ciation) only two available roads to the co north from that. town. One of these ...


... Ci OA hDTFFj,. ti WVEDNESDAY-(Before Alderman T. W. n JACOS1F,', and Mr. PUIf. JOTI fA-M.) si Al.LECIED SIfIlBEENING. U! ilsviloldf Tloinas, 38. Nvas shoargcl on a cee warrant with Selling bhe' without a licenco ei ?? 21, DlLffrsic-stceet on AugUst t2-Police-Con- 01 stable Johtc hutlo gave ?? Ir ?? into (lho box, adl stated that tie 41- cc gallou casl; forlid on tho premises was blougt r on ...


... 01 fo -id IIADLEICII CASTLE G OLD MINING COMPANY I t at, (LIM3ITED). a In the Chancery Division of the High Court ICc rk of Justice on Saturday AMr. Justice Cozcus YS- H-ardy again had before him a, petition pre- a ,al sented for the compulsory winding -up of the III ,as HadIleigh. Castle Gold Mining Company hi III (Limited), The petitioners were Air. Daniel di tht Radcliffe,, shipowricr. of ...


... NEWPORT PANTOT1M1IAW ECHO I ACTION INT TJ'HE COUNTY-COURT. id An interesthig theatrical case came befnre his Honour JtuIdge Owven at Newport County- a court on Thensday in the action of Robert ?? x ; t . Clarence Sounes. Mr. R. J. Drake sk (instructedl by Alcsp CulYele and Colyer. of to London) ?? for: the plaintiff; Mr. Lia- Lit coln Reed (instructedl by Mr. JohL MoM.on) for [r. the defeudant ...


... LOCAL LAW CASES, SEQUEDI TO A COLLISION. In the Admiralty Court on Friday Mr. Justice Barnes granted the owners of the steamnship Newbiggin a decree limiting their 1iability to £6,516 In respect of danmages tn-ising out of the loss of the stealllship City of Rotterdam, uvhicks 6anes after colliding with She Noehbiggiss in thuo Enuglish Channel on June 16 last. The Nowbiggin at the time was ...

Published: Saturday 22 December 1900
Newspaper: Western Mail
County: Glamorgan, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 1366 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Crime and Punishment 


... AXRDIFF. FIRST~ COURT. PH UR SDA.Y.-{Bero -Jr. IILE-JONES, deputy-stiliendiary.) TIUSBAND'S -IABILITIES. ?? Evan Jones. 25. a, mason, ivas broupght tip ?? remnand oal a charge of neglecting to pay tile smill of .66 1I6s 6d., arrears and costs dne tndec a maintenance order to his wife, Mary Jones. Mr. J. Morgann solicitor represented thc plailitiff, ati dMr. Lloyd Mleyriek, solicitor, the ...


... ) BIGHTON V. MUINIDAY. Iii the Chancery Division of the High Cour ?? of Justice On Friday (before Mr. Justice )OI Klieewiclc Mir. Warrington, QOC.. mentioned - 4-. tins matter, in Connecotion with which hisB lord- shlip ap)pointed losat week at receiver and otil mana111ger of at ehenilsi.'s butsiness ait Cardiff. met0 Hlis lordship would remember, sold the learned AI r. couinsel, that the ...

Published: Saturday 01 December 1900
Newspaper: Western Mail
County: Glamorgan, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 1991 | Page: Page 7 | Tags: Crime and Punishment