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289 1900-1909


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Western Mail


... AF11RIUAN PYGMIES FOL- PARifS EX11{ITI'TON. HOW BMi-hOi T1UOKX dt FOILL1iJ) A Ml ?? - U'F1{?MAN? TRAUlER. l itirdT Jos' 'ire current issue, of the Anti-chive hl Drilb Reportere', the organ of the Brit ishl arid Foreign VV ?? -silivery Society, publishes an intereetfagl do 151c1- latter froar Bishop '1uckcr,- written from al of CUgandql cii February 23. 'fhe hishap had ju~.. no ceit. ...


... , VU Ai LATEST WORKS PUBLISHED. ?? IV BOOKS. thl or 'The L-etters of the, Younger Pliny,'' new ,vI edition. Translated by J. B. Firth. B3A. Tw o robotics, is. 6d. each. London: o 'Walter ,cott (t,imited). by knmougst the, most, recent additions to the (, nretty sefries of books known as the Scot~t T Blibrary are two vslttiues of letters by the I Vounterer Pliny. Thle correspondenceL of V1inly ...


... , THEATRE ROYAL, CARDIFF. Mr. Charles Golletto and his fellows had a SO, hearty reception abt the Theatre Itoyal, Car- diff, on Monday evening, when they played the American comedy, What Happened to Jones. The comedy is always received as a T 1 favoutrite pieco, with its daring introduction (tin of the central pharacter and the quaint entan- prie glemnent3 that grow out of the plot. Mr. Col- ...


... I WELSH CHURCH MUSIC, |sss I- TRIENN71M4 FEPSTIVAL AT dlec one d 'LLANDAFF. The lie A CHOIR OF 1,700 VOICES. eke Among the many crgaenisatious which baveth flbeen brought into existence for the purpose of the Is~ advancing the seork of the Church in thue dee 'Diocese of Liandaff, the choral1 associt)ion.01W ISholds a, prominent place. In addition to o improving the singing in the smal~ler ...


... I LATEST WORKS PUBLISHED. MOORS. The Valley of the Great Shadow, by Annie Holdsworth. London: Heinemann. There is something very weird, and yet very beautiful, about this story, the scene of which is laid in an Alpine health resort. Here we see a group of individuals all filled with the same desire-to cling a little longer to life. Over them all hangs the dark shadow of death. and one after ...


... The fixti aunnal Ferndale Horse Show wasD held at the Cricket Field. Ferndale, on Whit- Monday, in beautiful weafler, and with a ni s large 'attendance. The judges were:- *tHunters and harness classes: -Messrs. . Jones, 1A1 r- LIandilo, and J. Anthony, Kidwelly. Cart M d and colliery horses: Messrs. R. W. Bridgwater M Le and W. Emerson, Caeran. JUmping and X' te trotting: Messrs. T. D. ...


... BOOKS. A new novel. entitle The Bride of Llan- ga ctyn, byv J. E. Patterson (late of Cardiff). ancizhor of The itermaiid` ?? will be pub- lish8ed in the early auturnm by Digby, ILong, anti Co. We have nothing but praise for Dlarlington's llandbook to London, which has reaelced SO its third odition. and is the beau-ideal of a. di -aide-hooh, The WmatteC' is from the gift'ed pesns tl of ...


... INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION AT i GLASOOWV. Two years and a half ago Glasgow decided to hold an international exhibition in 1901, and ever since the resolution was passed at a represenlctt.ive meeting of citizens the work of organisation and construction has been actively pushing forward, A very pleasing site in Kelvingrove Parkt, covering some 70 acres, was given by thre corporation; the first ...


... MAGAZINES, &c. Temple Bar for November filly u pholds its reputation. To lovers of George Meredith fail there is an Informing article on the BRnal wa Dianal of the Crossways, Though mateariatls Ab for Al sktetch areO deplorably scanty,, Enough Ja, remuains to show that in the career of the zq Honionrablo Mrs. Norton the novelist had £7' ready the tragic story o f thle -life dci of Al ...


... LOCAL AMUJSEMENTS. is 7 - - - Sir TREAMtE RlOYAL, {Y-A-tlIFlF. Carde yfii*Soth Let. Bonro was ep~lainedl satis- vbher ficet-r-ily to thle auldience ~at, 'thu Theatre R-oyal, l.V- A j Ca~rdifl', oii Mlonday evening Air. lor-ioi'c hI Linriard a act Iris company ha-vo got, I-le play s~C -into splendid treiri, aind the ma~nner in whsichl monj they- reeled ofl' the throe nets was excellent, ha Ic ...


... |BRISTOL CH ANNE L STORY.I A NEWPORT SENSATION1 AND ITS ELXPLANATION. T. An extraordinary story was published last night by the Newport Argus, which state3 that. at a. quarter to eight on Monday evening the family of Alderman Grove, Brendon View. Stow Park, saw wkat they believed to be a. stemner on fire between the Strep and Flat Hrelms. Alderman Grove's son, through a ne telescope, made ...


... GiLArMORGAN AGRICULTrURAL Silhow. Gr RE COIRD) A'I'EPNI)ANCJ'E AND Mc FI-NANCIL - SUCCE SS. Pl TVhe clesing day of the Brirlgend show of the. Cl it eorn isslihre Agriculturaal Society was again favc'ured with inre weather. T1he nttendanlie oln 1.4 both days was llighly s\ttisfactory, in(l, so fisr as tan he idlged tit present, the show hals been 3 aflinniloiai soc t' ss. 'The attna5co ~ 11 ?? ...