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... (By Private Wire.) * Northern Whig and Belfast Post Office, 92, Fleet Street, London. Monday, 3 a.m. ■ m REPARATIONS CONFERENCE. Vicious Tangle of Inter-Govern- mental Debts. The Timei,” discussing the report the Special Advisory Committee of the Bank for International Settlements, says:—Even if recommendations appear to somewhat the course of action which they imply plafti rkough to those who ...


... From Onr Parliamentary Correspondent . Westminster , Thursday . With Mr Baldwin away at Leeds , and Mr Cnamberlain , the Deputy Leader of the House , at Geneva , Mr Churchill found hirocfli in charge at Westminster to-day . Various members tried to tempt nim , but he fss discretion itself , and with surprising rigidity he adhered to his typewritten Esswers . Ah , he said in answer to a ...

THE fCOTSlUS a pab ^ shej at 20 North Bridge r--r- —b- 3 = 4 S 3 Gcrira Street

... G ! a ? goir . or THE £ - 0 T ~\! A > ' PUBLICATION LIMITED . 20 North ' Bridge rirVJr ; 2 . SUBSCRIPTIONS and ADVERTISEMENTS ar r ie ; -civ& 5 -tX the * o owiu ; Oliices : — Head Office : EDINBURGH 20 North Bridge . USANCE OFFICES IS UJIXBUEGH jviTH _ 105 Leith Walk . JiXYMAKKET 29 DiLET P . OAD > nviN ( . ; TO \ 68 South Clf . ek Steeet . M 0 HMNCS 1 DE 20 Mocningside Road . ic ^ f ...


... Held on Tuesday. Lump butter. 7d 8d per 11).: chickens. 8d 9d ner lb hens. 5d per lb.: ducks. 5d per lb.: hen eggs. 5d per lb : duck eggs. 7d per doz mrk. 60s per cwt (39 carcasesl: young ,oinr S 15s 35s each '4 carts): hay. 50s to 60s per ton; straw, 30s to 40s per ton. ALLEGATiON AGAINST STRARANF URBAN COUNCILLORS TWO MEMBERS SUMMONED. INTERESTING CASE AT PETTY SESSIONS At Strabane Petty ...


... GRAND OPERA HOUSE. TO-NIGHT 7.30. MATINEE FRIDAY. ENTHUSIASTIC RECEPTION ACCORDED “THE BARRETTS OF WIMPOLE STREET,” Tho Famous Play Direct from the Queen’s Theatre, London. Prices (inc. tax) la to 9d. Booking Office ©pen daily 10 to 10. ’Phone 904- Next Week:— For the Love Mike.” ROYAL CINEMA (ARTHUR SQUARE), CONTINUOUS DAILY FROM 1.30 P.M. CLARK GABLE—MARIE PREVOST in SPORTING BLOOD.” THELMA ...


... COMMONWEALTH OF NATIONS. BRITISH EMPIRE ENTERS UPON A NEW PHASE Status of the Dominions. PREMIERS URGE CO-ORDINATION IN WORK OF IMPERIAL DEFENCE. What ■will probably prove to be the most Important Imperial Conference yet held concluded yesterday, and the result of its labours marts an epoch in the history of the Empire, and bids fair to bind more closely the bonds of kinship and mutual ...

NEVER SAVE MONEY ON YOUR SHOES is one of the secrets of the well-dressed woman, for she knows that wellshod

... feet are half the battle when it comes to good dressing. Hurt art Smart Shota that art really not axpanalve. Thty have •• sood looks and lons lilt rtoord. LADIES’ WALKINKASE ABCHMOULDED 1-BA3 SHOES, covered litel, in Black and Brown / Glace Kid * * • LADIES' WALKINKASE ARCHMOULDED COURT SHOES, medium Louis heel, Brown Glace / Kid. - - - - ‘*D/- GLACK GLACE KID - 1 PIES’ PATENT 1-BAR SHOES, ...