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806 1900-1909


Pall Mall Gazette


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Pall Mall Gazette

OF THE Pall Mall Magazine

... Reviews. PAOLO AND FRANCESCA.* I I E ■ 1 Tut doubtful taste of the publishers has attached to the final pages of this volume large number of laudatory criticisms of Mr. Phillips’s earlier works. In many of these the opinion is expressed that he is •‘a poet of great promise,” that “he has a great future before him,” end so forth. Now we, too, have a great admiration for much of Mr. Phillips’s ...


... Numerous Portraits of OFFICERS, REGIiERTS, Mo\/A AI ykomahry, war scenes, I VIEWS TRANSVAAL, ; ANECDOTES OF DOERS AND BOER LIFE. Buy one number; you will be sure to buy the rest.”—DitHtiee Courier. “Best printed, most brightly edited.”— Morning Herald. “ Magnificently illustrated.”—/risA Independent. “Keeps up high standard,”—S/. Janus's Gazette. “ Exceptional value for the money.”—7mA Times ...

January ii, 1900. soft blue that verges closely upon violet. Miss Bail'd s statuesque arnig and throat are left ..

... while her robe is caught here and there with large turquoise clasps set in gold. In her hair she wear* bie clusters of pink and white apple blossom. Miss Sarah Brooke, in her robe of deep rose-pink silk, makes a dainty little figure as Hermia. Her dinging draperies are bordered with a narrow band of darker rosecolour, and there are touches of gold on her sleeves and about her throat, while her ...


... Give ear .to the song of the sword-girt men who glory steel aiid steed, The chant of the cunning and cool in fight, the lay of the men that lead. Gentle and noble and Royal are they, but commoner, prince, and lord. Hard as the hands of a labouring man are the hands that hold th* sword; Gentle and noble and Royal are they, but they can strip to the shirt, And take their share with the simple ...


... BUDS ON THE UNES THEIR MOSES FIRE-ENGINE USE. iS^^:S3!SsaSS«ia^.- A Correspondent writes I have had the same hose use nine years, and is now equal to new.” LARGEST MAKERS HIGH-CLASS HOSE IN THE WORLD. The Orfrimal and Genuine Makers. Buy direct Our Hose wiU eland the highest Waterworks pressure and the Government test. A sure guarantee of its HIGH CLASS. See that MERKYWEATHER is stamped on the ...


... The following traffic returns are available Home Railways.— lncreases: Midland, £8,302; Great Eastern, £5,901 ; North Eastern, £3,069; Lancashire and Yorkshire, £S66; North Staffordshire, £466; Metropolitan, £366; Great Central, £3,616; Great North of Scotland, £886; Tilbury, £987; Caledonian, £3.254; Glasgow South Western, £2,591. Decreases: District, £529; Hull and Barnsley, £519 ; Mersey, ...

eenOmmed ms Page 4J

... eenOmmed ms Page DINNERS and DINERS. WHERE AND HOW TO DINE IN LONDON. By Lieut.-Coloncl NEWNHAM-DAv^lS. Introduction by JOSEPH, late Maitre d'Hotcl of the Savoy; and cover designed by LEWIS BAUHER. Crown Bvo, cloth, it. id. Lawton : GRANT RICHARDS* 9, Henrietta-st Poet, W.C. ifubUshtrs Ai m Page 6.) FRY’S PURE CONCENTRATED COCOA-The Medical Preu,mcladiag the Lant*t. British Utdttml Jturmml, ad ...


... Crowded though the bookshops and the railway bookstalls are just new with Christmas literature, it is gratifying to know that the Christmas Number of the PALL MALL MAGAZINE was sold out on the day of issue. another sense, the unprecedented demand for the Magazine is to be regretted, for it is QUITE IMPOSSIBLE to REPRINT. A large number of orders have had to returned unexecuted. The JANUARY ...

Americas Rails

... The American market has crops on the nerves, but it is more than likely that, if that were all the mischief, the decline has already been overdone. Another point for the bulls is that the Republican nominations were unanimous, a point that tells greatly in favour of tiie success of the party at the elections. We may allow, therefore, that the market can possibly consider the future, as regards ...

Mr. Robertson as East-Ender

... Mr. Robertson’s first act was to second the Address, something ot the style of Mr. “ Bobby Spencer, declared that he was the first genuine East-ender to be in such a position. The House caught at the idea of the immaculate gentleman with an eye-glasS being an East-ender, and roared heartily, and Mr. E. T. Reed drew the real and the imaginary Robertson, the latter in moleskin and the ...