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Pall Mall Gazette


... Pall Mall East, S.W., who send it post free. No. 10,846. —You LXX. TO-NIGHT’S ENTERTAINMENTS DRURY LANE THEATRE ROYAL. Managing Director, Arthur Collin*. The Chiklreirs Pantomime. TWICE DAILY, 1.30 and 7.30, JACK AND THE BEANSTALK. Written and invented bv Arthur and Arthur Collins, Music by J. M. Glover. HERBERT CAMPBELL. DAN LEND. NELLIE STEWART. Johnnie Danvere, Mabel Nelson, Mollie Lowell. ...


... A certain reader of Lord Macaulay’s Essays was so astounded by his sudden accession of vivid historical knowledge that he expressed a regret that the author had not written a history of the world. In a similar spirit one is tempted, in a small way, to hope that Mr. W. Anderson Smith, if he knows the rest of South America even half as well as he obviously knows Chile, will give us a volume or ...


... j\Oly READY, at all the Libraries. Crown Bvo, cloth, 6.*. “The story deserves nothing but praise. It a bright, vigorous, wholesome romance, with a touch of tragedy in it. '— Bookman. London: JOHN MACQUEEN, Hastings House, Norfolk-street, W.C. ...


... Mr. J. T. Grein’s Dramatic Criticism (London : John Long) is a collection of the notices he has written for The Sunday Special or To-morrow, with the addition of a few French ones, during 1898 and 1899. It forms an interesting and compendious record of the drama in England during these two years ; for Mr. Grein, despite his predilection for Ibsen and an Independent Theatre, is not by any means ...

LONGMANS, GREEN, aud CO., London, New York, and Bombay

... DUNCANS’ LATEST PUBLICATION. HIOFITS v. DIVIDESDS STOCK ISTESTHBSTS” Price Zs. fv/. •‘The shrewdest market operator may pickups few wrinkles Irom perusal of Profits v, ‘ ‘PROFITS N v ON STOCK EXCHANGE INVESTMENTS.' Price 2s. ••The book is worth having, even members of the Slock Exchange. The charts arc of very 1 DIVIDENDS ON'STOCK EXCHANGE INVESTMENTS.” Price 2s. txf. . conuins a (und of ...


... The third series of London sales of colon ial wool for the current year, vvh ich commenced on May 8, will close to-day. Messrs. Jacomb, Son, and Co. writeOf the 292,000 bales available only 138,000 bales have been offered, and the large quantity of 166,000 bales are held over fora futuie series. This proceeding, while improving the position for those who are ready to meet the market as it ...

No. ,021—You LXXI. TO-Nl CRT’S ENTERTAINMENTS. ROYAL OPERA, OOVKNT GARDEN. Lessees, Th* Grand Opera Syndicate ..

... LES HUGUENOTS; FRIDAY, at 8. DON GIOVANNI; TANNHAUSER; MONDAY, at 8. f'AUST. Bos-offiee open 10 UU & CRITERION THEATRE Lessee, Mr. Chaelks Wtmdrak. _„o EVENING, «t &», LADY HUNTWORTH’S EXPERIMENT, by R. Caetoil DION BOUdICAULT, MU* COMPTON, and Company. Door* open 8, QAimr THEATM Lessee snd Manager, George EvwAXsn, taVIGHT »nd EVERY EVENING, at &18 (doors open 8), THE MESSENGER BOY, James T. ...

Occasional Notes. This afternoon the Powerful is to arrive at Portsmouth. Her captain and crew will receive ..

... as Portsmouth, which is a connoisseur such matters, knows how to give to sailors who have deserved weU of their country. No less competent authonty than bir George White has testified publicly to the part played by the Naval Brigade in the defence of Ladysmith. Had it not been for the naval guns and gunners, the splendid defence of the town might have been impossible, and the expected signal ...