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... FOR WORKERS IN CROCHET. My Dear Nieces, —I v.ant to announce eomethinsj new in competitions this week. So many of us prefer to take part competitions that do not require much writing that I have decided to give great needlework competition this week, and I hope you will all set to with will and do what you can in the many long dark evenings in front of us. It will be something take up your ...

Visiting the Sultan in his Palace

... Later on I bad a more interesting experience in the shape visit to' the Sultan. as already stated, there were two rival Sultans Mouliii ul Aziz, capital was at Fez; a.nd INloulai Hafid, with his capital at Marrakesh. Tli«n were the districts controlled the chieftains, including the notorious Ilaisuli. and the Pretender. Other storm centres were cord roiled the various “kaids.’’ At the time I ...

Roll of Honour

... DEVON OFFICER AMONG THE KILLED. The following casualties are reported from the Generad Headquarters of the Expeditionary Force, under date 22nd September:— KILLED. Lieut B C Ash, Sherw ...


... FOR THE SOLDIERS. SUGGESTIONS Comforts for the soldiers there are brings to rentember that will reeult neater garments, * heels and to ...


... HOW TO KEEP A FAMILY ON SHILLINGS A WEEK. (By Miss FLORA MACDONALD.) I HOPE every one has found my menus! thoroughly satisfactory. The recipes have all been simple and the ingredients of tho everyday variety. I believe strongly in a change of diet. No one can relish mince on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, some people have. A change in food is really “Tichtsome. ,: - THIRTY small ...

FOR SUNDAY BEST. & Isn’t this a charming little design (or a better IrocH To give the nice clinging effect,

... it would need to be fashioned in a soft material, either of a dark or light shade. The sleeves are cut Magyar, and are prettily drawn in at the wrists with two rows of smocking; the same pretty honeycomb trimming gives the smart yoke effect, while the dainty little box-pieats, with the two sets of three buttons and the smart turnover cellar, edged with tiny French knots, completes the dainty ...

In SERGE & TWEED, Newest Styles, well-made and trimmed 21/- to £3-3-0. Elegance and Economy go hand hand at ..

... DEATH AT MORPETH. CAUSED BY AN ACCIDENTAL FALL. An inquest ( was held «t the Police Court Buildings. Morpeth, last Friday afternoon, into the circumstances attending the death a retired watclimaker, named Frank Harrison, aged 93 years. The inquiry was conducted bv Mr. Ch coroner lor North Northumbe Charles Pen ’Hud. Miss Wilson, residing Turk’s Head Yard, Morpeth, said that the deceased ...