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Mr. Sturdy at West Careen. (Hear, Jar.) I leave you to judge him. But when you see the Vicar, or

... judge him. But when you see the Vicar, or any other rpbonsa l aison, walking about arm in arm, w brewers' candidate, ou meta- Speaking to an attentive and large beware. ly And ith if he the be a Free Church pars y on audience on Friday evening, in the Belmont- ...


... (Rot, and applause.) If they paralysed a great business like that, which employed hundreds and thousands ot men, not to speak of other trades closely allied to it, it was obvious that there must be distress, and capital sought inveetnient OPPOSITION ...

Sur CARONA WATER PAINT has been pewee to be ens/ of the best eiSt•milsell en the Nerket

... paid rather than lose our markets; which which And there are many article,. on the tax would not be paid; this Means work. speak to workers in Tottenham and Edmonton, and I say if Tariff Reform is carried there will be a boom here. There -re tracts of ...

At Downhill. School

... School. Mr. E. V. Sturdy addressed a large and enthusiastic meeting at the Downhill, Schools, Weet Green. on Tuesday evening. Speaking on Tariff Reform, herald what was wanted was a fairer and a freer exchange. Foreign manufacturers could produce and sell ...


... men. The possibility of the Secretary being able to put men into touch with jobs should lead them to register their names. Speaking °Waiting rinks. we noticed that at a meeting of the Harringay Ratepayers Association the other day attention was called to ...


... developed some unsteadiness. Scott was net altogether free from blame in connection with the Spurs' last goal, but generally_ speak- Rig . there wkll'lttttePtesson' to Ittirfaisit him. All things considered, the Spurs were rather fortunate to hold the lead ...


... declared the resolution carried, and the meeting terminated with a vote of thanks to the speakers. At Belmont Road School Speaking to an attentive and large audience on Friday evening, in the Belmontroad Schools, Mr. E. V. Sturdy, the Unionist candidate ...

with whoa he bed always b the het of terase.—Ald. Hewett raid it was a but up to a certain

... responded. head salesman, Mr. H. J. Bouchier, nest proposed George Frankling. 651 and 853, High-road, Success to the Firm. Speaking as one of House Furnisher, Licensed Appraiser for the staff on behalf of the firm, Mr. Bouchier • Probate and other purposes; ...


... taking so serious a step, and he refneed to attend the debate in the Upper Chamber because. as he said. he did not wish to speak against his own party. The Lords want to make out that it is a very little matter to refer the Finance 'Bill to the people ...


... bring the old ere pension lie into promises. If. cloak with the mates of old age pension and the pauper disqualification. Speaking of the Nary, Mr. Momell said the Chairman at Mr. Burt's meeting at Upton-on-Severn, asked the meeting rot to be drawn away ...


... already . Mr. John Rodmonct gated in America in 1908 that they °weed an Mike in which the Government of Ireland, preen, rally speaking. was carried on. He referred to the United Irish League not Dublin plinth Perhaps Engliehmen do not know that an Irish a ...

* • .*

... countfl saying that they were murdering the women and children, and demanding • shame. ful surrender and • dishonourable peace. Speaking at Derby on December 4th, 1901. he said: There was something at stake even more than the exietenos of the Empire. end that ...