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... . To the Editor of The Illustrated Sport ing and Dramatic News. Sir, I trust that you will allow me a small space to take exception to some of the remarks in your editorial of last week. I am sure that you would not be knowingly unfair, and that these remarks must have been caused by a misreading of one of the reports of the trials. You say: It has been said that one of the hounds entered ...


... FROM BLANCHE London, June 26, 1916. Dear Cousin Now that the Military- Service Act is at last in fairly going order we really are beginning to feel the draught pretty badly in the way of shortage of men, I mean, though they have been quite unexpectedly generous in the way of exemptions, in cases of the older marrieds. Of course, for a very long time now all the fit men one knows have 4 ...

Published: Wednesday 28 June 1916
Newspaper: The Bystander
County: London, England
Type: Illustrated | Words: 2123 | Page: Page 8, 9, 10 | Tags: Illustrations  Letter 

Somewhere in Flanders: QUAND L'AMOUR MEURT

... Some/oAere in Zanders QUAND L'AMOUR MEURT My Dear Bystander McTavish had been complaining in the mess that his wife had taken up vegetable culture and that owing to the expenses incurred in this economy ruin was staring him in the face. Now if your wife only lived in Chili, interposed Buckle, who hails from that dim corner of the globe and exudes South American anecdotes on the slightest ...

Published: Wednesday 26 September 1917
Newspaper: The Bystander
County: London, England
Type: Illustrated | Words: 672 | Page: Page 12 | Tags: Illustrations  Letter 


... Somewhere in EXPLOITS DENTAL AND AERIAL BY JACK JOHNSON My Dear Bystander-- Iife holds out but few enticements at the moment, for a great tribulation has fallen upon me, and even as I write I languish beneath a series' of ruthless assignations with the military field dentist, the thought of which shakes me to the core. It started at 7 p.m., and by 8.30 I had managed to conquer my fear, and ...

Published: Wednesday 09 February 1916
Newspaper: The Bystander
County: London, England
Type: Illustrated | Words: 691 | Page: Page 20 | Tags: Illustrations  Letter 

Somewhere in Flanders: FRAGMENTS

... 1 *iiifrii'*wjT5PTiiBTffnBnMWinwrrrcg!^ 'SomeioMMSMSff&nders^ FRAGMENTS BY JACK JOHNSON My Dear Bystander Perhaps the finest and most precious product of this war is the magni ficent pluck and stoic philosophy with which the wounded accept their sufferings, and nowhere do you find these Spartan qualities more in evidence than among the ranks of the hardy lads who hail from north of the ...

Published: Wednesday 11 April 1917
Newspaper: The Bystander
County: London, England
Type: Illustrated | Words: 744 | Page: Page 27, 30 | Tags: Illustrations  Letter 


... . >r y -K-^P. V V H *CT|| E By Harry Graham. TAear George, It does not require the per- 1 spicacity or acumen of a Sherlock Holmes i to detect the fact that this is Horse-Show week. The streets are crowded with clean-shaven and somewhat stunted individuals whose elliptical nether limbs are encased in close-fitting garments which cannot possibly have been donned without i the aid of a shoe horn ...

Published: Saturday 13 June 1914
Newspaper: The Sphere
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1279 | Page: Page 25 | Tags: Letter 


... . A LETTER FROM THE SPHERE'S CORRESPONDENT WITH THE RUSSIAN ARMY. Russian Army, 3/9/17. My Dear Mr. Editor, I have not received The Sphere for some weeks. I hope that you have heard from me more regularly and frequently. Of course, I have very much news but alas I cannot tell you it Personal news I am well in spite of the very severe nerve strain of the past months. Also all is fairly well ...

Published: Saturday 27 October 1917
Newspaper: The Sphere
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 263 | Page: Page 7 | Tags: Letter 


... BYSTANDER'D EGGS: A Joke With Serious Consequence EAST ANGLIAN FARMER PROPOSES A BYSTANDER EGG SOCIETY! [When we published our jocular article entitled Bystander'd Eggs, we had no thought of the serious side oj the question. The following letter, which reaches us from an East Anglian farmer of established local reputation for direct supply, speaks for itself.] [To the Editor of The Bystander ...

Published: Wednesday 22 March 1911
Newspaper: The Bystander
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 498 | Page: Page 46 | Tags: Letter 

Whipping and the White Slave Traffic: MORE REPLIES TO DOWNWRITER

... Whipping and the White Slave Traffic MORE REPLIES TO DOWNWRITER To the Editor of The Bystander. Piccadilly, W., November 29. Sir, I have just read a rather long and involved mass of semi-sentimental verbiage by one who signs himself Downwriter. I refer, of course, to the letter appearing in the last issue of The Bystander on Whipping and the White Slave Traffic. I would like to remind ...

Published: Wednesday 11 December 1912
Newspaper: The Bystander
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 446 | Page: Page 6 | Tags: Letter 


... . To the Editor Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News. Dear Sir, In your issue of October 25th, Mr. H. A. Bryden states ib his very interesting and comprehensive article on hare-hunting that: the on'y pack of basset- hounds how left in the field is Lord North's. You may- like to know and I expect it would interest readers of the Sporting and Dramatic that the Tank Corps have a pack of ...


... ni)ge. By Bascule. correspondent writes as follows I)i:ar Sin, 1 stall be much obliged if you can find spac-c and time to answer in vour column the following At Auction , the score being love all, dealer calls one heart. The player 011 his left calls one no-trump. Dealer's partner holds Hearts Queen, 10 Diamonds Queen and two small Clubs Three small Spades King and four small. What ...