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-1,111.11 kW LAND ROMANCE

... 11s. 'Mixed Fruit, 76 lbs. 116. glare Red. Plum. 114 lbs. ditto. 169 16a Damon in 7 lint. 124 ditto 1 lb. 'lam. 38 lbs. Blackberry and Apple. 28 l b .. Balla and Gonerbeary. 32 ihr. Yellow Plum in 1 lb. 86 Onto 7 16a won% 80. Red Cnrrant. 101 Ib. . Donato ...


... to Pe., Warrantor POST. to to IN., otl. dessert Y. 70, War , IMMO Kure Ga. to es.„ color cooking N. to 7.. per i rot., blackberries, 3d. to 4d. par lb.; &masses IN. to lie. p.r pot. mars to 12s. per pot. phmm--Porobtore U. to te. Victoria In to Orleans ...

40-* -11 i

... A -tQuNa e n d dn t h. olomort 3.. to 3e. ed. to 3a.. War. err'. King Se. ed. t 0. otter coo/ring to 74. seer cwt.: blackberries. 31d. to 4)d. per 11,.• ; demereor 114. to per' not: 7 .• to 1 2 . Pr Pet; planes- Perabore 3a. N. to to, 9d., Victoria ...


... Norman. toe th er dessert 3. to r. Kortick 2.. to 3 Warmer'. Eine 4d. t 07.. dd.. other coolung 2.. to To. Mr 1 eget.; blackberries. I:d. to Id. per lb.: IS. to IS. per not: pars-Wt:- hams S. to 12.. speual A. to 14s. per pot: piums-Vittoria 6d. to 16 ...


... Id.. Worcester Y. to re.. oUser desert 3n. 3n. to 7.1.. Ramer • Eine ht. to N. ed.. other ecotone N. to 7s. nor cot.; blackberries. Ild. to 3d. or dommos 1 prune). Mo. to 235. ter Me: Pearr-Wtttiamo lb.. to 24t. +mortal to 1t commas 2. 6d. to 4 s ...


... pudding may stick sad break as eke bottom, but mob premed togatkar when earned eat. adman —Wash and theta ewe of fairly ripe blackberries. Pear over them three breekfassimpfuis of cold water. sad soak gamely until perfeotly Dolt. Mi. two heaped tablespoonfuls ...

to Y. per pot; Azar...6 sprouu, 3 . , Id. pct. cabbages '2 . to 9d. per pot, amok. ad

... Woroester Permeate Gs. 6d. to lue. 3d., other dm. sect to. 16d.. Worsir • Kina Se. 6d. to M., other' meting la. Pa.pot 36*.; blackberries.. 2W. to 2 7-Ed to. . damsons, 24a. 6d. to 211 e. per pot, grape.. Ed per lb.; pesno-spenol le. 6d. to 17. 9,1. cornices ...


... 8d to 7. dd.. lord Gramme le. 6d. to 4s, 3d. tore.. Varese. Kim is. Norman:4m 44 to 4.. Mb.r 1.. id- M a i Pe. per 1 eel blackberries. Ild to 3d. Per lb.; demo , lee per pre: pare-Wiltiame 10s. to 14e. dd nodal S. to li. 26. al. pop pot: plares-Viedoels ...


... to 7e., Worcester Paranoia Y. to IL.. other demert a. to Wat Der • Lag to Ge. ed.. other cooking 20. to Y. pm I eta.: blackberries. Id. to ltd. per lb.; pens-troligil to 154 - comuson Js. Gd. to per pot: POMe-Vietorio to ]lo., Be a le de Lemmatise Y ...


... Id. to 3d. per lb.; print. 41.O1O• sows. 16 e So 21. per Pot; evoke 2s. 6d. to 12.. Per pot: pare. M. to Its. per pot; blackberries, Id. to 1:d. per lb.; bettor, Is. to ls. 21d. per lb.: ono. Is. to 3.. 3d. per waft; told Poht/te. 14. td Is. led per couple: ...

per Mt rabbet,. Is. 1.. 6d. per pot: ditto otek,ins. dd. to 1.. 3d. per dos.: earroto. 3. dd. to

... F3:d. por lb.; tomatoes teuldeor). 1:d. per ruit:Appbe—Bleabetra 4a. to 7t.. other Laren la. toid.. ormactoa . per ICS.; blackberries. I d . to lid. per lb.; arnroa. 9d. per lb.: were , •rseetal. Ga. 3d. to ea. per pot: welagets. 211. rid. per bushel. Proem ...


... Appel-Blenheim de, ltd. to 7a. ad.. other Pipet ae. to Is.. Warnor's 24. to en. ed.. other cooking as. to do b. per I cwt.; blackberries, 11,1 to 24. lb • 78. to las.. centrism 2s. so do. per Ps: Istim.-vmton. se. to Pe. por pet: walnuts. ft. to 13.. per botheL ...